This SpazCraft event has been canceled until furthure notice.
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Game History:
REQSlaineD, SLoG, FXOtgun, coLRyze (Winner: tgun - Zerg)
asd, WhiteWolf, FXOtgun, vVvTime (Winner: WhiteWolf - Zerg)
WhiteWolf, Kalu, cSOchico, Pride (Winner: Kalu - Terran)
AGIANTSMURF, nYqFundipper, daisuki, Kalu (Winner: daisuki - Zerg)
Option, SwagniFicent, Source, Bluetea (Winner: Bluetea - Protoss)
Download Replays
YouTube: SpazCraft
Unfortunately this SpazCraft: Spaz FFA has been cancelled until further notice. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact SpazCraft at
Sorry for the inconvenience.