Server: EU B.NET ID: Vablum.304 Interest: casual atm League: Bronze
Laddering, trying to get out of bronze. Would be fun to practice with some people, I just recently got back into the game
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: xDoubleFlash. 282 Race: Protoss/Random ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2521876/1/xDoubleFlash/ Sc2RanksURL: (not ranked yet this season, waiting for someone to grind with) Interest: competetive League: Gold (before leaving) Other: Switch to League of Legends right after purchasing HoTS, and am looking to get back into SC. Please hit me up if you're newer and/or just looking for someone to skype/grind games with.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: happybythree #1858 (SC2 #326) Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4288260/1/happybythree/ Sc2RanksURL: N/A Interest: Competitive Long-Term League: Unranked so far; likely bronze, I'm very new. Other: New to the game, looking for practice partners or somebody to teach me. Played a lot of BW back in the day.
Server: EU/NA/KR B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EU;Mist.617, NA: llllllll(7 Ls).758 Race: Terran ProfileURL: hhttp://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1805539/1/Mist/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/character/eu/1805539/Mist/wol/1v1 Interest: Compeititive League: Master Other: Used to be a GM toss on EU/NA, took a break and playing terran. will practice with any zerg or terran from high diamond+ as i really need help in those matchups. Protoss is of course welcom too.