On November 25 2010 13:00 Mellotron wrote: Ive loved every State of the Game since the beginning, but the latest one just wasnt any good. No offense but i just dont like PainUser at all. Maybe im just not into giant basketball shorts or something, who knows. Also, i really am not into hearing about garbage tv shows and mindless electronica. Dont let the show jump the shark already. It was improving weekly, but now its falling a bit in my personal opinion. Keep idra, keep incontrol, bring back artosis, tyler, and day9 when possible, no more painuser , no more dexter, no more weak clubbing stories. If i wanted to hear about all that all id have to do is log into facebook and talk to anyone age 18-35. Please keep it about Starcraft for gods sake some of us dont care about whats on tv or how easy it is for white youngish males to feel comfortable and egotistically satisfied while in the presence of techno. I love SofTG but this last one was weak.
Personal stories are what make the podcast amusing. The best time to listen to these people talk about Starcraft is when they're sharing personal stories and anecdotes about tournaments, lans, get togethers, etc... If they seriously just spoke about sc2 for 2 1/2 hours it would get old, boring, and stale within 2-3 weeks. Personality is what keeps is going and entertaining.
Further, as somebody else stated, the "clubbing" discussion lasted like no time whatsoever.... did you love hearing about IdrA's daily life of sc2? They're giving you insight and you're mad that PainUser spends time having fun? Holy dog shit, better not like him anymore.
I dont hate painuser as in i want bad shit to happen to him or anything, i just dont like him on the show because his manner of speaking, voice, perspective and contributions are all annoying to me. His voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard and he sounds so afraid to say something wrong even when he is pretending to think hes right. I can hear in his vocal tone his fear of being proven wrong. And thats not something i like to say outloud because its a bit mean, but i just dont like it. Ive waited for SofTG every single time since it started, and was hugely entertained by all of them. Now suddenly there is Painuser making me not want to listen anymore. Thats all im saying. If they decide to keep him fine, its not my show. But when people, even if its just a few, are saying "hey this dude takes the shows level of humor and entertainment value and puts it in the dumpster" then maybe its worth at least posting here as feedback. Do what you want, but the dude annoyed me every time ive heard/seen him speak publicly. Its rare that i dont like someone in the SC "community" but i just dont like him. Thats all there is to it. To me his personality flaws and lack of insight to the game are a distraction during the cast. Id rather have a TLO soundbyte collection than painuser on the cast.
As far as "clubbing" stories go, it just isnt interesting to hear some guy say he likes techno. I can take one look at that dude and tell he "likes techno". To spend time during a SC2 show to talk about it is not why i come here to DL this like a fiend every week. Am i crazy for feeling like a SC2 cast should be about SC2? There is so much going on right now that i dont think they could fit it all anyways. So wasting time on that is just not that great.
On a side note if you are a dude trying to charm a girl, no matter what you are into, dont be scared to say "hell yeah i do ______". Chicks like a guy who is proud of his life and his interests. Maybe professional gaming isnt on par with being a fireman or whatever on a girls list but taking pride in what you do and doing it well is part of changing how people see things. So the next time youre at a "club" and some girl finds out youre a professional Starcraft player say "FUCK YEAH i play Starcraft professionally", call her Lisa even if her name is Michelle, and go dance with her best friend. There is no shame in playing this game professionally. People who dont get it (what a serious thing professional gaming is) need to change their mind about it, not the other way around.
Haha, this thread has been missing some big controversy lately.I actually like painuser on the podcast. I think he was awkward at times because he's definitely a new guy compared to the other guys. The other guys on the show, with the exception of JP, have been hanging around each other since BW. I think that painuser's success is more a story of the last few weeks rather than the last few months, and that's why he was lower on the invite list (That's defintely not a bad thing. It means he's improving at a rate greater than the average pro). Dreamhack is supposed to be the biggest tournament outside of Korea, and therefore the tournament organizers were probably looking for the invitees to have a longer track record of tournament wins and such.
Its the off season from tournaments for most of the guys, so they're returning to a less Starcraft filled life, with a few less hours of practice each day. And yea, they do have personal lives outside starcraft so why not get to know the person? The interview with TLO that takesen did struck a good balance of starcraft and non-starcraft topics.
Anyway, I guess painuser isn't your cup of tea. But just in case he reads this thread, there are still fans of him.
anyone else listening to the podcast really hope it will last long enough for them to comment on clide vs leenock ?
i was sad panda at the end . oh well hope they will adress that next week ,
thanks guys for a great show, and dj weat . think on what you actually doing when playing WoW will help ya unaddict (though i do miss my old gang very very very much sniff)
On November 25 2010 18:43 haflo wrote: anyone else listening to the podcast really hope it will last long enough for them to comment on clide vs leenock ?
i was sad panda at the end . oh well hope they will adress that next week ,
thanks guys for a great show, and dj weat . think on what you actually doing when playing WoW will help ya unaddict (though i do miss my old gang very very very much sniff)
I like painuser. During beta I watched him on livestream drunkenly tell his friend "I'm going to be good at this game"...return the next day and he's still thor dropping every damn game until I finally spoke up and said "you're not going to get very far doing just thor drops" to which he replied with "what should I do" and I told him to 1 rax expand on steppes. He did it, he lost, he watched the replay, 1rax expanded again, and with his adjustments he pretty much stomped face.
