I don't know if any of you heard of this show. This show is basically the hosts (mostly former progamers) and progamers invited to the show as guests have interview and play games against random people on Battle.net.
9.10.2010 성춘쇼
They are saying how can they be so bad when their job is progaming and make fun of them. Obviously they are intentionally doing bad for fun.
For example, It is fun to see those once great progamers getting owned by non professional 15 year old SC player.
On October 22 2010 07:21 Seide wrote: so its like korean Team Liquid Attack? awesome. Speaking off, Team Liquid Attack where are you!? I want to see my show of a lifetime. Teeler fighting!
well team liquid attack was based off the original bnet attack which had progamers play against randoms on battlenet.
On October 22 2010 10:20 Milkis wrote: I keep up with this show, and I love it more and more every time I watch it. It's hilarious to watch them be so masochistic.
This episode was particularly funny since Sea spent half the time with a leg cramp so he was just crying half the time.
The show is different from bnetattack. The idea is that there is an "Avatar" and a "Controller", and the Controller issues command to the Avatar and the Avatar must go with it. Sea controls Hyun in the first game, and one of the commentators controls Sea in the second game. This leads to more lulzy games overall. The premise of the show is that audience sends in a request to beat someone for them, and that this avatar-controller combo takes on this someone. They lose a lot.
there was i love star and bnet attack, and then teamliquid attack was based off of these ogn had one of them, and mbc had the other different hosts of course, now both shows are down and teamliquid attack was scrapped along came teamliquid arena (TL-Arena), which replaced teamliquid attack (TLA)
nobody knows this thread? http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=65772 has all of the old i love star and bnet attack ones with all of the progamers who were invited to do it - on a side note, i remember this one incident where nal_ra smurfed yellow and won, and yellow defended himself by saying he couldnt play his best due to having to talk during game - theres also the sexsexpussyhair /dnd fail incident which is like the "fuck yeah nony ---- that ------ idra right in his nerd --- shoutout to gerber baby food" incident in tsl2
There is also "Infinity Challenge" (direct translation of 스타무한도전) from MBC Game. This show was once introduced in TL community before as seen in http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=99340 (video in the thread is no longer available though.) ------------------- This is just a fragment of the episode:
Warning: Their laughters and screams may hurt your ears,
Look at how all they sit next to them and play use map setting games altogether. This show was really entertaining.