Awesome/Confusing SC2 BM - Page 198
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England4983 Posts
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Slovakia529 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + voLzh: NOT GG voLzh has reconnected. voLzh: JUST U NOOB never not that was STUPID EASY GAME hey noob SAY SEG hey say it stupid nooob NOTGG I JUST PLAY WITH NOOB You: *slow clap* voLzh: say SEG stupid noob hey clap stupid u here me? hey stupid clap noob here me? hey stupid hey here me? say SEG NOT GG say it SEG STUPID EASY GAME SAY IT STUPID NOOB hey noob noob stupid crying? hey You: heeey hey hey heeey... a good song actually ![]() voLzh: u crying? You: Alice Cooper rocks ![]() voLzh: hey stupid i just tell u ur noob say thanks volzh for ur kindness and say SEG hey clap here me? hey stupid clap say it You: you can't even imagine how amused I am right now ![]() voLzh: say say say say hey U R STUPID LOOSER SAY IT NOOB stupid hey u said GG You: OK. "U R STUPID LOOSER." Am I doing it right? voLzh: WTF NOOB NOT GOOD GAME never not even for me NO STUPI CANT UNDERSTAND? i said SEG U SAY SEG U SAID GG WTF stupid noob wtf gg? hey say SEG FAStER can u understand? just say SEG U SAID GG say im sorry volzh volzh is light You: I don't really have to reply, you look like you're having a fun conversation all by yourself. voLzh: hey stupid JUST SAY SEG u cant say?? og help this STUPID NOOB he cant say SEG oh GOD HELP HIM hey stupid say SEG ok U too much STUPID U CANT SAY SEG lolol k bye too much stupid You: thank you for the amusement, I'll share it with the general public ![]() voLzh: not cry stupid i cant help u ur too muc h stupid bye You: cya, gl hf I was afraid he'd stop, so I replied a few times, just for the fun of it. ![]() ![]() | ||
United Kingdom14 Posts
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Slovakia529 Posts
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2531 Posts
On June 22 2012 01:14 Melwach wrote: Yeah, Europe has some nice players. ![]() +1 | ||
United States70 Posts
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Australia214 Posts
On June 11 2012 17:25 TripleOSeven wrote: After a 3v3, one of my opponents commented on my 3v3 rank, which in reply I brought up his 1v1 record...not quite sure how he did his math. + Show Spoiler + That was funny. | ||
Bulgaria2443 Posts
a mope nap... I'm so confused, i'm not even sure it's BM. Maybe he was complaining about the map and misspelled? Any ideas? ![]() | ||
United States659 Posts
Oh by the way the context for his first statement is that I was saying Terran has its weaknesses, like having slow unit production compared to zerg and protoss and he countered by saying that Terrans build their armies faster than the other 2 races (go figure). + Show Spoiler + chemao: FYI noob terran builds army the FASTEST chemao has reconnected. chemao: moron you have no clue You: you went pool first on a really long map and then you lost a bunch of lings for nothing, you also didnt deny scouting or prepare for a standard timing chemao: it's not a long map moron You: maybe you should watch your replays or something chemao: it's a SMALL MAP with SHORT RUSH DISTANCE maybe you should play zerg before you think youre better than you really are dumb shit you have NO clue what youre talking about You: lets play a zvz right now chemao: not even the SLIGHTEST idea and when i ass rape You: or a zvt with me as zerg chemao: you then what do i get out of my time i've already done that twice today first guy this morning fucking ass raped him You: so you complain to everyone you play against I see chemao: zvz SO EASY becaues it's a FAIR MATCHUP You: you're all down on zvt but you made a ton of mistakes that game chemao: oh really well tell me fucktard please oh please tell me what i did wrong You: no scouting, weak build (hatch first is much stronger) chemao: because what i saw your fuckign FREE ASS TIER 2 BULLSHIT HELIONS deflected ANYTHING i could have done You: lol I built 4 hellions and you sacrificed every long to fight them on my ramp with marine support behind a wall ling* chemao: i bet youd fuckign cry imbalance if banelings cost no gas huh listen fucktard they are USELESS after that not like marines can kill a shit ton of things and not die at all iimagine 20 lings You: hellions are not that hard to deal with chemao: could kill 30 marines HAHAHAH youre really a dumbass You: there are these things called overlords too they fly and hellions cant him them and they see all kinds of stuff chemao: ok so you make tanks to deal with helion then i mean roach but oops 2 tanks come out and your entire army is fuckign DESTROYED in 5 shots so you have what? ligns? oh that's right helions 1 shot lings or 2 shot with carapace yeah that's hard so then what does a zerg do? hrmmm exactly You: hellions dont 1 shot lings with blue flame chemao: yes You: what are you even talking about chemao: they do 4 helions will 1 shot EASILY only with carapace You: that's 4 shots -.