I know there's at least one popular thread for recommended games, and usually a poll in the proleague threads where you can vote for what games were good, and this is all great. Although I've been watching pro starcraft for several years now, I've only just recently started using these resources, and it's a really good way to get to watch the best games, without watching everything.
However, I still feel like this process of recommending games could be improved. Particularly if you don't follow the scene for a couple of weeks or longer, finding the best of the older games can be a little tricky. What's missing is mostly an overview of games.
What I'm proposing is some kind of database for the games, with match ratings included. Like the player database, but for games, so that you can filter out, say, the best TvP games of the the last month, or any given time period, based on, for example, the polls from the proleague threads. Something like an imdb top 250, except for broodwar games, how cool wouldn't that be?
I haven't put a great deal of thought to this, so I'm not sure how to best implement the idea. Maybe it would be very difficult to do, maybe it would be easy. But I'm thinking that since people are already making an effort to recommend games (which, again, I'm super grateful for - thank you everybody for making those threads and all), perhaps standardising that procedure would, after some initial work, save time in the future.
Finally, an additional thought in connexion to this idea. If we had such a database, depending on how it is implemented, one feature could be for registered users to mark their own favourite games, and perhaps more importantly (if you're absent minded like me), tick off which games you've watched and which ones you haven't. I know I would find that useful, particularly since some of my favourite games disappeared when jon747's youtube account was removed. Just the other day I re-watched the first set of Hiya vs Stork and didn't realise it until the end, when I had the weirdest dejavú... I'm also pretty sure I've missed games that I meant to watch when they were new, but never had the time for, and now can't remember which they were.
Anyway, what do you guys think about this idea? Do you think it would be helpful? How hard do you think it would be to make it happen? For what it's worth, I wouldn't mind spending some time helping out making the thing, although it was years since I made a homepage.
Everything is uploaded to Youtube. You can use Youtube features instead.
What's good and what's bad can be subjective. Some people like me may enjoy their annual fix of FBH v.s. Jaehoon while others find that Calm v.s. Kwanro grand final to be exciting. Be sure to keep an eye at the end of year on those inevitable "best game of the year" threads. Apparently that Bisu v.s. Calm game is about to win the Fomos Game of the Year Award, because, it features Bisu and Bisu wins in it.
if you make an analogy to IMDB, why not make every single match rateable? that way it doesn't matter if it's subjective, but the rating will just be an amalgamation of everyone's thoughts.
the database pages arent that commonly visited so sample size would small, making rating statistically insignificant; same with most youtube broodwar vods. the best bet continues to be the match threads under bw tourneys because of that.
On January 11 2011 02:47 Agrajag wrote: What I'm proposing is some kind of database for the games TLPD already has games and VOD links. http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/games
Ratings can't be too problematic to add?
Sure, taste is subjective, and I don't like everything that other people might like. I'm pretty fond of ZvZ games myself, although many find them boring. But there's a lot of games, and many times I've found the teamliquid polls of recommended games quite informative. Chances are if 95 out of 100 people recommend a game, it's at least worth watching. As an analogy, I don't like all the movies on imdb's top 250 either, but if they're on that list, they tend to be well above average.
@Sunman, yes, that was the idea. A list of all the games, and a way to rate them. Preferably some way to filter the games in different ways. Since people are already rating most proleague games, maybe those polls could be used somehow. Maybe that's not technically feasible though, I don't know.
Yes, that's perfect! Add a rating system, say from 1 to 5, a way to vote, and filter after those votes.
How about adding tags? There could be standard tags like "hilarious", "fail", "domination", "intense", etc that people can use to vote for as well.
I feel like that would help give recommendations a more subjective feel to them than just a star rating. Using both would really give people a sense of what each game is about.
The analogy to imdb would be nice i think.
Croatia9479 Posts
This is actually a pretty good idea, but since you're requesting adding features to TLPD, I think you should post it in TLPD Feedback Thread where PoP could read it (or just PM this thread to him).
But if such feature would be indeed added to TLPD, there's a problem that xarthaz brought up, which is that sample size would be too small, so rating would be statistically insignificant. This is especially true for older games. It could potentially work for newer games if, for example, link to every game in TLPD was posted in OP of Live Report thread urging people to vote for every game.
So I still think this idea has a potential and having an IMDB based rating system would indeed be pretty awesome.
Thanks for the tip, 2Pac. I made a post in the tlpd feedback thread.
Of course the idea would only work if enough people took the time to rate games they've watched. It's my impression though, that enough people already do this, at least for the games with polls in the proleague threads. If instead of those polls, we had a link to the relevant games in the tlpd, or even better, if it's possible to rate and see the results directly from the thread, I think we could get enough people to rate the games there for it to be worth while. Of course it would be mostly new games that get ratings, and maybe some old time classics. But it would still be fairly awesome, imo, and it would get better with time.
While we're brainstorming, on the topic of tags, I can imagine some kind of tag cloud would be nice. It should be possible to toggle it on and off, though, as it may contain spoilers. Not sure what the easiest implementation of such a thing would be. Maybe a "detailed voting" where you can also select any number of predefined tags like "fail", "pimpest play", "back and forth" or whatever. It would take a bit more effort to cast a "detailed vote" of course, so the chance that enough people makes such a vote might not be as great. But it could still work, I suppose. The more people that contribute by voting, the more accurate and useful it would be.
Russian Federation3329 Posts
this idea is pure awesome some old games would be lost yeah, but still if we don't start now then games today will oneday become old and unrated right??? and every once in a while we all go back to see old games and we could rate them then... then really old games that were lackluster wouldn't be suggested at all and then we'd be able to see old games that really were awesome
Those all are ideas I've been having for ages for the TLPD (especially the tag system).
Will try and finally implement them someday...