The rules of this forum are pretty similar as for the legacy Broodwar Strategy forum. Please remember:
Be respectful
There’s more than one way to tell someone they are wrong. Be respectful and disprove their ideas – do not attack the poster.
Let us know if you don't know what you are talking about
This is still a beta so there is a lot of room for speculation and experimenting. However, please make it clear that the ideas you’re bringing up aren’t standard and that you’re inexperienced in the area.
If you aren’t experienced in an area, do not give advice. Let me reiterate this for the SC2 Beta: If you are not experienced, especially if you haven't even played the beta yet, DO NOT GIVE ADVICE. You may cite or link to other peolpe's advice, but don't make up anything, or don't give advice on outdated build you played at Blizzcon. You can ask questions, stimulate discussion, bring up counter points, but your role is not to directly give advice.
Have a look at what is already there
Use the search function -
If you are searching for something basic, chances are we’ve talked about it several times. Put in some effort using the search function with a few different searches. For example, when wondering about Mutalisk openings, it would make sense to search for “Muta”, “Mutas”, “Mutalisk”, and “Mutalisks”. Remember that you can use Google search for common phrases.
If it’s clear that you didn’t use the search function or recommended threads before you opened a new post, your thread will simply be closed. If you do this repeatedly, you will be given a ban from the strategy forum.
Keep the forum clean
The goal of this forum is to get advice to those who want it. No one is going to kill you for a funny, slightly off-topic remark, but please keep it to a minimum. We will delete spam. Repeated offenders will be given a warning, and then eventually banned from the strategy section.
Don't reply in bad threads
If it's clear the original poster hasn't put any effort into his thread, don't reply. This encourages people to follow the correct format and put effort in their threads. The thread will be closed anyways, so you need not reply.
Bump old threads
If you have a question (or an important comment) that relates to the original post, then bump away! We want to keep similar advice grouped together to make searching quicker. That being said, if you bump an old thread with “Everyone should read this!” expect to be banned from the strategy section.
If you do not follow these guidelines when asking for help, your thread will be immediately closed.
Original Post
(1) Thread Title
If you are asking for help, please start your thread with [H]. Make the title fairly descriptive and concise. Help threads will require replays attached, so there is no need anymore to put [Rep] at the end of your title.
(2) Post a replay of you
After describing the problem you’re having, attach a replay (preferably a game you lost, but not necessarily) illustrating the trouble you're having.
(3) Analysis (IMPORTANT)
This is where a lot of threads are going to be closed. Give your own analysis of why you lost. It might be wrong, but try your best. It doesn’t have to be long, a few point form lines is enough to give people a starting point to give you advice.
(4) Replies
You came here looking for help, so be respectful of the opinions people give you. If you disagree with a reply, cite examples or give some sort of analysis supporting why you disagree. If you engage in fruitless arguments with people trying to help you, your thread will be closed and you may be banned from the strategy section.
(5) Questions (Optional)
Asking any sort of specific question always makes it easier for the people giving advice to help you. It is encouraged.
If you don’t have experience with the original poster’s problem, this is not the thread for you. “What did I do wrong” threads are not the place to ask questions or present new ideas. Don’t post in these at all.
Experienced players should be direct and give advice that is generally accepted as standard. Their advice should be as specific as possible, as open-ended advice (“play faster”) isn’t very helpful.
QUESTIONS (How do I beat this?) RULES
It’s important to understand the difference. “Why did I lose” refers to a specific game where you can’t find what you did wrong. “How do I beat this” refers to a particular strategy, idea, or even map that you are having trouble with.
Original Post
(1) Thread Title
I’d ask that rather than using the [H], you use a [Q]. So [H] is for specific help, [Q] is for general situational questions.
(2) Analysis (IMPORTANT)
Your thread should ask specific questions. It is better to ask many specific questions, than one vague one. An example of an unacceptable question is: “How do I beat Templar with Zerg?” Ask yourself if someone could answer your question in one sentence. If so, it’s a good question.
After this, give your own analysis of how you think the question should be answered. It might be wrong, but try your best. It doesn’t have to be long, a sentence or two should be enough to get your thoughts down. Even stating what you thought would work, and why it didn’t, is enough to avoid me closing your thread.
(3) Replay (Optional)
Posting a replay (if you have one) may be helpful if you’re asking a vague question, but for obvious questions like “How do I react to 14 CC as Protoss?” a replay won’t bring any value and is not wanted.
Be concise and stay on topic. Feel free to ask questions as they relate to the original post. If you’re inexperienced, start your post by stating that.
Original Post
(1) Thread Title
If you are posting a guide, please start the title with a [G].
(2) Your Reputation
You don’t have to post your PGT or ICCup rank to post a guide, but understand that you should be very experienced in the topic you’re writing about. If you just started using a new strategy, you don’t have enough experience to write a guide about it.
(3) Upkeep
This is your baby! I will be counting on your to keep your guide up to date. You should edit your original post to include worthy ideas that were brought up in the replies. You should answer questions that people are asking in the replies.
IDEA (Theorycraft) RULES
The "idea" category fills in the gap between "question" and "guide". Use this category when you want to start a discussion about a new (or unpopular) strategy.
Original Post
(1)Thread Title
Please use the [l] tag to denote an idea. (That's an "i" for future searching purposes)
Please make idea threads have some relevance to an actual game of Starcraft. No Queen rushes.
Idea threads will be moderated less heavily, due to their nature being highly theoretical. This doesn't mean you should attack the original poster - stay on topic and be respectful.
Use the search function and recommended threads.
[H] for help, [Q] for questions, [G] for guides, [I] for idea, no tag for everything else (I don't know what doesn't fit into these 4 categories)
Try to answer your own questions.
If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t give advice.
1. Don't put ! before your thread title
This is common sense. Even if I asked you to write a thread for the recommended threads, I add the ! when I add your thread to the list. Putting it there will either make me think it's already been added to list, or (more likely), make me angry when you write a shitty guide you expect to be added. DO NOT PUT ! BEFORE YOUR THREAD TITLE.