- chemao: oh it's fucking 2 shot yeah so 400 investment can kill 1000 investment You: that's like saying that roaches 1 shot tanks because 10 of them can chemao: and not even die well dumbass that's not even true You: micro is important lol chemao: because roaches are fucking OWNED by tanks You: if you think hellions are so invincible then watch some masters level zerg replays chemao: there is not a SINGLE composition that is viable as a zerg yeah i watched 4 hours of a gm stream yesterday You: there is no reason why your entire gameplan should crumble because I used the most standard of the standard terran builds chemao: he lost 6 games in a row for that bullshit yeah there's a reason terarn has been 56+% win vs zerg at top tier and 65%+ at anythinb below diamond figure that one out smart guy You: in that game I had almost 50% more resources then you and I didn't even kill a single drone chemao: and yeah you never play zerg so there's no poitn in even discussing it with you because you have NO idea at ALL what you're talking about MULE You: look at the score screen man chemao: derp derp You: I had more everything then you chemao: you probably had just as many scv You: your build is bad chemao: that's right zerg makes units faster? oh wait that's WRONG You: why would you go pool first vs terran chemao: it's FUCKING WRONG You: if you're not gonna attack chemao: not even CLOSE to being accurate yeah well i had thought to attack but oh that's right terran can scout zerg base all day long NO FUCKING PROBLEM You: because I ran an SCV in there and you didn't kill it? chemao: can zerg scout? OH THAT'S RIGHT FUCK NO THEY CANT You: they just buffed overlord speed for that exact reason man you didnt even try to OL scout chemao: i didnt kill it because i wanted you to scout hatch moron listen fucktard OV can only see 1/2 a base and in cloud kingdom that means ZERO PERCENT the only entry point is way the fuck on the other side of the base You: im not even talking about balance here, you just played super wishy washy then lost to a standard timing and you're telling me that you couldnt have won that game chemao: and JUST ONE marine can kill it before it even gets to the middle of the base that's right impossible if you want to try just play zerg you will see zerg is nothing but a coin flip oh yeah and about the hatch shipe snipe it's fucking RETARDED easy for a terran to snipe a hatch how about a zerg sniping a cc? You: zerg is nothing but a coinflip which is why zerg is dominating in the GSL right now lol chemao: that's right IMFUCKINGPOSSIBLE WELL DUMB FUCK it' NOT in FACT it's 52.8% loss vs terran and 52.1%loss vs toss which is the BEST it has been in TEN MONTHS this is the FIRST month You: and there are some zerg players on the pro scene that nobody wants to play against because they're so fucking hard to kill chemao: that zerg has had a better than 45% win rate You: you can spit out all the numbers you want but it's not going to excuse your mistakes while playing chemao: yeah and if they were using terran or protoss they'd be IMPOSSIBLE to kill the only mistake i made was playing zerg if i was a terran i'd be low to mid diamond alrady EASILY You: guess you should switch then man I dunno what else to say chemao: WAY FUCKING EASILY You: I doubt that chemao: well smart ass i have beat ever top 8 plat zerg i've played i just beat another one a few minutes ago three plats in a row EASILY one was a rank 1 so YEAH if the game was EVEN i'd be doing JUST FINE marines = free helions = free and they are pretty much the highest dps units in the game and they're free You: you clearly lack fundamental understanding of TvZ, just because you can beat platinum zergs doesnt mean that terran is overpowered chemao: well funny you say that polt said not too long ago that most of the terrans in gsl dont deserve to be there but because terran is overpowered, they made it You: who was he talking about? him? polt isnt even that good chemao: hah polt is code s so i guess he's not bad and if you think that they why are others in code s that shouldn't be there, as he sai IPL derprran 8 to ZERO You: and why do you believe everything pro players say anyways chemao: hard hard AAAAAAAAAAAAAATM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATM You: IdrA has complained about zerg being underpowered in every single day that SC2 has been out chemao: EASY no skill required at all of course because it IS You: no its because he's a big whiner just like you're being right now chemao: you have no fucking clue what you're talking about terarn is BY FAR BY FUCKING FAR balanced zerg is fucking BROKEN there is NO answer fo the fuckign easiest composition in the game that requires ABSOLUTELY ZERO skill to do what can fucking zerg do vs marine tank? hmmm... oh yeah NOTHING You: why dont you start going hatch first and going up to 4-6 queens and spreading a bunch of creep chemao: yeah i do that and it doesnt matter You: not last game :S chemao: it's a SMALL MAP zerg has NO CHANCE worth a FUCK on a small map beacuse you can snipe hatches all day but can a zerg snipe a cc? FUCK NO oh yeah and there's the little thing you dont seem to grasp losing a hatch is like losing a CC PLUS 6 BARRACKS You: if you're gonna try to take a 3rd base you should either be prepared to defend it, or prepared to scout the most direct path of attack towards it chemao: not to mention zerg expansion is way more expensive than terran yeah well dumbass the problem with THAT IS that unlike DERPRRAN zerg can't make harvesters and army at the same time you have 3 barracks is already more production than TWO HATCHES You: what do you mean you cant make army and harvesters at the same time? chemao: so tell me, where does the production come from You: also people build macro hatches for a reason chemao: oh that's right, hmm oh but i remember now since you have NO FUCKING DRONES you cant use the larvae so it doesnt matter You: if you have 3 drones, 1 could make lings and 2 could make drones, oh look army and units at the same time maybe you should try not playing like a robot chemao: so you make army or hatches but not both and hatches are WAY fuckign expensive compared to cc You: you shouldnt be playing the game like you're reading a flowchart