On Thursday, Feb 24 7:00am GMT (GMT+00:00) there will be a Starcraft 2 tournament open to those in Diamond and Master League on the North American Servers. This will be a growing tournament with the possibility for prize money in the future. There will be no prize money this tournament however finalists will be guaranteed a spot in upcoming tournaments. The signup will be first come first serve with master league players having priority over diamond league.
The tournament format is: Round of 16 --> Best of 3 Round of 8 --> Best of 3 Round of 4 --> Best of 3 Round of 2 --> Best of 5
When: Thursday, Feb 24 7:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)
Where: North America Servers
Tournament Link: www.konkuri.com/tournaments/de2c000787 We will be using Konkuri.com to run the tournament brackets but will update the winners and participants list on both Konkuri and team liquid.
Participant List: 1:Kilos(Masters) 2:Candide(Masters) 3:Spanishiwa(Masters) 4:Lang(Masters) 5:Fusor(Masters) 6:Coindrop(Masters) 7:Tqsungpa(Masters) 8:KungFu(Masters) 9:Relickey(Diamond) 10:AaRON(Masters) 11:XDice(Masters) 12: puresonance(Masters) 13: Zyrnak(Masters) 14:Kammalleri(Diamond) 15:hiMLerWISH 16: Imposta(Masters)
To become a participant respond to this thread with your Starcraft 2 name and character code. I will ask that those wishing to participate quickly make an account on Konkuri and follow the tournament so that you will be able to view updates.
To make it easier for participants to find their matches we will be meeting in the starcraft 2 channel "Bear Cup"
Games will be played at 01:00 GMT (+00:00)
Tournament delayed to Thursday the 24th and a $10 prize has been added.
Wait was this yesterday? I don't understand, it's on february 22?
On February 22 2011 08:53 theFBI wrote: Tournament delayed to Thursday the 24th and a $10 prize has been added. to above question
and is it sitll same time on thursday?
Sorry, forgot to update original post, it has been updated, tournament is the 24th which will be Thursday in the US. I have also updated knokuri.com page to list the 11 people signed up. The games will be played on Wednesday, Feb 23 3:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00) at 01:00 GMT (+00:00)
Bump, still need 5 more people for tomorrow at 01:00 GMT (+00:00).
Puresonanc 580
And I might have 4 more for you!