EDIT: Poster quotes + Show Spoiler [unedited] +On December 12 2016 23:34 Ryu3600 wrote: Ehh I always thought Pro-league could be an anime haha. But if there were simpson/southpark starcraft Id watch it the second they came out with new episodes. On December 13 2016 13:33 fronkschnonk wrote: I think, the Idea of an anime about a professional korean team is really cool. Kind of what SC2VN did but not as a game. But it would be more fictional than ever now, I guess... On December 13 2016 19:11 BisuDagger wrote:There's already the rts anime game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/404480/And then there's carbot which is pretty popular too. I think as long as its cleverly written or well thought out, then it will be successful. On December 13 2016 13:52 Nakajin wrote:Damn I tough you wanted to do a starcraft parody of "serial" hahaha. I would really love a kind of meta cartoon, in witch the pro player are character in the game and it would follow the story line of the IRL tournament and create a story behind it. Would be fun and create hype around the tournament. + Show Spoiler [unrelated] +But if you ask that because you want to do it yourself it's probably not the best idea since it seems very to fuck up, depend on how much you are confident. + Show Spoiler +Because it is so awesome and you made me listen to it again, here the theme from serial for you all On December 13 2016 21:40 WhosQuany wrote:Show nested quote +On December 13 2016 03:50 IntoTheEmo wrote:Proleague could totally be one of those sports/competition shows/anime lol. Also, never forget that this exists + Show Spoiler + yeah this is so awesome On December 14 2016 00:55 Lightrush wrote: An anime in the spirit of the graphic novel game would be kewl
The answer to the tittle question is most obviously / probably "yes.. i have seen carbots and some other stuff that looks promising.."
But beyond that I wanted for tl to express its feeling about this.
Sometimes films are made out of video games sometimes out of anime.. the route to telling stories is infinite!
Here I must be clear the term "serial" in the tittle is a vital element in the question.
Would you watch short episodes regularly like the simpsons .. south park .. or mad men or dexter (or whatever you can picture as a show you have watched "religiously" when it came out on air and you happened to be subjected to it)?
The question is:
Do you think the lore + Show Spoiler +(more the feelsgoodman that you got from cinematics ("power overwhelming") or other parts of what constitutes your "liking" sc.. than the actual "built in granit" undesputable lore made into anime.. for now imagine it could be any spin off type you would want / consider watching in the first place which one is up to you!) of sc2 could generate your interest on a weekly/monthly (etc whatever the rhythm) basis in a quasi anime form (graphics would be produced ingame / from the game sc2).
If yes.. what type of spin off would get you exited?
A far out thing around everything sc2 with whatever backround just as long as it is talking about sc2?
A serious thing with sc backround humor/lore type and with a "sense of itself"
.. for what sc?
Ehh I always thought Pro-league could be an anime haha. But if there were simpson/southpark starcraft Id watch it the second they came out with new episodes.
Not of SC2 but I might watch it for SC:BW. In my opinion SC2 butchered the plot. Even if WoL wasnt terrible, it just wasnt the same level as SC1. HotS just killed it for me and I didnt even give LotV a chance.
i think rts is an anime waiting to happen.. sue me i'm old and wise.. i have what they call / refer to as the "cassandra complex syndrome" (joke)
No harm no foul to anyone not agreeing but i feel any idea warrants scrutiny before one discards it swiftly.. or not!
PLEASE keep the answers coming <3 this is a forum!!!
Does starcraft (+ Show Spoiler +not sc2 not sc1.. they are one and the same.. even if you disliked 2 or 1.. that is peripheral to the issue ) not deserve such a type of show rts is something different than other games.. the humor, the ideas, philosophies, jokes etc etc a show that talks about life (like simsons or gameofthrows or other does) within the sc franchise is achievable through the map editor (galaxy) TO ANYONE out there !!! TODAY! Make voices (write good jokes/scripts) do the action .. everything YOU can do
So i say again, it will happen.. dont shoot the messenger 
You might even get it quicker than you were thinking it possible.. maybe something you ll love or hate.. (think exacly the opposite of son of starcraft.. which is a dam good tittle ..)
It is coming AND not just from me (whatever the form it will take precisely, how it will be received (not my sh it.. rts / sc2 video/regular czrbot series on the road etc) is besides the point.. it will happen..
i'm just wondering if this will happen in lol dota sc2 .. if sc2 will hold the same torch brud war got + Show Spoiler +(did brud war get lucky?, will sc2 revive (through a good balance/ not achievable with blizzard at the helm/ and things like a tvseries that would be a substitute for state of the game.. a sub for weapon of choice if you will.. a live rts shared through peanuts (charles shultz fun movies with sc fun and glory)
if that torch means something...?
tldr: i am making such a spin off+ Show Spoiler + ps of tldr: ive been asking for tl to let me do it for them.. and same for mapmakers (to help with players helping mapmakers for instance, to help hype their showcasing of their maps etc).. same thing for streamers (to help make their casts awesome while downtime/while games r casted etc) which i have politely lobbied for 2/3 years now.. 6 on tl) but all of them and others have clearly told me that there is no interest in this! no potential.. when they answer and don't rudely ignore me.. that there is only me being me. Are they right? Tell me they are wrong?
Time to say your bid:
it's kind of difficult to follow what you are saying, but i don't think id be that interested, personally. My interest with sc is mostly with the esport aspect of it AKA watching high level games. I think the only way I would care is if the show had the level of animation that blizzard does with their trailers n stuff.