chemao: cc is almost free, in fact You: all I keep hearing from you is stuff about numbers and processes but zerg is a reactive race chemao: 1 mule already almost pays for it no it's not zerg is NOT a reactive race because you cant scout worth a shit not to mention the time it takes to react on a small map is purely nonexistent just park a fucking tank outside and contain so fucking easy SO FUCKING EASY what can zerg do to that? oh that's right NOTHING fuckign an all in mass attack and maybe kill the first wave You: tank heavy armies are weak as hell when they're not seiged up chemao: then second wave comes and OH DARN because zerg units are WAY more expensive than terran units, it's just a push push push to a loss You: but instead of having to slow push your third which would have taken minutes, I walked over to it and set up next to it chemao: and like i said You: because you didnt even try to look for it chemao: since zerg can't do a fucking THING to stop a terran expansion you can just build as many bases as you want and you dont have to do SHIT to defend it 1 pf can wipe out 50 food like it was nothing oh you gonna dump a ton of army to it? OKAY GO FOR IT oh shit 1hp well in 10 seconds it'll be 550 again DERP DERP how about ahatch oh you didnt get the snipe no fucking problem send 1 more batch of 3 marines to finish it off and then BAM You: zerg gets cheap towers that dont require units to shoot and can move chemao: minerals PLUS 6 production cycles just GONE hahahaha youre stupid cheap? cheap? cheap my ASS You: we can both make it sound like the other enemy is overpowered by listing the stuff they have chemao: ahahhaahaahahaha as IF how many spines can 8 marines kill any idea? You: when you're floating thousands of mins late game you can easily throw up massive walls of spine crawlers it takes forever to fight through that stuff chemao: and you seem to forget 1 spine is 1 larva 50 mins 100 mins plus ALL the minerals a drone could be mining You: 8 marines could kill 1 spine with no upgrades 2 if they have stim and a medivac maybe chemao: that's RIGHT and you'd only lose about 3 of them You: of course 8 marines can kill a spine thats 400 mins vs 100 mins that's a bad trade losing 150 mins for 100 chemao: no it's not it's 50 mins You: you're not even making sense chemao: plus 100 mins plus 40 mins per minute for the rest of the game because you have to use a fuckign drone to build it how about terran/ You: zerg always has more workers than their opponent if they havent taken economic damage chemao: oh yeah that's right buildings dont cost scv HAH that's not even CLOSE to correct go watch soem games ghell go watch your own op ass replays You: I watch games all the time, and that is always what I see chemao: you will NEVER see a zerg having more harvesters anything before 10 minutes HAHAAHAH find one RIGHT NOW let's SEE IT hell let me check HD we'll see a replay right NOW You: this is getting pretty tiring chemao: PURE DRONING You: you clearly dont have a mindset to improve and intend to complain instead chemao: a zerg hits 50 drones when the terran hits 41 scv and with mule the income is HIGHTER HIGHER PLUS the TERRAN has army ready to go You: maybe that's because if you build only drones until you have 50 terran will just expand because you dont have units this game is more complicated than that... chemao: you CAN'T STOP a terran from expanding that's what you dont seem to get noob go try zerg i DARE YOU i TRIPLE DARE YOU You: you cant keep a zerg from expanding either thats why HATCH FIRST is STANDARD chemao: play 30 games as zerg RIGHT NOW and then come back and say something HAHAHA AHAHAHA dude stopping a zerg from expanding is fuckign easy as shit that's why all the zergs are losing t and p just FE You: anyways this is going on teamliquid this is hilarious chemao: and stop the zerg third there just a small few zergs that are dealing with it right now plain and simple You: I didnt FE that game lol chemao: you expanded same time as me which is FE moron You: you didnt FE either you went pool first chemao: like i said i wanted to WIN so i was goig to bust you small map is just a loss for zerg plain and simple because you can take 3 bases uncontested with NO PROBLEM You: maybe you should roach rush next time that's better against 12 rax 13 gas lol chemao: and zerg can't get a 4th at all, except for the dangerous ones in the middle actually roah rush is just a GG 1 bunker and it's a fail You: if you really want to do a scary timing you should FE into roach / ling / baneling timing since you think you can only win by cheesing chemao: oh yeah free fuckign bunkers with zero cost that's right oh and a couple scv give it unlimited HP wow yeah that is a great id idea You: so little understanding it hurts my brain anyways im really done with this conversation chemao: hey what's the best way for zerg to wall? You: so done with it so bye bye chemao: the answer is... it's IMPOSSIBLE for zerg to wall You: ok now you're just trolling me chemao: a wall of spines? NO PROBLEM You: argghg chemao: helion just drive past them You: sorry man I have to block EDIT: Added a spoiler tag since its pretty long. | ||
United States2694 Posts
