Hey TeamLiquid! I'm a part of the Canadian Cancer Society Student's Group at the University of Alberta, and we're holding a Starcraft 2 tournament as a fundraiser for cancer research. I don't have a pretty banner yet, but I'll be updating this thread as more specifics are fleshed out. Here's the meat of what you need to know!
When: January 15th (1:30PM to finishing pools) and January 16th (1:30PM to finishing brackets) Where: University of Alberta Campus - Engineering Teaching and Learning Complex (ETLC). Here is a map of ETLC on campus. http://www.campusmap.ualberta.ca/index.cfm?campus=1§or=1&feature=11 We will have signs on the day of so that people can find the place, and if you use Google Maps you can also find the directions. Why: To raise money for cancer research!
Tournament Format: Pools into Brackets (think Day9's King of the Beta tournament). Players per pool will be adjusted based on the number of participants. Pool stage will occur on Saturday, January 15th, while Brackets will occur on Sunday, January 16th.
Every series will be BO3. Each series will begin on Xel'naga Caverns. The loser will pick the next map out of the map pool: Steppes of War Delta Quadrant Lost Temple Xel'naga Caverns Metalopolis Shakuras Plateau Jungle Basin. The Semifinals will be a BO5, with the Finals being BO7.
Because some people have confirmed that they're unable to attend, the current number of players coming would actually allow us to play BO3s all day, so...yay!
Entry Fee: 10 dollars PRIZES 1st: RAZER SPECTRE GAMING MOUSE :D 2nd: Sony Noise-Cancelling Foldable Headphones 3rd: SteelSeries StarCraft II Marauder Mousepad GSL SEASON 4 Tickets for Top 4 players
Lastly, our tournament isn't restricted to University of Alberta students only! We'd like people from all over the city to show up! So if you're in not in the University, feel free to show up anyway :D. And if you're not playing, come and spectate - on Sunday we'll be projecting all the games from the Round of 8 and onwards.
If you are interested in participating, please send me a PM on TeamLiquid or send an e-mail to desheng@ualberta.ca with your Battle.net ID and Character Code. If you have any other questions, just post below and I'll answer it if I can, and if it's super important I'll toss it in this post.
Spots Remaining: 17 <- a big drop Thanks TL!
Hey Izukue! i am so down for a tourney at the U of A! I was wondering if i could also cast the games and place em on youtube or something? Even if i get knocked out, i would love to help in any way i can! ^_^
Sounds good! Come to Deadmonton! :D
gogogo good luck with your fundraiser!
GL guys.
Oh how convenient, I live on U of A residence lolz.
I will probably attend (not 100% sure at the moment), though I'm a lowly gold player and haven't really played much since semester started in September, and no tournament experience at all.
I'm wondering though, will the computers/other hardware be supplied? These days I play on a laptop and it really sucks with such a small screen. And unless there's some good computers that I don't know about, the ETLC ones shouldn't be able to handle SC2...
Sadly, the University doesn't allow us to install games onto their systems . Which is totally lame since they actually have some computers will good enough hardware to run the game. That said, we're going to be relying heavily on people who volunteer to "donate" their laptops for us. We have enough laptops to run the tournament at the moment, but if people bring their own we'd be really thankful, as that would speed up Day 1 significantly. As for keyboards and mice, I think we'll have those ready for those who don't want to use the stuff on the laptops.
Also, having no tournament experience is fine, that's likely the case for all of us . Remember to just have fun, so it's okay :D.
I just played ~6 hours, aced my 4v4 placements and got a few 1v1's in. Not too bad for 3 months break . Will more likely participate now, lol (though, also assuming enough people come). Would you be advertising this around the billboards on school? I'm sure if you talked to the Engineering Student Society about the purpose of the tourny, they'd be more than willing to give some space.
Perhaps if it's possible, would the uni be able to lend monitors? That'd make me more than happy. I could possibly volunteer my laptop, but I'd do that under the condition that an external keyboard be used (though, the keyboard laptop is very difficult to use anyway).
I have two questions.
How are you going to be connecting to the internet in etlc? And purely out of curiosity, which organization is the raised money going to?
I'm definitely interested in attending.
i'll participate to represent the gold league! (will pm when i know i can attend for sure)
could you keep us up to date as the spots get filled?
@ShangMing As soon as we get a poster-picture kind-of thing set up, we'll spam it all over the campus. I'll send an e-mail to the University asking about the monitors situation. If we could use the monitors we could probably use the keyboards and mouses too, as we're only using the peripherals and not the actual system itself.
We're going to be using the internet in ETLC, yes. If the connection is somehow notorious for being horrible, is there a better place on campus? It'd be awesome if we could pinpoint it before I book ETLC this Wednesday. To answer your second question, the organization is the Canadian Cancer Society.
@splints Awesome . Yea, I'll keep the post updated as the spots close.
Thanks everybody for your support and interest! :D
great project. Would like to come but im too far away :/ Good luck anyway!
edit: If I have some free minutes/hours next week I can create a banner.. I will send it you via PM (for free of course).
Great idea. You could try getting some local sponsorship by saying it's for a good cause, some advertising at uni on flyers and posters, will draw a crowd etc. Hope it turns out well :D
If you need, I can make some prototype posters/ads as well, though it would have to wait until after exams on 20th.
Also, from my experience, the wireless internet at ETLC is pretty good, and fast as well. I'm not entirely sure about the stability since I haven't SC2'ed on them, but I have downloaded many gigabytes of stuff at a time on wireless (yes, overused bandwidth limit for students, lol).
The wired connection in ETLC is hella fast. You might want to talk to the AICT guys to make sure they're ok with the event, but I can't see them saying no!
And yes, please get some posters designed. I'm involved heavily with the campus greek community, and I know tons of people (in the system) that play, so I can advertise tons.
Anything that the community contributes is awesome and will be appreciated Even if we don't use it this time we'd probably use it for future tournaments. We're allowed to use the internet, just not the computer towers . And yea, advertise like crazy, it'd be awesome if we could get 64 people to show up :D.
Psh who needs prizes, just refund winner's gas money! Playing games for a good cause is pretty awesome :D
So happy people are interested! :D