![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/SilverskY/BetaCoverageWK2.jpg)
Globe-in-space designed by Silversky!
Liquipedia II has launched! Find it here:
When the original Liquipedia was launched, Starcraft had been around for more than a decade. Much of the knowledge of the game was all but complete. This time, it's all different. Definite information about this game is sparse. We have stiff competition, it's not only us who strive to be the most valuable, the most complete resource on Starcraft II. It's us vs. them.
We therefore invite you to take a short tour through our new property, and we ask for your dedication and willpower to make it work. Teamliquid lives through its users, and together, we will make this new wiki great. The whole staff of Liquipedia is ready and dedicated to making the best out of your contributions. Don't hesitate to ask - we're here.
The tour begins, to:
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/skins/liquipediatwo/tl_logo.png)
1. Two wikis as one
We chose to open a completely new namespace for the new wiki. This prevents unneeded overlaps,so you don't have to dig through Boxer's entire SC1 career in order to find his SC2 accomplishments.
The most important feature is linking between the wikis. It is as simple as entering:
Instance 1 will link to Liquipedia I. Instance 2 to Liquipedia II. It's this easy. Our thanks go to MasterofChaos for the technical support.
+ Show Spoiler [Hint] +
[wiki2]Liquibition[/wiki2](Thanks PoP!)
2. A complete redesign
+ Show Spoiler [An Impression ...] +
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Aesop/Liquipedia/teaser.png)
Denotate designed this
I cannot describe how thankful I am to have such skilled graphical artists as those at Teamliquid. Denotate made us a new skin in the shortest possible time, while ZeroCartin did not make just a single new logo, but six to select from - and trust me, the decision was abysmally hard.
3. Units and Maps
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/8/8b/Infestor.png/180px-Infestor.png)
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/8/8d/Siege_Tank.png/180px-Siege_Tank.png)
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/b/b7/Archon.png/180px-Archon.png)
As common in Liquipedia I, we have pages outlining the statistics, upgrades, and general use of all units. In a similar fashion, we are listing all maps, adding the layout and pointing out vital spots. http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Units and http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Maps are something to work on right now, and I strongly encourage everyone to start there. Flicky, Mystlord, Plexa, Mrmin123, TheFallofTroy, Imperator and Carnac have done a great job at getting us started there.
4. Leagues and Players
It hasn't been long since the first tournaments have been played and/or announced, but they already found their way into our wiki space. We have the ESL tournaments, the

5. Strategy
Keeping track of http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Strategy besides the almighty http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Zatic_Build will be the most trouble for us all. We ask you to be as conservative as possible, only to insert sure information and not to add any new build that surfaces. Do use the discussion pages extensively so that we know why what was changed. More info can be found on the Strategy Guidelines page.
See you on the Wiki!
The Liquipedia Staff 

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PM a Liquipedia Staff Member: Aesop, Pholon, Imperator, mikeymoo, GHOSTCLAW, cgrinker, Ver, Mystlord