On June 23 2012 09:00 alexanderzero wrote: Some gold league zerg player lost a ZvT against me and was complaining about everything in the entire game afterwards. In the game I basically went for a reactor hellion expand and he went pool first. We got our expos up at a similar timing and then my 10 min tank/marine push killed his 3rd base since he wasn't scouting at all and let my hellions drive around the map uncontested after he suicided lings on my ramp to try to kill them. Here's the whole conversation we had afterwards. It's disheartening to see how unwilling some people are to improve lol... Oh by the way the context for his first statement is that I was saying Terran has its weaknesses, like having slow unit production compared to zerg and protoss and he countered by saying that Terrans build their armies faster than the other 2 races (go figure). + Show Spoiler + chemao: FYI noob terran builds army the FASTEST chemao has reconnected. chemao: moron you have no clue You: you went pool first on a really long map and then you lost a bunch of lings for nothing, you also didnt deny scouting or prepare for a standard timing chemao: it's not a long map moron You: maybe you should watch your replays or something chemao: it's a SMALL MAP with SHORT RUSH DISTANCE maybe you should play zerg before you think youre better than you really are dumb shit you have NO clue what youre talking about You: lets play a zvz right now chemao: not even the SLIGHTEST idea and when i ass rape You: or a zvt with me as zerg chemao: you then what do i get out of my time i've already done that twice today first guy this morning fucking ass raped him You: so you complain to everyone you play against I see chemao: zvz SO EASY becaues it's a FAIR MATCHUP You: you're all down on zvt but you made a ton of mistakes that game chemao: oh really well tell me fucktard please oh please tell me what i did wrong You: no scouting, weak build (hatch first is much stronger) chemao: because what i saw your fuckign FREE ASS TIER 2 BULLSHIT HELIONS deflected ANYTHING i could have done You: lol I built 4 hellions and you sacrificed every long to fight them on my ramp with marine support behind a wall ling* chemao: i bet youd fuckign cry imbalance if banelings cost no gas huh listen fucktard they are USELESS after that not like marines can kill a shit ton of things and not die at all iimagine 20 lings You: hellions are not that hard to deal with chemao: could kill 30 marines HAHAHAH youre really a dumbass You: there are these things called overlords too they fly and hellions cant him them and they see all kinds of stuff chemao: ok so you make tanks to deal with helion then i mean roach but oops 2 tanks come out and your entire army is fuckign DESTROYED in 5 shots so you have what? ligns? oh that's right helions 1 shot lings or 2 shot with carapace yeah that's hard so then what does a zerg do? hrmmm exactly You: hellions dont 1 shot lings with blue flame chemao: yes You: what are you even talking about chemao: they do 4 helions will 1 shot EASILY only with carapace You: that's 4 shots -.- chemao: oh it's fucking 2 shot yeah so 400 investment can kill 1000 investment You: that's like saying that roaches 1 shot tanks because 10 of them can chemao: and not even die well dumbass that's not even true You: micro is important lol chemao: because roaches are fucking OWNED by tanks You: if you think hellions are so invincible then watch some masters level zerg replays chemao: there is not a SINGLE composition that is viable as a zerg yeah i watched 4 hours of a gm stream yesterday You: there is no reason why your entire gameplan should crumble because I used the most standard of the standard terran builds chemao: he lost 6 games in a row for that bullshit yeah there's a reason terarn has been 56+% win vs zerg at top tier and 65%+ at anythinb below diamond figure that one out smart guy You: in that game I had almost 50% more resources then you and I didn't even kill a single drone chemao: and yeah you never play zerg so there's no poitn in even discussing it with you because you have NO idea at ALL what you're talking about MULE You: look at the score screen man chemao: derp derp You: I had more everything then you chemao: you probably had just as many scv You: your build is bad chemao: that's right zerg makes units faster? oh wait that's WRONG You: why would you go pool first vs terran chemao: it's FUCKING WRONG You: if you're not gonna attack chemao: not even CLOSE to being accurate yeah well i had thought to attack but oh that's right terran can scout zerg base all day long NO FUCKING PROBLEM You: because I ran an SCV in there and you didn't kill it? chemao: can zerg scout? OH THAT'S RIGHT FUCK NO THEY CANT You: they just buffed overlord speed for that exact reason man you didnt even try to OL scout chemao: i didnt kill it because i wanted you to scout hatch moron listen fucktard OV can only see 1/2 a base and in cloud kingdom that means ZERO PERCENT the only entry point is way the fuck on the other side of the base You: im not even talking about balance here, you just played super wishy washy then lost to a standard timing and you're telling me that you couldnt have won that game chemao: and JUST ONE marine can kill it before it even gets to the middle of the base that's right impossible if you want to try just play zerg you will see zerg is nothing but a coin flip oh yeah and about the hatch shipe snipe it's fucking RETARDED easy for a terran to snipe a hatch how about a zerg sniping a cc? You: zerg is nothing but a coinflip which is why zerg is dominating in the GSL right now lol chemao: that's right IMFUCKINGPOSSIBLE WELL DUMB FUCK it' NOT in FACT it's 52.8% loss vs terran and 52.1%loss vs toss which is the BEST it has been in TEN MONTHS this is the FIRST month You: and there are some zerg players on the pro scene that nobody wants to play against because they're so fucking hard to kill chemao: that zerg has had a better than 45% win rate You: you can spit out all the numbers you want but it's not going to excuse