Streams:not live - check their accounts for vods
Rise's Coverage also see Rise's youtube page
Vyanta's Coverage
Arlock's Coverage
Liquid`Nony's Coverage
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Triple Strike Team Cup 3
Prizes: None

Winner's League Format:
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each team will send out a single player to start (the starter). These two players will duke it out in a heads up 1v1 match. The winner will stay in, and the losing team will have to send a new player to face him. Each player has "one life" and can't be sent out again after losing. Once all of a team's players have been eliminated, they lose. A special phase "All Kill" is when one player defeats every member of the other team
Example Match of Winner's League Format:
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Example Match of Winner's League Format:
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Preliminary Match Rules
Preliminary Matchups:+ Show Spoiler +
Excessive Gaming vs Team Goatrope
Theoretically Hypothetical vs Cute & Friendly
Team Titan Gaming vs MAKE IT RAIN
Team inflow vs Team Funtastic
Team KoD vs Team SC2K
vT Gaming 3 vs Team HardKor
Team Assembly redailing vs Team Lockdown
FnaticMSI vs 816 455 8008135
Theoretically Hypothetical vs Cute & Friendly
Team Titan Gaming vs MAKE IT RAIN
Team inflow vs Team Funtastic
Team KoD vs Team SC2K
vT Gaming 3 vs Team HardKor
Team Assembly redailing vs Team Lockdown
FnaticMSI vs 816 455 8008135
Team Quebec
Root Gaming
Don't Bother Showing up
vT Gaming
vT Gaming 2
Team EG
Green Tea
Team Arc
Root Gaming
Don't Bother Showing up
vT Gaming
vT Gaming 2
Team EG
Green Tea
Team Arc
Liquipedia page
Triple Strike Team Cup

Featured Teams:
Root Gaming
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Team Quebec
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Team EG
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Green Tea
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Team KoD
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Team FnaticMSI
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vT Gaming
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Teams Registered:
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Team Titan Gaming
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Team Lockdown
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vT Gaming 2
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vT Gaming 3
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Theoretically Hypothetical
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Excessive Gaming
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team inflow
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Team HardKor
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Team Arc
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Team Funtastic
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Team Goatrope
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Cute & Friendly
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Don't Bother Showing Up
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Team Assembly Redialing
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Team SC2K
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816 455 8008135
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Map Order:
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Game 1: Steppes of War
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Game: 2 Metalopolis
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Game 3: Scrap Station
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Game 4: Lost Temple
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Game 5: Steppes of War
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Finals Only|Game 6: Kulas Ravine
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Finals Only | Game 7: Lost Temple
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Please respect the organizers, by giving forewarning of any changes or inabilities of players/teams to participate.
All players must have an account on the North American SC2 servers
Please be able to somewhat compete with the top players in NA, there are only so many teams we can cover and it's a lot of work, so please only enter if you are serious about competing.
All players must have an account on the North American SC2 servers
Please be able to somewhat compete with the top players in NA, there are only so many teams we can cover and it's a lot of work, so please only enter if you are serious about competing.
To Register:
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Submit your SC2 account info and teammates information in the following format:
Team Name: Finger boomers
Starter: Poker.Liquid 1800 platinum Zerg
Teammate: MaeJae.yoOn 2600 platinum zerg
teammate: Monkey.Milk 2100 platinum Terran
Changes to who you wish to be starter, team composition, or races played can be made as long as it is done in a timely manner before tournament Start. Don't expect to replace every player a minute before the tournament starts. Note: Registering does not guarantee a spot in the brackets
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Subject to change
There will be preliminary match for some teams to gain a spot in the brackets to play on the streamed portion. This match will have to take place in advance of the tournament and be done in a timely manner. You will be in charge of getting with the other team to schedule and play this match. Report your results to me through a PM or posting the thread.
Starters can be changed in the semifinals and finals, through blind choice sent to admins before the match starts.
Each player must stick with the same race (or random) race picking will be allowed. Also team composition can not change after the Start of the tournament (can't swap players around). If a player can not stay throughout, his absence will be counted as an instant loss whenever he would have played, and you will have to play 2 lives versus 3 lives (or in the case of 2 absences, with 1 life vrs 3 lives).
You must allow streaming of your match if it is asked and has not started yet.
In the event of a drop or disconnect: It will be based on review of replays by admin if both teams can not agree on a fair outcome. Only in the case of a clear definite advantage will a Win be awarded, or in the case it seems clearly intentional.
In the event of a player dropping multiple times and holding up completion, he can be disqualified from the tournament. This is due to the instability of his internet and will only be done on at earliest his 3rd drop in the tournament, and up to the discretion of the admin. This basically means if you are disconnecting every 10 minutes, expect to get DQed so the tournament can be completed in a reasonable time frame.
Non-streamed games can have observers if both teams agree to allow observers. So if one team doesn't want observers, you will have to respect their wishes and not observe your teammate's games.
b]Rule for the finals ONLY
[i]This is to make the finals more epic, and to make it a best of 7 instead of best of 5.
At the end of the normal best of 5, when one team has been defeated. They may send out one of the previously defeated players. This is their last hope, and once he loses, they have lost. If he continues to defeat the remaining players of the enemy team, they may also send out one last player that was previously defeated for game 7.
This creates a best of 7, essentially 3 (+ 1) lives for each team.
Stork vs Bisu
JangBi vs Bisu
FBH vs Bisu
Jangbi vs Bisu (Jangbi is The "Last Hope" for his team)
Jangbi vs fantasy
Jangbi vs iloveoov
JangBi vs Bisu (Bisu is the "Last Hope" for his team)
SKT1 Wins
Free Agents:
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If you are looking for a team, Just post your SC2 Account information (, rating and league, race), and I will list you here, from here contact each other and form teams.
Interview with LzGamer, member of Team EG and part of
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Where did your name come from and what is the deep meaning behind it?
Long time ago in a galaxy far far away I was a newb. I Played Fastest maps on east with real life friends for years.
I never heard of or thought competitive gaming in scbw was even around. During these dark days I used the ID: LordZerg .. So then one day I finally noticed non$ maps was where the competition was at, so I switched and months down the road of me Learning a brand new game (it felt like) my account "LordZerg" got stolen on US EAST server in like beginning of 2005. So I changed my name to LzGaMeR so I would still feel like I would have a part of what use to define my ID. Even though it never actually stood for "LordZergGaMeR" it was just a reminder to where it all begain that breezy summer morning in scbw.
You stream frequently on, how does it feel playing Starcraft 2 with hundreds of people watching? Does it motivate you more or make the losses feel worse?
Hah a little bit of both.. I try to come up with really entertaining builds and off the wall stuff to give people a good show!
How do you feel about Fredz.Quebec saying Team Quebec will beat Team EG this tournament?
*BEEP* *BEEP* Hear that Quebec?? Your about to get Trucked~
What was the reason behind switching from starter? Last tournament you had 2 all kills in the starting position, even against strong teams like Cauthonluck's team, FauxFox.
We decided as a team that in each team tournament we would take turns in different positions in the lineup. So this week i'm batting cleanup!
What is different about playing in a winner's league style team cup versus individual tournaments?
I love the winner's league style for the fact it allows for the all-kill or reverse all-kill. It just add's so much more depth to competition
Are there any teams in the field of 24, that you are worried about facing?
Is Machine still bad?
he got good! shocking huh?
Who is your favorite korean Starcraft pro gamer?
JulyZerg Chubby cheeks fighting!!~
Favorite SC2 unit?
Previous Tournament
HDstarcraft and HuskyStarcraft VODs of Team Quebec vrs Team Root in the finals of TST Cup 2