That being said I'm not sure state of the game is the place for him. He just doesn't seem on the same page as the others quite yet when it comes to discussion, BUT I expect he'll be there sooner than most people think and has more knowledge than people give him credit for.
If JP gives him 3-4 more episodes I really think he'll be a quality guy to be on the show. He'll listen, adapt, and improve very quickly imo.
On November 25 2010 14:50 DyEnasTy wrote: Why troll? You are "the guy in the forums" they make fun of in the cast for taking shit too seriously. Who cares if they werent 100% accurate on who got an invite. Please go take your negativity somewhere else.
Huh, seriously? I just wanted to give people on this topic some insight on the EU scene, and maybe hype up a bit the tournament. If that's being negative, whatever, but you ain't the mr. optimism in here.
No, I didn't commentate on them not being accurate on who got invited and who didn't. I pointed out to the people in the topic generally how these people have secured their Dreamhack spot, also, I wanted to talk about the group A a bit because I consider it tightest group in the tournament, any of those four could advance.
Other groups ain't that interesting, except maybe for the DeMuslim/Fenix since Adelscott can beat on a good day and BYOC #5 could be quite good player as well.
On November 25 2010 13:00 Mellotron wrote: Ive loved every State of the Game since the beginning, but the latest one just wasnt any good. No offense but i just dont like PainUser at all. Maybe im just not into giant basketball shorts or something, who knows. Also, i really am not into hearing about garbage tv shows and mindless electronica. Dont let the show jump the shark already. It was improving weekly, but now its falling a bit in my personal opinion. Keep idra, keep incontrol, bring back artosis, tyler, and day9 when possible, no more painuser , no more dexter, no more weak clubbing stories. If i wanted to hear about all that all id have to do is log into facebook and talk to anyone age 18-35. Please keep it about Starcraft for gods sake some of us dont care about whats on tv or how easy it is for white youngish males to feel comfortable and egotistically satisfied while in the presence of techno. I love SofTG but this last one was weak.
Personal stories are what make the podcast amusing. The best time to listen to these people talk about Starcraft is when they're sharing personal stories and anecdotes about tournaments, lans, get togethers, etc... If they seriously just spoke about sc2 for 2 1/2 hours it would get old, boring, and stale within 2-3 weeks. Personality is what keeps is going and entertaining.
Further, as somebody else stated, the "clubbing" discussion lasted like no time whatsoever.... did you love hearing about IdrA's daily life of sc2? They're giving you insight and you're mad that PainUser spends time having fun? Holy dog shit, better not like him anymore.
I dont hate painuser as in i want bad shit to happen to him or anything, i just dont like him on the show because his manner of speaking, voice, perspective, and contributions are all annoying to me. His voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard and he sounds so afraid to say something wrong even when he is pretending to think hes right. I can hear in his vocal tone his fear of being proven wrong. And thats not something i like to say outloud because its a bit mean, but i just dont like it. Ive waited for SofTG every single time since it started, and was hugely entertained by all of them. Now suddenly there is Painuser making me not want to listen anymore. Thats all im saying. If they decide to keep him fine, its not my show. But when people, even if its just a few, are saying "hey this dude takes the shows level of humor and entertainment value and puts it in the dumpster" then maybe its worth at least posting here as feedback. Do what you want, but the dude annoyed me every time ive heard/seen him speak publicly. Its rare that i dont like someone in the SC "community" but i just dont like him. Thats all there is to it. To me his personality flaws and lack of insight to the game are a distraction during the cast. Id rather have a TLO soundbyte collection than painuser on the cast.
As far as "clubbing" stories go, it just isnt interesting to hear some guy say he likes techno. I can take one look at that dude and tell he "likes techno". To spend time during a SC2 show to talk about it is not why i come here to DL this like a fiend every week. Am i crazy for feeling like a SC2 cast should be about SC2? There is so much going on right now that i dont think they could fit it all anyways. So wasting time on that is just not that great.
On a side note if you are a dude trying to charm a girl, no matter what you are into, dont be scared to say "hell yeah i do ______". Chicks like a guy who is proud of his life and his interests. Maybe professional gaming isnt on par with being a fireman or whatever on a girls list but taking pride in what you do and doing it well is part of changing how people see things. So the next time youre at a "club" and some girl finds out youre a professional Starcraft player say "FUCK YEAH i play Starcraft professionally", call her Lisa even if her name is Michelle, and go dance with her best friend. There is no shame in playing this game professionally. People who dont get it (what a serious thing professional gaming is) need to change their mind about it, not the other way around.
Jesus Christ dude. You're in no position to give anyone any advice whatsoever. Your personality as reflected by your post proves categorically more irritating than Painuser's ever could be.
I can only imagine the naive arrogance one must possess to be able to say: "To me his personality flaws and lack of insight to the game are a distraction during the cast."
I will be honest though - I love the fact that there are people like you in the world.
