Hey everybody, my name/battlenetID is RyanNOVA and I am a Protoss player on the North America server. I am a member of compLexity gaming.sc2 and are currently sitting around rank 1 in Masters Division... and I love to stream. I stream/cast for iccuptv as well as my own personal stream... which is primarily for entertainment. I focus on laddering while talking/conversing with viewers, and have been known to have a viewer-KOTH vs me or different challenges given to me by the viewers (such as mothership rushing a 6pooling zerg, and so on)
Hit me up anytime at coLRyan . 692 @ bnet and we can play!
Anyway onto the important part of this thread, I recently created a UStream account and will be constantly streaming my games/practices as well as I hope to start casting and commentating other games as well. The link for my stream is
Head over to www.complexitygaming.com for me and my teammates replays/replay packs 
I hope people begin to tune in and enjoy my stream!
didn't fontong and I unleash some ownage on you last night?
something like a 2v2 dual proxy reaper rush
Ryan's a good player and has always brought skill and manner wherever he's gone. Nice to see you with a stream as well ^^
Saw him play eeK yesterday on his live stream. Seemed like a solid player.
thanks everyone sunyveil i never play 2v2 so must be another Ryan
I didn't really know void rays were so strong at rushing this patch until that game, thanks =P
haha eya i did it to another terran after you... its ridicuous how strong they are!
first little stream completed, thanksto everyone who helped me get the audio/video working the best it could, had good comments from the viewers and cant wait to start it up again!
please leave advice on how to make my casting/streaming better as well as actual game advice... im always looking to learn!
On May 05 2010 00:29 ownageskynet wrote: thanks everyone sunyveil i never play 2v2 so must be another Ryan ah I see
well the guy was awful, I'd highly doubt that he'd go 35-12 in plat
and by "awful" I mean we beat him with dual proxy reapers lol
lol your game with eek was awesome. i was watching both streams at the same time. It was so funny hearing you both analyze what the other was doing cause you were both spot on.
just had alot of fun doing this, heading out for now, also if anyone wants me to analyze replays for them over livestream i'm definitly willing to do that too, instead of me just playing games over and over!
let me know what you guys think so far please!
streaming 2v2 with friend! come check us out i guarantee fun games 
also will be taking strategy/game requests from viewers as usual!
goood stream!! very consistant (when he dosent try viewers requests) player and well mannered! check it out
stream is live right now. check it out guys. He's a good player that is able to commentate on his games while playing so it's very informative. And he'll answer any questions you have in the stream.
Very nice stream. He is have good knowledge of game, talk about the game in real time to explain and well mannered.
3.5 hour stream and casting finished... all my VODs are still on my livestream site so check em out, and post back here if you wouldnt mind! helps out alot for me hope I become one of the streamers in the official TL list soon!