On January 27 2012 09:36 sevia wrote: Atlantis spaceship and sanshorn mist have not underwent thorough testing. However many pros are practicing on and playing games on these maps, which is something they should touch on.
On January 27 2012 09:31 Telcontar wrote: Completely agree about the map pool being too large. 4~5 maps per tournament should be more than sufficient.
The 10 that IPL has is too much. But 4-5 is too little. 7-8 is IMO the best, especially if you intend to do a Bo7 finals.
7~8 is still too many. As Sean pointed out, you can repeat certain maps and the extra history from that makes it more interesting. Having a very silm map pool will make the game quality much higher. Instead of players just using vague builds on maps they haven't really practiced on, they can really focus on those ~5 maps and really figure shit out to the smallest detail.
On January 27 2012 09:35 TRAP[yoo] wrote: what is your opinion about bo7 in general? i feel like bo5 is more than enough for a final since the gameplay is way more developed than in the "early" days.
I still think Bo7s if you have the logistics to do so. Finals like the GSL Nov and Blizz Cup wouldn't have been epic if it weren't Bo7.
well you cant know that ;D i know it has nothing to do with sc2 but the last osl finals were so exciting and the storyline with the match going to game 5 was pretty sweet. i just think that bo7 has the same problem a big map pool has. you need alot more strategies or just play your standard style instead of having a defined strategy
On January 27 2012 09:36 sevia wrote: Atlantis spaceship and sanshorn mist have not underwent thorough testing. However many pros are practicing on and playing games on these maps, which is something they should touch on.
How do people STILL not know about the Korean Weeklies. Geezlike people stop complaining about not seeing koreans if you never bother to look at tournaments that feature all the good up and comers in the korean scene.
On January 27 2012 09:36 Hambone636 wrote: They need to fix the quality of Day9 and Artosis The sound and picture are bad
Seeing as tyler as jp's quality are fine, it must be something to do with sean not being able have a high bit rate for one of many reasons (uploading a daily would be my first thought) and as for artosis, he is usually not that great of quality.
A little sad that no one on SOTG follows Playhem dailies or the Korean Weekly Which are using the maps. Sure they may not be 1,000s of games like on the ladder maps but it's the start of getting Community maps used more often.
They should rotate on maps more, there shouldn't be 3000 GSL games on a map to check the balance of it. Thats what the BW scene (kespa I guess?) does great, rotate the map pool every season and send out the maps to all the teams before the season so they can't practice them enough and if there is something really fucked up the map team can fix it easily. Just seeing metal, taldarim and shakuras in map pools today is wrong.
On January 27 2012 09:41 Gosi wrote: They should rotate on maps more, there shouldn't be 3000 GSL games on a map to check the balance of it. Thats what the BW scene (kespa I guess?) does great, rotate the map pool every season and send out the maps to all the teams before the season so they can't practice them enough and if there is something really fucked up the map team can fix it easily. Just seeing metal, taldarim and shakuras in map pools today is wrong.
Ya, I know what you are saying, but we don't have a team of people payed to make maps yet, so while it is happening slowly now, I think (hope) it will get better in the future. HoTS might fuck it all up though.
Wow this is incredible. I mean people got mad at the whole PPSL thing but this is a whole other can of worms. PPSL was drama for sure, there was lots of information flying about. the whole scenario was pretty surreal.
This however is an absolutely core part of playing the game; the maps. And they don't know anything about the ESV Weekly, the most high level weekly tournament out there that tests maps like Sanshorn and Cloud Kingdom with Code A, S and B players? They don't know about the slew of Map Contests that occurred at the back end of last year? The IPL and NASL ones? The ESL MotM? They don't know how everyone who is informed on this issue knows we need more and better maps? Can you imagine a GSL final with 4 freaking maps? What the hell?
On January 27 2012 09:31 Telcontar wrote: Completely agree about the map pool being too large. 4~5 maps per tournament should be more than sufficient.
The 10 that IPL has is too much. But 4-5 is too little. 7-8 is IMO the best, especially if you intend to do a Bo7 finals.
7~8 is still too many. As Sean pointed out, you can repeat certain maps and the extra history from that makes it more interesting. Having a very silm map pool will make the game quality much higher. Instead of players just using vague builds on maps they haven't really practiced on, they can really focus on those ~5 maps and really figure shit out to the smallest detail.
I don't know as a player I may agree. But from a spectator's POV seeing the same maps repeatedly in a tournament can just get really dry. I think the current 7-8 for GSLs is fine considering most players get to know which maps to practice on before hand (well at least the first map in the series with the new Bo3 change).
This is embarassing. Learn about maps before you talk about them. Have you not heard of the Korean Weekly. Effing embarassing. At least the PPSL they had an excuse to feign ignorance as Artosis didn't want to call out his friend or whatever but this...? Just baffling.