Hey guys. Inspiried by this post i decided to create a little utility for myself. Its called Production Optimizer and basically what it does is that it shows you the amount of income per minute (the number you see when seeing income in a replay) of gas and mineral to mantain a steady production of those units.
Upon searching the forums i was surprised to see that some people already made some stuff similar so you can think of this as a different port of the utility. I did this for myself but now that i see other posting their stuff, i thought i would share it with you. Its made in java so no worries for mac users!
Program description
Right now is pretty basic AND only contains data for the terran race.
The basic idea is to check if a certain build order and later unit production is even factible, and to know how many excess minerals you have etc...
Using the spent resources plus the information on this thread you can accurately make your own optimal combinations.
Like i said, it doesnt have many fancy features (percentages, buildings needed etc) but i plan on adding more stuff on the future. Plus, the interface is horrible but it works haha. Its kinda intuitive tho.
I am going to add the info found on the topic to the program, but obviously i need permission from the OP (which i havent asked for).
Starcraft data (aka where You can Help)
I would really apreciate if someone could take a few minutes and fill the Zerg and Protoss data as well on the attached .xml file. Its a tedious task but wont take you more than 15 minutes lol (i really dont want to do it

You can follow the template from the terran information.
Its pretty easy, its a .xml file. (Extended Markup Language, just think of it as a .txt with info)
My intention was to make a .xml with ALL the starcraft data from all the units and buildings and organize them into a nice little .xml file so developers can use it for new tools and such. I soon found out its a titanic task so i wont do it heh. Maybe its done already, couldnt find on google. If you want to help please do!
I got the info for terran from this source:
The program:
[url blocked]
If you think of any features that you want to add or any kind of suggestions please post in the thread.
Also, if you think of information that should be added on the .xml file (or if you know xml, new tags for the units and buildings) please discuss in the forum.