On November 25 2010 16:02 {88}iNcontroL wrote: what? Why would you infer I don't know who he is? And why the FUCK do we need to know the euro scene any better than we do? What are you babbling about?
It just makes it less frustrating when you flame a player, if it actually sounds like you know what you're talking about :/. You're free to talk about whatever you want on the show, but I would assume you want the show to be worthwhile and not frustrating for the listeners... If you want the show to be for americans where you can all laugh at how little you know about europeans thats fine, but you should let us know then, so we won't have this misunderstanding.
I mean ThorZain is a Warcraft 3 international professional and you basically go "WHO THE FUCK IS THORZAIN?" If you were a fan of EG (imagine if...) and you listened to a show where people were like "WHO THE FUCK IS AXSLAV?" you'd probably feel the need to point out who he was as well.
Who the fuck did I flame? And what europeans would you like me to know more about?
Before you start to seriously answer these questions you might want to consider removing the stick from your ass. Taking SOTG this serious means you ain't understanding the internet so good yet.
On November 25 2010 19:59 Dingotrold wrote: I mean ThorZain is a Warcraft 3 international professional and you basically go "WHO THE FUCK IS THORZAIN?" If you were a fan of EG (imagine if...) and you listened to a show where people were like "WHO THE FUCK IS AXSLAV?" you'd probably feel the need to point out who he was as well.
You don't understand incontrol so please stfu.
If you can't read his tone of voice and personality enough you fail at both life and the internet since if you were proficient at either of the two you would possess the skills to do so.
On November 25 2010 20:01 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Who the fuck did I flame? And what europeans would you like me to know more about?
Before you start to seriously answer these questions you might want to consider removing the stick from your ass. Taking SOTG this serious means you ain't understanding the internet so good yet.
On November 25 2010 20:01 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Who the fuck did I flame? And what europeans would you like me to know more about?
Before you start to seriously answer these questions you might want to consider removing the stick from your ass. Taking SOTG this serious means you ain't understanding the internet so good yet.
Oh come on... Did I really come across as that stuck up? I think it's reasonable to ask that you at least look at how people got in (qualified vs invited) before you get annoyed that unknowns were invited, which is how it came across on the cast.
Surely, this part of SOTG was meant to be taken somewhat seriously. You all definitely sounded serious when you talked about PainUser not being there... If it was supposed to be funny, you should've have done some more jokes!
I realize its hard to expect anything from a show that is done and given out for free, but I would at least expect you guys to stick to your guns and stand by your opinions (and/or ignorance) rather than just claiming that it was all just for funsies! Like I said, it definitely didn't come off as a comedy bit on the show.
A very long time ago, when the earth was cold and women were topless, men began slowly exiting their caves after inventing a thing called fire. It warmed their bodies and cooked their food and allowed them to flourish. However this was not enough for man. They needed more. One day the tribe fire builder man began lighting a nice fire, but he used way too much wood! One man sitting around the fire took a break from staring at the topless women to comment, "Whoa man! Did you really need to burn the entire cave down?" People were confused! Clearly the cave wasn't burned down. Can you even burn a cave? They didn't understand it, and yet for some reason they began to let out strange sounds. They called this sound the 'laugh', and what the man said was soon known as 'joking'. Man finally found what they yearned for, and humor was invented. (Source: The History of Man, as told by Zim (C) 2010).
Many millennium later people on a forum fail to recognize this 'joke' phenomenon when it's found on a podcast about a goddamn video game. LIGHTEN UP ASSHOLES. People use exaggeration and hyperbole to make a point and be funny. Even the topless cavemen people got the joke, why can't you?
On November 25 2010 20:01 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Who the fuck did I flame? And what europeans would you like me to know more about?
Before you start to seriously answer these questions you might want to consider removing the stick from your ass. Taking SOTG this serious means you ain't understanding the internet so good yet.
You don't seem to get it.
You don't have to know anything about it unless you want to (of course...).
But if you then decide not to spend your free time checking who's performing in European tournaments, it may be a bad idea to then comment on European players, because it's... you know... ignorant.
On November 25 2010 20:01 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Who the fuck did I flame? And what europeans would you like me to know more about?
Before you start to seriously answer these questions you might want to consider removing the stick from your ass. Taking SOTG this serious means you ain't understanding the internet so good yet.
I think the point is (and actually I thought this was more Painuser actually), the whole 'who the hell is this guy...'. Just because you're ignorant of someone doesn't make it that they suck.
I don't think it was so bad myself, to be honest. But yeah, it's like me going to canada and knowing all these czech hockey players and going 'gretzky, who the hell is this guy?!'.
On November 25 2010 20:01 {88}iNcontroL wrote: Who the fuck did I flame? And what europeans would you like me to know more about?
Before you start to seriously answer these questions you might want to consider removing the stick from your ass. Taking SOTG this serious means you ain't understanding the internet so good yet.
You don't seem to get it.
You don't have to know anything about it unless you want to (of course...).
But if you then decide not to spend your free time checking who's performing in European tournaments, it may be a bad idea to then comment on European players, because it's... you know... ignorant.
I might've missed something, but actually read the first line. "Who the fuck did I flame?", REALLY who the fuck did he flame? And remember, i might have missed the post.