your mistakes while playing chemao: yeah and if they were using terran or protoss they'd be IMPOSSIBLE to kill the only mistake i made was playing zerg if i was a terran i'd be low to mid diamond alrady EASILY You: guess you should switch then man I dunno what else to say chemao: WAY FUCKING EASILY You: I doubt that chemao: well smart ass i have beat ever top 8 plat zerg i've played i just beat another one a few minutes ago three plats in a row EASILY one was a rank 1 so YEAH if the game was EVEN i'd be doing JUST FINE marines = free helions = free and they are pretty much the highest dps units in the game and they're free You: you clearly lack fundamental understanding of TvZ, just because you can beat platinum zergs doesnt mean that terran is overpowered chemao: well funny you say that polt said not too long ago that most of the terrans in gsl dont deserve to be there but because terran is overpowered, they made it You: who was he talking about? him? polt isnt even that good chemao: hah polt is code s so i guess he's not bad and if you think that they why are others in code s that shouldn't be there, as he sai IPL derprran 8 to ZERO You: and why do you believe everything pro players say anyways chemao: hard hard AAAAAAAAAAAAAATM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATM You: IdrA has complained about zerg being underpowered in every single day that SC2 has been out chemao: EASY no skill required at all of course because it IS You: no its because he's a big whiner just like you're being right now chemao: you have no fucking clue what you're talking about terarn is BY FAR BY FUCKING FAR balanced zerg is fucking BROKEN there is NO answer fo the fuckign easiest composition in the game that requires ABSOLUTELY ZERO skill to do what can fucking zerg do vs marine tank? hmmm... oh yeah NOTHING You: why dont you start going hatch first and going up to 4-6 queens and spreading a bunch of creep chemao: yeah i do that and it doesnt matter You: not last game :S chemao: it's a SMALL MAP zerg has NO CHANCE worth a FUCK on a small map beacuse you can snipe hatches all day but can a zerg snipe a cc? FUCK NO oh yeah and there's the little thing you dont seem to grasp losing a hatch is like losing a CC PLUS 6 BARRACKS You: if you're gonna try to take a 3rd base you should either be prepared to defend it, or prepared to scout the most direct path of attack towards it chemao: not to mention zerg expansion is way more expensive than terran yeah well dumbass the problem with THAT IS that unlike DERPRRAN zerg can't make harvesters and army at the same time you have 3 barracks is already more production than TWO HATCHES You: what do you mean you cant make army and harvesters at the same time? chemao: so tell me, where does the production come from You: also people build macro hatches for a reason chemao: oh that's right, hmm oh but i remember now since you have NO FUCKING DRONES you cant use the larvae so it doesnt matter You: if you have 3 drones, 1 could make lings and 2 could make drones, oh look army and units at the same time maybe you should try not playing like a robot chemao: so you make army or hatches but not both and hatches are WAY fuckign expensive compared to cc You: you shouldnt be playing the game like you're reading a flowchart chemao: cc is almost free, in fact You: all I keep hearing from you is stuff about numbers and processes but zerg is a reactive race chemao: 1 mule already almost pays for it no it's not zerg is NOT a reactive race because you cant scout worth a shit not to mention the time it takes to react on a small map is purely nonexistent just park a fucking tank outside and contain so fucking easy SO FUCKING EASY what can zerg do to that? oh that's right NOTHING fuckign an all in mass attack and maybe kill the first wave You: tank heavy armies are weak as hell when they're not seiged up chemao: then second wave comes and OH DARN because zerg units are WAY more expensive than terran units, it's just a push push push to a loss You: but instead of having to slow push your third which would have taken minutes, I walked over to it and set up next to it chemao: and like i said You: because you didnt even try to look for it chemao: since zerg can't do a fucking THING to stop a terran expansion you can just build as many bases as you want and you dont have to do SHIT to defend it 1 pf can wipe out 50 food like it was nothing oh you gonna dump a ton of army to it? OKAY GO FOR IT oh shit 1hp well in 10 seconds it'll be 550 again DERP DERP how about ahatch oh you didnt get the snipe no fucking problem send 1 more batch of 3 marines to finish it off and then BAM You: zerg gets cheap towers that dont require units to shoot and can move chemao: minerals PLUS 6 production cycles just GONE hahahaha youre stupid cheap? cheap? cheap my ASS You: we can both make it sound like the other enemy is overpowered by listing the stuff they have chemao: ahahhaahaahahaha as IF how many spines can 8 marines kill any idea? You: when you're floating thousands of mins late game you can easily throw up massive walls of spine crawlers it takes forever to fight through that stuff chemao: and you seem to forget 1 spine is 1 larva 50 mins 100 mins plus ALL the minerals a drone could be mining You: 8 marines could kill 1 spine with no upgrades 2 if they have stim and a medivac maybe chemao: that's RIGHT and you'd only lose about 3 of them You: of course 8 marines can kill a spine thats 400 mins vs 100 mins that's a bad trade losing 150 mins for 100 chemao: no it's not it's 50 mins You: you're not even making sense chemao: plus 100 mins plus 40 mins per