The following changes have since been removed from the Balance Test:
Carrier - Interceptor cost increased from 10 to 15.
Widow Mine - Primary target +shield bonus reduced from +35 to +20
As we've been discussing recently in the Community Feedback Updates, there are some changes we'd like to explore after seeing the results of recent balance on the ladder and in tournament events. As of today, these changes are now live on and ready to be experimented within the Testing section of Multiplayer. Check out the full changes below, and after you've had some time to test them, let us know what you think.
Widow Mine - Splash damage +shield bonus reduced from +40 to +25
Corruptor - Movement speed changed from 4.1343 to 4.725. - Acceleration speed changed from 3.675 to 4.2. - Parasite Spore weapon damage point changed from .1193 to .0446.
Hydralisk - Health increased from 80 to 90.
Bug Fixes:
Liberators in defender mode should now always be revealed when attacking enemy units Several base locations on Cactus Valley LE have been slightly re-positioned according to feedback Textures in several areas of Cactus Valley LE have been improved If you're interested in the StarCraft II Balance Team's reasoning behind these potential changes, you can check out the Community Feedback Updates as well as their most recent update announcing these specific changes.
We’d like to remind you that feedback based on playtesting is the most helpful information you can share with us at this time. We kindly ask that you spend some time playing games in the testing section before offering your thoughts on the changes listed above. We look forward to hearing your feedback and please remember that none of these changes are final.
Source: eu.battle.net
P.S: isn't the date wrong? but it is on site aswell (mods pls change title)
I believe the new Corruptors are now as fast as Overseers with speed.
On February 17 2017 02:12 eviltomahawk wrote: I believe the new Corruptors are now as fast as Overseers with speed.
They are as fast as a marine
Woohoo, now we have a have a fast flying paperweight!
Will this even change anything against airtoss? I see no one using corruptors whatsoever.
I was a bit confused with this post because of the title haha. But the Corruptors change seems good. Wonder if it'll even get through.
Hydralisk and Mine change are for the best, mines are ridiculous against chargelots (would probably be fixed if they turned them into speedlots so they can be micro'd like zerglings away from the mine shots) and Hydralisks still just aren't worth building unless your game plan is changing them to Lurkers.
Can anyone explain the attack point change to me? I want to believe this will make them somewhat better vs Skytoss and not think that this change is one of the many examples of David being clueless.
United Kingdom20274 Posts
Can anyone explain the attack point change to me?
After you tell a Corruptor to attack they stop moving and hang in the air for a while before the attack goes off. If you tell them to move again during that time period, the attack is cancelled; this is done by design to make units slower and less stutter-step-able.
This change is reducing that delay for the Corruptor so that it's more responsive and can combine moving+shooting more efficiently (moving more between shots without losing any damage, etc)
The acceleration and speed changes will also assist with that
On February 17 2017 02:26 jpg06051992 wrote: Hydralisk and Mine change are for the best, mines are ridiculous against chargelots (would probably be fixed if they turned them into speedlots so they can be micro'd like zerglings away from the mine shots) and Hydralisks still just aren't worth building unless your game plan is changing them to Lurkers.
Can anyone explain the attack point change to me? I want to believe this will make them somewhat better vs Skytoss and not think that this change is one of the many examples of David being clueless. This explains damage point in more detail http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/starcraft-2/481523-the-effects-of-damage-point-on-unit-interaction
The Corruptor's speed and responsiveness buffs are a very roundabout way to buff the unit, but Blizzard loves to have these roundabout changes for units. It'll make the unit better to micro, but it does nothing for the unit's raw power in straight-up engagements
United Kingdom20274 Posts
but it does nothing for the unit's raw power in straight-up engagements
Might get some extra shots off at the start/end of the engagement with a significant damage point change IIRC
Just do it! Blizzard is way too careful. Nobody will hate small changes like these, just put them live and then we'll see.
Use the testmap matchmaking for big patches and redesigns and at least offer some rewards for playing the test map.
