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FBH: Thank you everyone
Q: Feelings on first win of the season?
A: Today’s match felt like my debut, I was happy to have won.
Q: What do you think of the your game today?
A: I am not satisfied with myself, I was very nervous during my game, didn’t make enough SCVs. I am very mad at myself. But the result was what I wanted so I feel fortunate.
Q: Your condition was very low before joining the team.
A: I had too many thoughts, too many things on my mind to participate in matches. I feel grateful to everyone after joining ACE, less thoughts on my mind. I can concentrate on practice now.
Q: You debuted for ACE relatively quick for your short time in the team.
A: I was quick to accommodate myself into the team, knowing I was going to play today I thought I must take this opportunity. Today’s match was more on finding my game sense.
Q: Is there less pressure playing with a 1:0 lead?
A: Yes, that’s why I was comfortable playing.
Q: This season’s goal?
A: I want to show everyone that ACE is very strong; I hope to achieve first 100 win in SPL history.
Q: Any last words?
A: Thank you everyone.
![[image loading]](http://i51.tinypic.com/2dw9ohh.jpg)
ggaemo: Very happy to have this many chances to play
Q: You have 2 wins this season already.
A: I only had 2 wins in a whole season when I was on Hwaseung. I can’t believe I took 2 wins this quickly. This feeling is great.
Q: Hwaseung has Killer and Jaedong, not a lot of chances to play.
A: That is part of the reason, but my strength was the real problem. Now that I found my confidence, I am also practicing very hard. I think I can achieve more than before.
Q: Losing air superiority the first time, you were in big trouble.
A: My build didn’t work; put me at a big disadvantage. But from that moment I concentrated hard looking for ways turn the game around.
Q: You have more chances to play after joining ACE?
A: Hwaseung has Jaedong, the best zerg, so it’s hard to get a chance to play. But ACE gives me lots of opportunities, thank you ACE.
Q: You condition improved a lot.
A: I’m determined to do well after joining ACE, now I am working very hard. The atmosphere in ACE is very good; it helps me a lot, especially the veterans who have huge influences on me.
Q: Is it difficult practicing while in the Air Force?
A: I am a new recruit, it is difficult. But we’re all professionals [not sure what this part means], as long as I follow new recruit rules, it’s all good.
Q: This season’s goal?
A: I feel that I can achieve better results than before. I want people to see that I’m even better now on ACE; my biggest goal is to get a ACE into the playoffs.
Q: You are the MVP for today.
A: Since becoming a progamer, this is my first time getting MVP. I am really excited.
Q: Any last words?
A: Thank you for your support my Air Force leaders.
Much, M18M: Confidence in playoffs [I don’t know what is晋级]
Q: Feelings on first win of the season?
A: Much-It’s been a long time since the last winner’s interview. I hope to have more chances.
M18M-I normally practice with Jaehoon a lot, I thought it was difficult, happy to have won.
Q: ACE took the first win of the season very quickly
A: Much-The 2 losses were very regretful. We are very strong this season, but lost twice in a row. I’m grateful to get our first win today, if we keep up our condition I believe we will forget about ACE in the past.
Q: Last match you lost your lead.
A: Much-We often throw our lead because we got nervous. This time we were able to control our nerve.
Q: Your condition is much better after joining the team.
A: M18M-Having chances to play is the key. I didn’t have many chances in Khan, it affected my condition. But ACE allows me to perform. Now I can give spectacular matches.
Q: Protoss is doing well.
A: Much-Even though 2 teammates already left, we still have new teammates joining; it improves our strength very much.
M18M-It’s because Much is doing well. I am learning more about the army from Much.
Q: How do new teammates influence you?
A: Much-Our average age dropped a lot after accepting many new recruits, our desire is stronger, passion is also higher.
Q: This season’s goal?
A: Much-I think we can get into playoffs. We are a deeper team than last year, now our situation is great.
M18M-I hope I can achieve a combined 100 wins in SPL and individual league before leaving ACE
Much-I won’t let him leave if he doesn’t achieve 100 wins (lol).
Q: Any last words?
A: Much-Air Force captain called and congratulated us after our win. I am thankful for their support; we will give good results to repay him (laugh).
M18M-I will work even harder.