About a Month ago i started working on compiling all info related to starcraft into one file. So far i have added all of Imba Builds, Tons of guides and builds from Team Liquid, As well as build orders from Videos.From Bronze to Blizzcon and everything in between if its related to starcraft you'll find it here
Currently i am running out of material to add, tho i still have a small back log to add, and would like to pick everyone's bookmarks so to speak. If you have anything that you dont see in the directory, or anything you think would be a good addition Feel free to comment below or to PM me.
Here are the Links for the Online Version of the Directory
And here is the Links for the Downloadable Version. I am Trying to keep this file up to date every 2 weeks or so, And i would recommend downloading one note its free and awesome. Tho if you don't want to there is a pdf version below as well.
Up to date as of : 3/11/2015
One Note: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hZpnb3Xfp6eTRiaFduWF9WUVE/edit?usp=sharing
PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hZpnb3Xfp6Vk9PcGZNUGxwMGs/edit?usp=sharing