For the past month I've been updating SCFusion to make it compatible with StarCraft v5.0.6 I also fixed the Chrono Boost issue.
I contacted the original developer and he's allowed me to work on his repository. He came with the idea to extend it for other games so we renamed it Super Fusion.
Get the latest version here: https://github.com/andrew-j-armstrong/SCFusion/releases/latest I would very much appreciate any feedback.
Out of curiosity, I searched for the project a few days ago. I'm thrilled that it's being maintained again, I always enjoyed using the program years ago.
I love the idea that hopefully it will be expanded to optimize build orders for other games as well. Keep up the great work.
What other games do you have in mind?
This deserves more recognition. Fantastic to see this being worked on again and well done KosmosRO in fixing the chrono issue!
I was playing a lot of Warcraft III at the time, so I would have been interested in tweaking the build orders.
I have only briefly looked at a few sources but I love the idea that you would actually "only" have to provide an XML file with the correct data to then get build orders for most games, or so I thought.
But then you would also have to outsource the minerals / gas income in the XML file (and probably a thousand other things ... just a few thoughts at that time ^^)
Zurich15306 Posts
I have been playing with this a bunch for the first time and:
It's a lot of fun, and I am impressed how much work went into this. Amazing effort, and I am glad that it's still being maintained!
Print in SALT format, or copy not working, can you fix it please? i will like to practice with SALT again the builds created with this tool, thx.
I really hate this to be considered a "bump" but would also like to chime in on the "SALT" format, but more so if your making super fusion future game compatible, does that include future proofing by making ways to easily add new "formats" for reading the final product, with SALT being the example here, as there have been countless request for it, and maybe I just missed the "how-to" with-in this thread ( 70+ pages !! ).
Either way, it would be awesome, to see a way for users to edit/customize the way the final format was presented.
Obviously, I don't know if that means file type recognition, but having it look just like a certain desire type may make transcription way easier, I know I personally don't use other tools because of the headache of transcription, which has been very limiting, and I think may of effected over all popularity of this tool as well as attempts at other tools like "build order apps" on android.
Edit: Recently downloaded the August 8th repo on github , and testing how it runs on my current gaming rig , only searched for it when "looking for update" returned a weird response, cant remember exactly what it said, but got me to type sc2fusion into my search bar regardless.
I love this program, and hope it has a bright future with other future games in the RTS genre.
SCFusion recommends 14 pylon at 14 seconds, but 17 seconds is fastest possible. Leads to about a 10s gap in proposed builds when compared to sc2, and for the program to recommend 12 chrono since it believes it won't get supply blocked. A fix on this would be helpful to compare the outputs to other tools.