First off, hello ^-^ My name is Nyla. I'm both Japanese and Korean -- I AM NOT CHINESE :[ I've grown up watching my brothers play games so naturally, I've started to love games myself. I play PC games; I first played on the PS1/PS2 when I was little, but I enjoy the convenience of playing on a computer now (I dun wanna leave my room lol). I'm not that good at all, but I think my friends are hilarious :D
Currently, the games I play are: League of Legends (achieved highest 1711 elo in S2), Left 4 Dead 2 (my first FPS game >< started 1/12/13 ima be bad plsnohate), Dota2 (I SUCK SO MUCH DICK AT THIS GAME LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW D: will work on getting better), Diablo3 (level 60 Barbarian paragon level 2, I think...........)
I quit Sc2 because I'm really bad : / If I get over my fear of losing, I will play again :D
Wanting to play (as soon as I get friends or stop being lazy or I finally get the games) :[ Planetside2 (downloaded and waiting to play with friends) Alliance of Valiant Arms (haven't had time to play it yet) Dead Space 2 (I don't have it yet :[ )
I stream basically when I want to; I don't have a set schedule. But please support me :D http://www.twitch.tv/jun808 <-- btw I'm from Oahu, Hawaii ooo:
Oh yea, BEWARE! I swear and rage a LOT :<
Nooooo not LoL, Dota 2! SC2 is bad for the wrists anyways, Dota 2 is not and it can be fun when not playing with random people in queue...
I've played only one game of Dota2 so far, lololol. I think I had 12 deaths. NOT BAD HUH :D
I need to learn the items and stuffies. My friend told me that I should be his team's support so as soon as I have time, I gotta learn how to play hehe ^^; I really want to play it ^^;;;;
this could be an awesome stream, also I'm soooo bad at LoL, I was a lot better at SC2 than I am at LoL. Play some HotS if you ever get over your fear of suck (which I think everyone here, minus the pros, has).
This stream apparently is full of bouncy bunnies. How cute~
It's Nyla!!! I shall support you!
Up the 808 State!
shit, i accidentally deleted my l4d2 streamed video :< i'm dumb gggggg
^_______^ my friend helped me solve my lagging problem ! I will be streaming a lot more often now :D hopefully with my webcam.
Ooh, but if anyone is really good with making html codes, please talk to me :c my stream bio looks like... .__. yknowww.
DotA2 is a lot of fun when you get the hang of some of the basics. I mean... I guess it depends what role you are playing but I enjoy playing support much more in DotA than in LoL.
I think my eyes have gotten used to the style of Dota2 now. But I still have to work on last hitting; I ATTACK SO SLOW! D:<
Welcome to TL btw. AoV is a terrible game I don't recommend playing it. As for people on TL people prefer to watch Brood War, SC2 or DOTA over the games you listed. TBH that fact you are a female you'll get a loyal group of followers ver much like Megumixbear.
You can try to contact megumixbear though the site or through other means by google searching her name. She plays sc2, DOTA, and LoL
Just for fun: I'm going to UH Hilo next year