16.) Lilbow (lol wcs) 15.) Polt (lol wcs) 14.) Hydra (lol wcs) 13.) FanTaSy (dat series vs hyun and performace at dh) 12.) PartinG (on fire recently ) 11.) Dream (got nothing funny to say) 10.) Life (where the hell is he???) 09.) Rain (has potential to deliver) 08.) Rogue (bane drops nuff said) 07.) Zest (always a contender) 06.) Maru (always beats zest) 05.) ByuL (last years soo) 04.) Classic (ready to outperform and ruin your day) 03.) INnoVation (current gsl champ) 02.) herO (probably best player of 2015) 01.) sOs (100 000$ man)
On October 06 2015 23:27 DifuntO wrote: 1.Innovation 2.Maru 3.sOs 4.Classic 5.herO 6.Rogue 7.Life 8.Dream 9.Parting 10.Zest 11.Byul 12.Rain 13.Lilbow 14.Hydra 15.Polt 16.Fantasy
1. INnoVation 2. sOs 3. ByuL 4. Zest 5. Maru 6. herO 7. Classic 8. Life 9. Dream 10. Rogue 11. Hydra 12. FanTaSy 13. Rain 14. Polt 15. PartinG 16. Iilbow
1. herO 2. INnoVation 3. sOs 4. Rogue 5. ByuL 6. Classic 7. Rain 8. Zest 9. Maru 10. PartinG 11. Life 12. Dream 13. FanTaSy 14. Polt 15. Lilbow 15. Hydra
1. Innovation 2. herO 3. Byul 4. Maru 5. sOs 6. Rain 7. Zest 8. Classic 9. Parting 10. Dream 11. Life 12. Polt 13. Lilbow 14. Hydra 15. Roque 16. Fantasy
PartinG INnoVation Maru ByuL herO Rogue Classic sOs Zest Dream Rain Life Lilbow Hydra Fantasy Polt
You wrote Rogue twice
1. Zest 2. herO 3. INnoVation 4. Parting 5. ByuL 6. Maru 7. sOs 8. Life 9. Classic 10. Rain 11. Rogue 12. Dream 13. Lilbow 14. Hydra 15. Polt 16. Fantasy
I don't get why so many people put herO so far up. I don't mean to bash him or whatever, he is a great player for sure, but so many people put him in their top2/top3...
I haven't really followed him recently, how well has he done in the last season of SSL/GSL and in PL ?
Where dat snitch at?36907 Posts
United States23455 Posts
Ya'll are silly boys
1. Innovation 2. Maru 3. herO 4. Byul 5. Life 6. Zest 7. sOs 8. Rogue 9. Dream 10. Parting 11. Classic 12. Rain 13. Hydra 14. Polt 15. Fantasy 16. Lilbow
gets real close in the middle
On October 09 2015 23:32 LoneYoShi wrote: I don't get why so many people put herO so far up. I don't mean to bash him or whatever, he is a great player for sure, but so many people put him in their top2/top3...
I haven't really followed him recently, how well has he done in the last season of SSL/GSL and in PL ?
He won SSL lol
United States23455 Posts
On October 09 2015 23:32 LoneYoShi wrote: I don't get why so many people put herO so far up. I don't mean to bash him or whatever, he is a great player for sure, but so many people put him in their top2/top3...
I haven't really followed him recently, how well has he done in the last season of SSL/GSL and in PL ? He's had an excellent 2015 to be sure. GSL results were top four, top twelve, top twelve. His S2SL results were top twelve, top four, champion(!). Top it off with the fact that he's top five wins in PL this season with 25 and I can see why people put him in their top three. He's my dark horse pick to win Blizzcon even though I don't like him that much lmao
Forgot to mention he also won Kespa Cup earlier this year
1) INnoVation 2) ByuL 3) herO 4) Rain 5) sOs 6) Maru 7) Zest 8) Hydra 9) Classic 10) Dream 11) Polt 12) PartinG 13) Lilbow 14) FanTaSy 15) Life 16) Rogue