I don't want to discourage you from making your art and trying to make it succeed, but the approach you're taking will not work. You can't get people excited by asking them if they'd like you to do something. Make it, and if it's good then the people who it resonates with will be your fan base. I can't count the number of times I've seen threads like this pop up on TL and they never go anywhere - if you have art that you want to make, then make it. If it's good, it will succeed.
I think, the Idea of an anime about a professional korean team is really cool. Kind of what SC2VN did but not as a game. But it would be more fictional than ever now, I guess...
Canada8988 Posts
Damn I tough you wanted to do a starcraft parody of "serial" hahaha.
I would really love a kind of meta cartoon, in witch the pro player are character in the game and it would follow the story line of the IRL tournament and create a story behind it. Would be fun and create hype around the tournament.
But if you ask that because you want to do it yourself it's probably not the best idea since it seems very to fuck up, depend on how much you are confident.
+ Show Spoiler +
I feel like English is your second language, but yes I would watch a starcraft cartoon that comes in installments, based around the lore. I always felt like there were a lot of untouched storytelling opportunities when you focus on the more grounded life of a citizen in the sc2 universe.
Bisutopia19158 Posts
There's already the rts anime game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/404480/ And then there's carbot which is pretty popular too.
I think as long as its cleverly written or well thought out, then it will be successful.
On December 13 2016 13:07 AmericanUmlaut wrote: I don't want to discourage you from making your art and trying to make it succeed, but the approach you're taking will not work. You can't get people excited by asking them if they'd like you to do something. Make it, and if it's good then the people who it resonates with will be your fan base. I can't count the number of times I've seen threads like this pop up on TL and they never go anywhere - if you have art that you want to make, then make it. If it's good, it will succeed. Hi, you missread what this thread is about.. it must be my fault, sorry. No ill no foul though 
To be crystal clear.. i love rts/gamers/streaming possibly sc.. etc..
i'm not addicted to it!
i have decided on a project and have been telling people about it.. for years now (on tl for one .. where this thread is) not mentioning in it anywhere would be improper..
i'm not hyping anything for my project .. i am saying projects like mine .. like many things "happening" on around gaming/streaming/"content production"/rts/.. sc .. are happening or will happen or will not.
My aim is to raise awareness and shake people out of apathy.
People like the carbot cool kids.. people like the scu
.. the list will stop here ON PURPOSE (the list is long)
ARE doing stuff and
i am saying the "forum" / "the social media machine" / everyone / the people themselves are not in the loop and seem disinterested VOLUNTARILY!
i happen to proffess stuff, stuff like "people have hopes and dreams".. and i was wondering if .. like me.. some tl ers wished to share too on the subject at hand (i added (edited in) clear cut quotes at the top of the original post that clearly illustrate that not only are my english typing and brain functions still fine but that there might be as i thought a nerve in need of being touched upon.. and those answers were very nice/helpful thank you to those who made them by the way ) ..
Yes selfishly i would like to feel more support for sc2.. on tl.. on bnet .. anywhere.. and yes, support for all sorts of crazy ideas, stuff that could serve our fav pass time surviving the jungle of existence)...
Yes i could put my script in a link hidden in a spoiler and i didn't.. this is not what i see as something i would ever do...
Yes i still resent the "son of starcraft debacle"! (+ Show Spoiler +if no one does it .; i'll do that documentary.. i wont ask money ..i wont ask permission.. and once done you ll watch it.. i'll make you cry.. trust me! .. just i'm not the right person to do it.. i'm the person that is saying "if you are doing it.. hit me up .. i got your back.. whatever you need <3 do it right moffo!!! etc) but in light of this world .. i might still have to become that person nonetheless .. hope springs eternal does it not? )
Yes i am doing such a product!+ Show Spoiler + A tv series (i'm doing a pilot for it) that would make people smile like the carbot made us smile for sc2 again.. like sc was HERE AGAIN! Those examples for me were like someone saying "sc2 is here, i'm glad, and here is why: [insert whatever you like here]" Honestly if you have it in you  : DO that thread/post.. save sc2 .. for me .. for my son .. do it.. do it now! .. but i never meant it to pollute the subject .. i want to DISCUSS the issue with people interested..
.. and i am as forthcoming as i can be in my particular situation.. + Show Spoiler +by now my walls of texts on tl (even if i erased manually a lot of it over the years) should at least attest to my resilience to the mere fact of me being "different on tl" .. since i am still persisting to try to raise "awareness" after having been shot down for 6 years...
If i am called a diva.. on tl.. that is because i am seen on a stage!
.. i just want to know what people think / will type. Nothing more.
Then again+ Show Spoiler +, if what is troubling you, dear poster, is my "health" On December 13 2016 19:11 BisuDagger wrote:There's already the rts anime game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/404480/And then there's carbot which is pretty popular too. I think as long as its cleverly written or well thought out, then it will be successful. i'm covered  .. nonetheless thank you for voicing support to my "art".. anyone's art (which was really the idea for this thread.. other projects than mine thta revolve around sc sc2 .. and what mr everyone would answer to this "idea"/ prospect.
On December 13 2016 03:50 IntoTheEmo wrote:Proleague could totally be one of those sports/competition shows/anime lol. Also, never forget that this exists https://youtu.be/unMXYC8byT4 yeah this is so awesome
An anime in the spirit of the graphic novel game would be kewl
Wasn't there a manhwa about NaDa actually? 10/10 would read an SC manga of a protagonist's journey from Bronze to Plat before a 2-year timeskip and terrible plot that ensues.
Yes, a Dilbert styled one with DKim as the Pointy Haired Boss (PHB) and the balance team as the hapless workers trying to make the game balanced, playable and fun.