I have a lot of respect for FXOBoss. I felt like he often responded overzealously and too defensively in regards to negative comments about FXO in the past, but seeing how invested he is in his team and how describes his relationship with the team, I can understand why that would be the case.
I do feel that people were being a little inane in regards to FXO going to Korea, but people were quite supportive as well, I remember inControl raised a massive shit-storm and got a lot of hate in the SotG thread when he insinuated that there were better teams that could have gone, with EG being one of them.
I just don't see any reason to take the jam out of some else's doughnut like this, if your team would perform better in Korea, go to fucking Korea. Yeah, there are obviously some teams that are more accomplished and more proven then FXO, but they aren't going to Korea so what's the point of making negative remarks about the people who are going. FXOBoss wasn't sitting there going, "We're the best team for the job, we're gonna crush this shit and come home with NesTea's head!". He stated pretty clearly, this an FXO venture, with the goal of giving their players more exposure and hopefully improving their play, he has no delusions of winning the GSTL and his expectations seem pretty fair, a match or two won at best is what I would predict as well.
I do have to disagree in regards to the mercenary thing though, I think it's a great opportunity to create some camaraderie between foreign and Korean players, it would be more of a perfect situation if somehow it was all players from one team and we ended up with a Fox-??? situation like there is a Liquid-oGs bond, but I think it works fine as is now. It gives the foreign players a chance to compete in the GSTL and it's not like they're splitting them up and sending them to random teams, to me it's sort of like how Torch was a part of VT and also a part of Startale. It potentially gives them a team to bond with within Korea and gives them a team(home) away from team(home) if it works out. I don't think the players will be living with the Fox team though, which in my opinion would work better in that regard. I dunno, it's not a perfect situation, but it's an opportunity to help get players closer to each other and that's a good thing in my book.
On June 24 2011 10:38 Icekommander wrote: qxc embed link is broken. Also, qxc missed an epic chance in the introduction, after Tgun/Anthony each said that "you probably haven't heard of me". When it cut to qxc, I was totally expecting him to say "I'm qxc. You've probably heard of me"
lol, me too, I was soooo expecting him to say that.
Btw, I always liked qxc as a person, and always felt like he's really good at putting things into words. When he said "I NEED to go to Korea", I was so touched, it's such an inspiring intro.
Wow the FxoBoss interview was amazing. I was behind these guys already but I'm really, REALLY, rooting for them now!
FXOboss just showed the community how amazing he is <3
really great interviews... pretty epic speech by qxc :D
I think qxc may have the best attitude I have seen in a pro-gamer, at least in rhetoric. Excited to see how the entire teams grows with this experience, but especially looking forward to seeing qxc develop as a player.
FXO fighting!
Who's the captain for FXO? Qxc?
Mad respect for Slog. No doubts in his mind that FXO will do well in Korea! SLOG HWAITING
FXO clearly has the dedication, players, and financial backing to succeed...And I hope they do! FXO FIGHTING!!!
haters gona hate.... nuff said
Who else lol'd after watching optikzeros interview
Where's Moonglade? Not that I really care, just curious.
Everyone should watch the interview with FXOBoss. You have to respect this guy for his dedication.
On June 24 2011 14:39 cottonz wrote: Who else lol'd after watching optikzeros interview
I laughed pretty hard, yeah.
nice interviews. Nice to hear from tgun and Anthony, people you never really hear about.
QXC is gonna become mega baller and the roll over the foreign scene!
sooo much respect for boss.
Just finished watching Boss and Qxc and those interviews are great. Thanks!
I really enjoyed the interviews. Helped shed some light on some of the FXO players I didn't know much about. I am also really impressed by FXOBoss, I didn't know too much about him before besides him being the manager/owner; but the guy is really intelligent and passionate. I can say I'm a much bigger fan of FXO now. Before I was only a fan because of Sheth and QXC (yep, I'm an ignorant SC2 American I'm rectifying that though, I'm becoming more worldly no worries ). I'm really looking forward to the games in a couple hours.
I really should be sleeping, but oh well, FXO fighting!