minute for the rest of the game because you have to use a fuckign drone to build it how about terran/ You: zerg always has more workers than their opponent if they havent taken economic damage chemao: oh yeah that's right buildings dont cost scv HAH that's not even CLOSE to correct go watch soem games ghell go watch your own op ass replays You: I watch games all the time, and that is always what I see chemao: you will NEVER see a zerg having more harvesters anything before 10 minutes HAHAAHAH find one RIGHT NOW let's SEE IT hell let me check HD we'll see a replay right NOW You: this is getting pretty tiring chemao: PURE DRONING You: you clearly dont have a mindset to improve and intend to complain instead chemao: a zerg hits 50 drones when the terran hits 41 scv and with mule the income is HIGHTER HIGHER PLUS the TERRAN has army ready to go You: maybe that's because if you build only drones until you have 50 terran will just expand because you dont have units this game is more complicated than that... chemao: you CAN'T STOP a terran from expanding that's what you dont seem to get noob go try zerg i DARE YOU i TRIPLE DARE YOU You: you cant keep a zerg from expanding either thats why HATCH FIRST is STANDARD chemao: play 30 games as zerg RIGHT NOW and then come back and say something HAHAHA AHAHAHA dude stopping a zerg from expanding is fuckign easy as shit that's why all the zergs are losing t and p just FE You: anyways this is going on teamliquid this is hilarious chemao: and stop the zerg third there just a small few zergs that are dealing with it right now plain and simple You: I didnt FE that game lol chemao: you expanded same time as me which is FE moron You: you didnt FE either you went pool first chemao: like i said i wanted to WIN so i was goig to bust you small map is just a loss for zerg plain and simple because you can take 3 bases uncontested with NO PROBLEM You: maybe you should roach rush next time that's better against 12 rax 13 gas lol chemao: and zerg can't get a 4th at all, except for the dangerous ones in the middle actually roah rush is just a GG 1 bunker and it's a fail You: if you really want to do a scary timing you should FE into roach / ling / baneling timing since you think you can only win by cheesing chemao: oh yeah free fuckign bunkers with zero cost that's right oh and a couple scv give it unlimited HP wow yeah that is a great id idea You: so little understanding it hurts my brain anyways im really done with this conversation chemao: hey what's the best way for zerg to wall? You: so done with it so bye bye chemao: the answer is... it's IMPOSSIBLE for zerg to wall You: ok now you're just trolling me chemao: a wall of spines? NO PROBLEM You: argghg chemao: helion just drive past them You: sorry man I have to block EDIT: Added a spoiler tag since its pretty long. WOW that's long. | ||
Canada3117 Posts
On June 22 2012 02:19 NEEDZMOAR wrote: Anyone else browsing this looking for your own rage? :D I can rage quite a lot, but I know im wrong when Im doing it, thus I usually do it with a humoristic twist^^ I was just doing this as I read your comment. | ||
United States154 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Forsetti: dont fucking worry about it i did that shit for you youre fucked when u go against the next guy You: thanks for the replay thing and ok Forsetti: i deserved the win played much better You: you didnt expand i had map control ―――――――――――――――― Forsetti: you lost you expo 2 minutes no 20 seconds after it was up because you cant harass for shit learn to fucking play fuck you faggot fds af sdaf sda fdsa f we're replaying i asked an admin we're replaying You: we are? Forsetti: you used the wrong map faggot You: ok find it then so should i tell him about your BM? Forsetti: cant prove anything You: because thats disqualification Forsetti: ill just deny it You: screenshots dude Forsetti: because youd really go that far You: if its fortress though i will because its completly different Forsetti: ofcourse its fortress You: i though it was because it didnt say may on it alright lets go Forsetti: if i lose you can report my bm idc youre trash and massed one unit You: dude chill out you went 5 gate 1 robo so i went 3 gate 2 robo Forsetti: 6 gate You: build order win Forsetti: l2 count You: i counted based on units not on actual scouting Forsetti: because you cant You: lemme message that other guy though if we are replaying it effects him Forsetti: did he win? You: yes Forsetti: nvm gg you won FUCK YOU no reason for me to ruin the guy that beat you not gunna ruin is day because i know im better than you You: dude chill out its not a big deal Forsetti: YOU MASSED ONE UNIT AND BEAT ME OUT OF A TOURNAMENT why cant you show some skil land beat me? You: i did it was called Forsetti: wanna replay not even for the tournament? i can easily trash you You: why is this so important to you 5$ Forsetti: its not i just said we replay not for hte tournament i just wanna let you know youre not so hot you suck dick You: i dont think im great i just think youre worse then me Forsetti: i could easily beat you lets go 1v1 You: i hate pvp can i use zerg? Forsetti: will you admit im better than you if i beat you when youre zerg? You: im not very good as zerg so Forsetti: im better than you You: ill admit it right now Forsetti: overall You: you will probably beat me if you cant even see why i won and you lost that pvp then i win Forsetti: I KNOW HOW YOU WON YOU MASSED ONE UNIT thats how because if i just made 2 gateways next to your base and streamed zealots in i woulda won get it? You: 2 gate? lol you think thats an auto