Pretty interesting. At first I was going to suggest deleting the rock tower or the rock towards the gold, but it makes sense as an annoying way for the enemy to cut off reinforcements and makes the gold a riskier move. That is, if they can get in there to knock them down. Might require air units or dt's or just a random hit squad sent in.
I would say either make a path from the third (12/6 o'clock) to the corner base (1/7 o'clock) or just delete the corner bases and the land they are on. The dead space resulting from it wouldn't really matter too much, and the map already has more than enough bases. Also it encourages players to use the more interesting bases.
I really like the gold bases they lead to diffrent intresting games
i have played a lot of games on this map, it's super good, i wish it was in the map pool, it's so much better than the orther maps we are playing on atm.
It appears to be a good map. Should have been a finalist imo.
This map seems alright. It has some interesting ideas, but idea execution is not this map's strong suite. This map is pretty good for a beginner map, but overall isn't that great for the following reasons:
- The first three bases are just out right standard, nothing do different there. When it comes time to take a fourth, the central blue base in the middle of the map is the best answer. The reason the gold base connected to the nat should not be a third, or even a fourth really, is that it's just way to hard to defend. It is just as close to your opponent as the central blue fourth, it is very open with that large ramp, drops can elevator between it and the main, and get to the base to defend it is near impossible. I mean, the only way to get to the base is through that super awkward choke from the nat, which liberators, disruptors, or lurkers will happily deny from you entering.
- The central gold bases are pretty useless. They are what I call Winner Golds, in which the person who is already winning the game gets to take to secure their win. This is generally looked at as a bad thing, because it prevents comeback potential, which in turn makes the game less exciting to both play and watch.
- The three blue bases in the top right and bottom left of the map are also useless. They are super far away, and the pathing to defend them is really awkward. It's as if they were put there just because the map needed more bases. They weren't particularly designed well, nor do they really fit into the flow of the rest of the expansion pattern on this map.
- This map also has a lot of random features that don't make sense to me, such as the collapse rocks in the middle. Things on maps should have large impacts, not just minor impacts that do next to nothing.
Overall, the map is playable. The gold base connected to the nat is a really interesting idea, but its just executed really poorly. The rest of the map is alright, but I don't think this map can really support games beyond the mid game, despite having the base count to support super late games.
On May 21 2016 15:18 Timetwister22 wrote: This map seems alright. It has some interesting ideas, but idea execution is not this map's strong suite. This map is pretty good for a beginner map, but overall isn't that great for the following reasons:
- The first three bases are just out right standard, nothing do different there. When it comes time to take a fourth, the central blue base in the middle of the map is the best answer. The reason the gold base connected to the nat should not be a third, or even a fourth really, is that it's just way to hard to defend. It is just as close to your opponent as the central blue fourth, it is very open with that large ramp, drops can elevator between it and the main, and get to the base to defend it is near impossible. I mean, the only way to get to the base is through that super awkward choke from the nat, which liberators, disruptors, or lurkers will happily deny from you entering.
- The central gold bases are pretty useless. They are what I call Winner Golds, in which the person who is already winning the game gets to take to secure their win. This is generally looked at as a bad thing, because it prevents comeback potential, which in turn makes the game less exciting to both play and watch.
- The three blue bases in the top right and bottom left of the map are also useless. They are super far away, and the pathing to defend them is really awkward. It's as if they were put there just because the map needed more bases. They weren't particularly designed well, nor do they really fit into the flow of the rest of the expansion pattern on this map.
- This map also has a lot of random features that don't make sense to me, such as the collapse rocks in the middle. Things on maps should have large impacts, not just minor impacts that do next to nothing.
Overall, the map is playable. The gold base connected to the nat is a really interesting idea, but its just executed really poorly. The rest of the map is alright, but I don't think this map can really support games beyond the mid game, despite having the base count to support super late games.
Would have been really nice to proove all your points in the map contest tourney hosted by Blizzard and those BTTV guys. The only point i fully agree is the point that the last 2 bases are more or less just there to have more bases to expand in the late game. Which might be better executed on other maps but as an experienced player wasnt that important in my opinion. They are still easy reachable by both players and the delta distance between the main bases to those bases is neglectable.
Due to feedback from monk, I did some major changes to the map layout.
Is gannam terran viable? If it is, and if is not op nor unfun to play against , is nice to have a map that adds 1 agreesive strategy for terran. You could play economical gannam though. Or maybe make an allin work well for terran; and terrans lack effective all-ins.
Overall, gannam on this map could add great variaty to sc2, or be very bad for the game.