How is movement speed supposed to help corruptors deal with a skytoss deathball. This will just encourage hit and run tactics, but as soon as an engagement is inevitable they will melt just as before... Another thing is that this change will further blur the difference between corruptors and mutas. Zerg already has a very fast air unit, it doesn't need one more. In my oppinion whats really needed is a way for Zerg to fight an equal Protoss air army instead of relying on gimmicky timing attacks or lategame basetrades.
The rest of the changes seem fine in my opinion.
Holly... these are not small changes. But I am an amateur, so for me it is hard to tell how this will affect the game.
Personally, I really enjoy that for once, probably for the first time since "GomTvT", Terrans are doing exceptionally well. And, also personally, I think it is what happens when you not nerf Terran race to the ground.
Hey, but it is just me, amateur from a low league
Push the changes live,it's the only way to test them
The corruptor buff looks more like a nerf against terran than vs skytoss since ling bane corruptor will be better (at chasing medivacs).
Can we get non-stacking liberator ground attack? I.e. when two liberator circles overlap, the first liberator firing into the overlapping area prevents the second liberators from firing into that area until its cooldown elapsed.
Corruptors have 200 health, 2 base armor and a bonus attack against massive air, they are good against carriers, they are weak against storm, archons and void rays, so this change is good, making corruptors more mobile helps them deal with the splash damage.
Hard to say its enough but its a big help.
dont think the corruptor change will do much versus protoss. skytoss is insane.
In all seriousness if infested terrans got ranged upgrades again that would be way more helpful versus skytoss.
i dont mean to be pessimistic but all these changes hurt mech play massively, parasitic bomb is too powerful currently as is the corruptor against the battlecruiser, and liberators are completely unbuildable against the corruptors if you go mech due to the damage nerf
if they balanced swarmhosts i see a silver lining, but they are simply flat nerfing the least used terran units (battlecruiser, widowmine, skyterran, mech) by buffing their counter the corruptor and flat nerfing widowmines that arrent buildable without bio.
between pylonrush, adept prism pickuprange, invincible nydus and parasitic bomb there isnt that much for terran to do outside going straight bio, this paints the experience of the game in a nutshell atm.
the mech viability patch failed tremendously, it made the only anti air terran had (cyclone) completely worthless at AA whilst simoultaneously buffing carrier and swarmhost, NOBODY goes mech outside tvt exept die-hard people like goody and avilo, it didnt "catch on" and all the feedback in the world confirms this.
You want to kill mech as a style dont you david kim? you think you dont need every viewer, every streamer and every tournament for sc2 not to completely fall off the map when you INCREASE the difficulty that 99% of players can allready not master and add a bunch of invincibility and harassment to the game?
i guess the game is great for korean pros...
On February 17 2017 04:20 FoxDog wrote: i dont mean to be pessimistic but all these changes hurt mech play massively, parasitic bomb is too powerful currently as is the corruptor against the battlecruiser, and liberators are completely unbuildable against the corruptors if you go mech due to the damage nerf
if they balanced swarmhosts i see a silver lining, but they are simply flat nerfing the least used terran units (battlecruiser, widowmine, skyterran, mech) by buffing their counter the corruptor and flat nerfing widowmines that arrent buildable without bio.
between pylonrush, adept prism pickuprange, invincible nydus and parasitic bomb there isnt that much for terran to do outside going straight bio, this paints the experience of the game in a nutshell atm.
the mech viability patch failed tremendously, it made the only anti air terran had (cyclone) completely worthless at AA whilst simoultaneously buffing carrier and swarmhost, NOBODY goes mech outside tvt exept die-hard people like goody and avilo, it didnt "catch on" and all the feedback in the world confirms this.
You want to kill mech as a style dont you david kim? you think you dont need every viewer, every streamer and every tournament for sc2 not to completely fall off the map when you INCREASE the difficulty that 99% of players can allready not master and add a bunch of invincibility and harassment to the game?
i guess the game is great for korean pros...
Yeah mech is shit right now, no buff to cyclone AA or nerf to SH, and 3.8 was suposed to be the mech patch.