win? Forsetti: proxy 2 gate woulda beat you you made 1 gateway and one robo build order win You: i scouted shit in your base Forsetti: like you said You: hence why i went the build i did i knew there was no 2 gate Forsetti: you would have massed colossus You: so i didnt have to build them Forsetti: if i went anything You: i scouted your build and countered it Forsetti: i killed your expo and your main You: its really not that complicated Forsetti: mineral line you fucking suck im almost masters league You: there were lik 6 probes left Forsetti: because im better than you what rank are you? whats your points? You: 35 Forsetti: whats your mmr? IM RANK 5 GOING AGAINST MASTER PLAYERS IM BETTER You: haha k Forsetti: i trash master zergs hell my zerg could beat your toss You: do you understand what map control is? Forsetti: yes im not retarded You: i was camping the center Forsetti: but i dont need map control in pvp You: and you couldnt do anything about it Forsetti: because most of the time its just a mass massing units isnt hard You: well Forsetti: ill zvp you You: i massed better then you Forsetti: apparently ill give you that i could trash you with zerg wanna find out? You: not really Forsetti: scared? You: sure Forsetti: kk im better admit it if you have to dodge you suck balls You: because i dont want you to rage harder im dodging? Forsetti: i think you lost to a bad terran was he terran? or zerg? You: terran Forsetti: yeah you lost to a trash terran i beat masters terrans You: he 3 rax all ined Forsetti: SCOUT IT FAGGOT easy as shit to beat You: not easy Forsetti: YES how do you think i feel on ladder i learned to stop it because they have NO GAS fucking retard anyone could understand that id probably win with a 6 pool vs you because apparently you dont need to scout you can just win with map control You: i scouted your unit comp in a mirror matchup Forsetti: you got smacked around You: yes that effectivly tells me how many buildings you have Forsetti: until you had 043242 colossus then you attack moved You: maybe you should have pused sooner pushed* when you had the advantage in unit Forsetti: i couldnt have because you were getting smacked around with harass You: then get more apm? Forsetti: you used colossus to stop harass youre amazing its higher than yours i saw you spam im a faster player you dont have the apm to harass You: i use the apm my builds require Forsetti: bs all pros have more than 4 faggot You: lol i had 4 apm? Forsetti: i think you lost because 1 gate 1 robo dont work vs terran massing colossus doesnt work does it? learn something else maybe? You: so what build do you go vs terran Forsetti: 2 gates starport into expo into high templar or carriers depending how stupid he is You: carriers lol Forsetti: carriers are surprisingly good ever even watch a pro game? You: if you can win with carriers Forsetti: white-ra rapes face with them You: you could have won with somthing else sooner Forsetti: i like to have fun when i play this game i dont mass colossus offa 2 base and attack move i micro You: i had 4 bases thanks Forsetti: 4 gate vs 4 gate i woulda won You: well 2 by the time you GGed Forsetti: because you died to harass SO FUCKING EASILY You: you had more warpin then me 6 gates to 3 Forsetti: maybe you shoulda made more? You: if you had harrased better you could have won Forsetti: i guarantee that wont work again ever atleast against me you probably mineral hacked You: lol The player is ignoring you. Forsetti: suck my cock + Show Spoiler + suck itt suck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck 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Karmas a bitch | ||
3 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + ![]() After he said that he said he was having a bad day. Also that my mother was a whore >_> | ||
United States2694 Posts
On June 23 2012 15:52 fakepriest wrote: Never played this guy before but he seemed to be very angry. + Show Spoiler + ![]() After he said that he said he was having a bad day. Also that my mother was a whore >_> LOL. For some reason I'm speechless otherwise. | ||
Denmark84 Posts
On June 23 2012 11:38 TuckFexas wrote: this was played in a weekly diamond tournament for 5$. I wasn't able to copy/paste the whole thing and and some of the start got cut off(i couldn't figure out how to upload the replay) + Show Spoiler + Forsetti: dont fucking worry about it i did that shit for you youre fucked when u go against the next guy You: thanks for the replay thing and ok Forsetti: i deserved the win played much better You: you didnt expand i had map control ―――――――――――――――― Forsetti: you lost you expo 2 minutes no 20 seconds after it was up because you cant harass for shit learn to fucking play fuck you faggot fds af sdaf sda fdsa f we're replaying i asked an admin we're replaying You: we are? Forsetti: you used the wrong map faggot You: ok find it then so should i tell him about your BM? Forsetti: cant prove anything You: because thats disqualification Forsetti: ill just deny it You: screenshots dude Forsetti: because youd really go that far You: if its fortress though i will because its completly different Forsetti: ofcourse its fortress You: i though it was because it didnt say may on it alright lets go Forsetti: if i lose you can report my bm idc youre trash and massed one unit You: dude chill out you went 5 gate 1 robo so i went 3 gate 2 robo Forsetti: 6 gate You: build order win Forsetti: l2 count You: i counted based on units not on actual scouting Forsetti: because you cant You: lemme message that other guy though if we are replaying it effects him Forsetti: did he win? You: yes