Just ran across a really interesting read. There are some ants that detonate and release a chemical substance that immobilizes and kills other ants nearby. Picture included in the link.
There doesn't seem to be too much information on the topic. There are some papers in peer reviewed journals for those who are really interested.
I've always found these sorts of things very interesting. Nature never ceases to amaze me and some evolutionary traits are awesome, especially those found on insects. Ants are particularly amazing. They're capable of a wide variety of incredible feats (I remember reading about ants that form some sort of raft to cross water to name one) for such a small insect Things like this make me wish I could fit entomology into my school schedule... damn you timetable.
But yes, banelings are very real!
One step closer to the elimination of the terran race on earth
Yeah, like bombadier beatles, these particular ants native to southeast Asia mix two chemicals together and explode in a shower of burning acidic goo. Not much too it really, it tears itself open and mixes the two chemicals and boom.
There's also another species of ant that does not produce workers, only warriors. It gets workers by raiding the nests of other ants and stealing their young.
that is amazing! the other day that stealth bomber from the UK was unveiled (like a banshee kind of) and now a baneling. just wait for Zealots or DTs. Then we are truly screwed.
Wow! That's amazing! What an awesome find.
Pretty amazing. I can only wonder how many other ants they can take out in one splash. Would be awesome if they were capable of rolling around too.
Hah this is awesome! I love seeing comparable life from sc in irl n_n
Huh, now for real life centrifugal hooks. Do they also do extra damage to ant hills?
On July 14 2010 10:59 rockon1215 wrote: One step closer to the elimination of the terran race on earth I like to think of starship troopers rather then brood war.
1: Make TL the best SC site 2: Turn real life into SC 3. TL becomes the best site in the world!
On July 14 2010 11:15 SonuvBob wrote: 1: Make TL the best SC site 2: Turn real life into SC 3. TL becomes the best site in the world!
Step 2 is well under way it seems.
On July 14 2010 11:00 Antisocialmunky wrote: Yeah, like bombadier beatles, these particular ants native to southeast Asia mix two chemicals together and explode in a shower of burning acidic goo. Not much too it really, it tears itself open and mixes the two chemicals and boom.
There's also another species of ant that does not produce workers, only warriors. It gets workers by raiding the nests of other ants and stealing their young.
Mass DA into probe steal ftw~
lolololol i think these won't bust depot/barracks wall terran should be fine
dammit, they're gonna blow up my wall in!
I'll be damned if that doesn't look like a baneling:|
i really wanna get the book "adventures among ants."
can anyone else that knows more about interesting ants fact post :D.
sick timing thread. in related to TL news.
The "ants that form some sort of raft to cross water" referenced in the OP actually live in the Southeast United States (I forget what they're called), and they build their hives in such a way that if there is a flood the entire hive floats and protects the queen. Really awesome.