I decided to make this topic after I read the one about how terran/prtoss/zerg workers are mining and how scv slows down etc. So I wanted to contribute a little to the Forum by posting something that might be usefull ^_^ use view image to see something ...
"???" => these are the damage per time a unit can fire as we all know (i hope)the statistics of all units, some ones are not so relevent, for exemple a corsair does 8e dmg and an arbiter does 10e (e-xplosive) ... but obviously you have to consider the cooldown to get a true idea of a unit potential
the damage calculated is for exemple attacking a protoss shield with 0 armor (reduce the upgrade as needed to get an idea of the efficency while fighting upgraded troops)
Things to take in consideration : firebats have tremendous damage Rate but it's concusive same for ghost/vult :p
I know a decent player has a feeling of this and it is much more than requiered to play the game, but I felt it interesting to have so more precise knowledge than just "this rape this", For exemple it is clear that archons burn a base way faster than tanks. [might came in handy when in elimination course ó_ò ]
Another point is that siege tanks do almost as much damage sieged and unsieged so when "dealing" with an empty base you can just go unsieged The point in siege mode is the one-hit kill effect and the crazy range That's very often usefull but sometimes not as much as being able to move (while deal slightly less damage) :o
great winner is the reaver avec with insane armor in front i belive he will stay on the top
units not listed : transports ( heh ), pure casters, suicide minions (scourge, infested terran) and : Carriers !-(
if any one has any viable "cool down type var" to offer for it ... lastest value 1.7
For the walkiry : the unit launches [/b]8[b] waves of missiles covering a 9x9 matrix with it's fire then takes a rest : you have to multiply the damage per 8 if you want the damage outpu t during the attaque time
For the cracklings/ ultras etc.. always consider the actual number of those units in the battlefield: you'll more likely many lings than many ultras (i don't play zerg so the numbers are misty to me), more likely to have 24+ goons than 12 archons
plz report me any mistakes I made (updated DT damage, goli also)
well thats really cool but one thing you missed is stimmed marines/firebats
edit: and cracklings
nope that's why there are / between numbers for double attack units it's air then ground (scout/wraith/goliath) for units with twoo cool downs it's without then with (rines/bat/lings) glad you enjoyed
I've known this for a while. I think Carrier had a damage output of around 1.7 at full upgrades, but at the time I was testing on a full health command center, which has 1 armor. I think 1.7 would be accurate, as there are very few things with no armor that a carrier would be seen attacking. btw, notice the damage output of cracklings and ultralisks. Scary, isn't it?
A crackling and an ultralisk kill in about the same amount of time. That's scary.
heh, did u noticed Broodling's output is greater than devours? :p and DT seems really strong too.
what is the damage output a measure of?
Well, people seem to be missing an important point here. Armor value is subtracted from the damage that each attack on an unit does, and therefore a zergling won't do nearly as much damage as an ultralisk in game. Same goes for sieged tank and unsieged tank - the ladder's attacks are less powerful and therefore its damage output subject to more reduction overall.
For the same reason, you are wrong, iamke55, when you say that 1.7 output is ok for cars because you tested on cc with 1 armor - and most units will have that in game. Each of the cars' (many) attacks were subject to the armor 1 reduction, resulting in a dramaticly lesser damage output than if this was measured against an unit with 0 armor.
This is an interesting chart. But it needs some math-insight to transfer its info to useful in game statistics.
Nice job, damage vs unit production cost could be cool.
I think you could round the numbers after 2 decimals to make the table easier to read.
On June 21 2005 09:49 NonY wrote: DT get +3 per upgrade
oh my ... how am i going to play protoss again ? they're going to laugh at me ^_^
On June 21 2005 10:08 Holorin wrote:oh my ... how am i going to play protoss again ? they're going to laugh at me ^_^
we all made that mistake dont worry I used to thought they have +1 upg :>
On June 21 2005 10:20 Sorrow_eyes wrote:we all made that mistake dont worry I used to thought they have +1 upg :>
IIRC the Dark Templar heroes in vanilla had something like 45 attack and +1 for each upgrade. Maybe that's why people are confused.
yes that brought him to 48 instead of 49 now anyway they deal insane damage imo
i believe you got an accidential 3 into the goliath unupgraded field.
Nice thingy though :D
Any1 else having a hard time reading the graph TT maby im just goin blind
It's funny how drones do more damage than arbiters. :D
I don't get the "damage output" columns of the graph. Is this the damage they deal every interval (1 second?)?
Nevermind, I figured it out. It's the damage they deal divided by the cooldown. Duh. I'm slow.