Hello my name is marcus 13 year old From sweden! i usually stream 14:00 to 22:00 im na high master and eu mid master and i love playing 1v1 zerg =) Everyone is welcome to Watch my stream=) Sc 2 Profile:ATNajzmajs.336 ur welcome To contact me anytime =) http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/najzmajs or twitch.tv/najzmajs
Server:Eu,Na Na:ATnajzmajs.336 Eu ATnajzmajs.336 Fanclub on eu and na Enjoy!
You are the next Destiny.
12 year old masters player - Props dude
Hehe nice level for 12 year old, good luck !
I suddenly feel very, very old.
thx everyone for commentating =)
Gogogogogo you can do it!! .
That's awesome. You'll have years of freetime if you're this good when you're only 12, so you'll be progamer status pretty soon. Good luck and have fun dude!
Nice! but dont forget to study!
Shit vad dålig du får mig att känna mig
Gogo gg wp!!
Man, he's really mature for his age... when I was 12 I still didn't know how to operate a computer
Watched until he bragged to some random guy on ladder on the fact that he was only 12.
He uses 2 hands to hold a glass of water.
Thx for all nice comments everyone =)
On March 15 2012 21:40 tymt wrote: I suddenly feel very, very old.
this! good luck "kid" :p will tune in
Nice stream. Real chill 12 year old and awesome music too. Perhaps the future of SC2, keep it up man!
Nice stream and your league is pretty good for your age, you faced my two friends in 2v2 today and they say you bmed them called them "retards" etc, just cut down on the bm