Forsetti: nvm gg you won FUCK YOU no reason for me to ruin the guy that beat you not gunna ruin is day because i know im better than you You: dude chill out its not a big deal Forsetti: YOU MASSED ONE UNIT AND BEAT ME OUT OF A TOURNAMENT why cant you show some skil land beat me? You: i did it was called Forsetti: wanna replay not even for the tournament? i can easily trash you You: why is this so important to you 5$ Forsetti: its not i just said we replay not for hte tournament i just wanna let you know youre not so hot you suck dick You: i dont think im great i just think youre worse then me Forsetti: i could easily beat you lets go 1v1 You: i hate pvp can i use zerg? Forsetti: will you admit im better than you if i beat you when youre zerg? You: im not very good as zerg so Forsetti: im better than you You: ill admit it right now Forsetti: overall You: you will probably beat me if you cant even see why i won and you lost that pvp then i win Forsetti: I KNOW HOW YOU WON YOU MASSED ONE UNIT thats how because if i just made 2 gateways next to your base and streamed zealots in i woulda won get it? You: 2 gate? lol you think thats an auto win? Forsetti: proxy 2 gate woulda beat you you made 1 gateway and one robo build order win You: i scouted shit in your base Forsetti: like you said You: hence why i went the build i did i knew there was no 2 gate Forsetti: you would have massed colossus You: so i didnt have to build them Forsetti: if i went anything You: i scouted your build and countered it Forsetti: i killed your expo and your main You: its really not that complicated Forsetti: mineral line you fucking suck im almost masters league You: there were lik 6 probes left Forsetti: because im better than you what rank are you? whats your points? You: 35 Forsetti: whats your mmr? IM RANK 5 GOING AGAINST MASTER PLAYERS IM BETTER You: haha k Forsetti: i trash master zergs hell my zerg could beat your toss You: do you understand what map control is? Forsetti: yes im not retarded You: i was camping the center Forsetti: but i dont need map control in pvp You: and you couldnt do anything about it Forsetti: because most of the time its just a mass massing units isnt hard You: well Forsetti: ill zvp you You: i massed better then you Forsetti: apparently ill give you that i could trash you with zerg wanna find out? You: not really Forsetti: scared? You: sure Forsetti: kk im better admit it if you have to dodge you suck balls You: because i dont want you to rage harder im dodging? Forsetti: i think you lost to a bad terran was he terran? or zerg? You: terran Forsetti: yeah you lost to a trash terran i beat masters terrans You: he 3 rax all ined Forsetti: SCOUT IT FAGGOT easy as shit to beat You: not easy Forsetti: YES how do you think i feel on ladder i learned to stop it because they have NO GAS fucking retard anyone could understand that id probably win with a 6 pool vs you because apparently you dont need to scout you can just win with map control You: i scouted your unit comp in a mirror matchup Forsetti: you got smacked around You: yes that effectivly tells me how many buildings you have Forsetti: until you had 043242 colossus then you attack moved You: maybe you should have pused sooner pushed* when you had the advantage in unit Forsetti: i couldnt have because you were getting smacked around with harass You: then get more apm? Forsetti: you used colossus to stop harass youre amazing its higher than yours i saw you spam im a faster player you dont have the apm to harass You: i use the apm my builds require Forsetti: bs all pros have more than 4 faggot You: lol i had 4 apm? Forsetti: i think you lost because 1 gate 1 robo dont work vs terran massing colossus doesnt work does it? learn something else maybe? You: so what build do you go vs terran Forsetti: 2 gates starport into expo into high templar or carriers depending how stupid he is You: carriers lol Forsetti: carriers are surprisingly good ever even watch a pro game? You: if you can win with carriers Forsetti: white-ra rapes face with them You: you could have won with somthing else sooner Forsetti: i like to have fun when i play this game i dont mass colossus offa 2 base and attack move i micro You: i had 4 bases thanks Forsetti: 4 gate vs 4 gate i woulda won You: well 2 by the time you GGed Forsetti: because you died to harass SO FUCKING EASILY You: you had more warpin then me 6 gates to 3 Forsetti: maybe you shoulda made more? You: if you had harrased better you could have won Forsetti: i guarantee that wont work again ever atleast against me you probably mineral hacked You: lol The player is ignoring you. Forsetti: suck my cock + Show Spoiler + suck itt suck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck itt suck ittsuck itt suck 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Karmas a bitch He got you disqualified? How? | ||
United States15 Posts
![]() Edit: P.S. I'm masters and I only have a NA account. | ||
Sweden15718 Posts
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Germany63 Posts
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United States154 Posts
I used the wrong map, and when the admin contacted me to tell me to replay forsetti i was in the next game (chat had to be turned off during the games) | ||
United States61 Posts
On June 23 2012 17:46 HaXXspetten wrote: ^ To be fair, SEA isn't the most competetive ladder... Wrong, i know plenty of awesome players there. SEA has potential, but theres simply no sponsors and such there. The enviroment isnt as conducive to esports growth like it is in US or KR. | ||
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