On March 11 2011 18:33 MorroW wrote: how many players are selected out of the invites? how many invites are there? is there any thread i can read about this ?
gogo artosis
The official Q&A Nasl thread is your best bet (just search for NASL). I think all 50 were supposed to be invites though, but dont take my word for it.
It is an invitational so yeah all 50, from what i understood Xeris has approched some teams basicly wanting them to send in thier applications (maybe even promising spots but not sure). But players can also apply directly by posting a youtube video and submitting it, check OP here for more details. Even players from teams who have been contacted by Xeris have to post a youtube video.
I do not think there is anything set in stone how many players are already "in" or anything like that, and i have been keeping pretty up to date with the info they release.
I watched Momans stream a lot during the beta but since release he has sort of fallen off the map for me. Would be fun to see him in this if he gets in.
MoMaN's video is so hilarious. The giant baguette was a great touch. I think he tied Catz for epicness Glad to see Grubby applying, and he is a Boxer fan too. I need more votes too many great players.
Actually it's not a "giant" baguette but an usual baguette in France. Then of course, all french wear a beret everyday and play behind la "Tour eiffel" with red wine , it's not a "cliché" contrary to people said previously but a classical gaming style ! :p
gratz MoMan for your video =)
Btw, Why there are so few application in this great compétition? I thought the ending time was in 2 days
On March 12 2011 01:01 Vira wrote: Actually it's not a "giant" baguette but an usual baguette in France. Then of course, all french wear a beret everyday and play behind la "Tour eiffel" with red wine , it's not a "cliché" contrary to people said previously but a classical gaming style ! :p
gratz MoMan for your video =)
Btw, Why there are so few application in this great compétition? I thought the ending time was in 2 days
lol, I always thought so!
I don't think any one knows for sure why but it is suspected they may have been submitted privately or people are procrastinating. I mean we haven't seen any Liquid Vods so I suspect a lot of the former for the more prominent teams.
On March 12 2011 01:02 REM.ca wrote: Grubby is so well spoken and charismatic! Holy sh**!
I think I've just developed my first man crush ever.
Between him and MoMaN I have realized I can never visit EU as I would end up questioning my own sexuality