On March 17 2011 15:07 Zealot Lord wrote: How good is this Nightend player? Never watched him play before - but seems like a lot of people penciling him as the favorite to win? Kinda odd because even if Boxer isn't Code S material, he's still overall one of the top players in the world imo; just look at what Ace did in IEM. He's one of the best Protoss' in Europe. That's about as much I can say about him. Overall solid player, does well in all matchups. And considering BoxeR's underwhelming performance, people are giving NightEnd the benefit of the doubt and favoring him or think he has a good chance to take it.
Oh shit Fenix saying NonY is going to lose his first match?? Them's fighting words. NonY vs Fenix bo7 go go go go!
Really felt boxer put a good amount of effort into that interview. for those people claiming that "koreans don't care" or w/e, read boxer's interview =)
United States4796 Posts
Nice interview by Boxer.. Now i'm wondering which user is Boxer's gf =D
I gotta say Boxer is the pretties and the only on that banner.
Hello, everybody, I am Sen, and I am from Taiwan. I was a StarCraft 1 player, you may have seen me before. I think I am a funny and humorous guy, I sometimes use pylons and creep tumors writing my ID on the map. I like to have fun during games. Yes please.
Really liked Sen's interview! And it's cool to hear that Taiwan starting up its own league with broadcast and all that. 
Looking at the way the IEM global finals panned out with 3 sub-Code A players taking the top 3 spots, I have no doubts that a Code S player like BoxeR (yeah I know he's not Code S currently, but he will regain his spot next season NP) will absolutely demolish Nightend.
Haters gonna hate , but BoxeR gonna own.
uh, is there a place where I can find the banner for this post? (a picture or further artwork)
Love Boxer. The silver lining in him dropping down to Code A is that we'll potentially see more games of him as it is an easier tournament.
1 suplay roach lol <3
Nice intervieuws
Fenix's weakness is lategame vs Protoss. Just like every other terran.
Boxer is such a baller. That was an informative and fun interview, thanks!
Boxer takes the cake 4 the best answers. Good Luck 4 him! And for Fenix!
The interview from Boxer reads like a serenade from the most wonderful choir, I envisioned nirvana in my head as I read his answers. I hope you will impress everyone Boxer!
And of course much love to the other participants. Especially like the "I'm a lover not a fighter" line from NightEnd (of course he said something different, but that was what popped in my head lol).
Yay, more interviews These are great, also Boxer is amazing.
Yeah, awesome Boxer interview. Pretty deep answers. Sen's interview was very funny too, and Nightend seems like a cool champ. Hope he does well for sure.
For those who are not aware yet, Taiwan is the first nation in the world who has brought StarCraft 2 into Local TV, the league is broadcast every weekend, like how it is for StarCraft:Brood War in Korea. You get paid, you get to live with your mates in a team house, etc. Taiwan has already started its StarCraft 2 league beginning of March
this seems like pretty huge news o.o !!!
Boxer is awesome i hope he does well in the tsl. Also there seems to be a theme of korean players wanting to play in international tournaments so i hope that those hopes come to fruition since. :D
Sen will win, and then he'll be all liek YOU SEE? YOU SEE?
Only two more days. I don't nkow how I'm going to sleep tomorrow.