On October 02 2015 09:03 MoosyDoosy wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 09:01 The Shining wrote:On October 02 2015 08:54 MoosyDoosy wrote:Oh yea Shining you might wanna check this out. We did kinda start a big wagon lol. On October 01 2015 06:50 KelsierSC wrote:Day 1 Recall List rsoultin (2): Trfel, raynpelikoneet, Rels, GlowingBear (2): Damdred, coolTLname, rsoultin Trfel (1): GlowingBear, Rels, LightningStrike, sicklucker coolTLname (7): Rels, GlowingBear, MoosyDoosy, scott31337, TheShining, LightningStrike, marvellosity raynpelikoneet (0): coolTLname, MoosyDoosyscott31337 (1): Damdred, marvellosity, rsoultin, raynpelikoneet, sickluckerLightningStrike (0): raynpelikoneet, scott31337 Not listing (0): Tonight, I will be banning coolTLname permanently for providing us with atrocious whiskey. Day 1 ends in at 22:00 GMT (+00:00).
The spirits recall list is here. Only votes on this list will be counted.
Please mind the deadline as failure to vote will result in a modkill. Lol. I guess. You and I just have different opinions on what started means. I thought you meant started as in the hardest pushes from the beginning of D1 but it looks like you meant we were the votes that put the wagon into the lead and got people to switch. Am I right? yes. i feel like i've been saying this for the longest time. -.-
This is why I need to take a break. I've been mobile/tablet posting the last 2 days and its a strain on my eyes and my brain. There's something here I'm missing if you're not scum and I'm afraid I know what it is.
I'm srsly out for a bit. Later.
On October 02 2015 09:25 coolTLname wrote: If im lynched and mafia hits it will be 6v3 possibly 5v3 , then possibly game over with one more mislynch.
i really think shining argument that lynching me to get information is a bad one, and mafia has power roles as well, so they will likely figure out the blue role in that time period.
lynching me for information for 3 perfect lynches is improbable, i doubt my death would glean that much information as there were 7 votes on me ,, hmm 2 of the voters who were on me did die so theres that.
anyway I think the huge bandwagon here and from last day means mafia is out to get me
I think it's really bad that you think I'm just lynching you for information. Like. Really? Not the TMI case? Not the lies rayn has brought up? Just for information? K.
On October 02 2015 09:38 coolTLname wrote: and rayn was accusing me for voting scott, which i find to be really forced. I think shining hopped onto that as well, you guys said he was obviously town but just take a look into that as well
You think I hopped onto that? Why don't you know? Why don't you also know that GB, your other scumread, also mentioned the last minute vote? You yourself said you wanted to be lynched but it looks like you didn't want to incriminate yourself by being the lone vote on GB. I've caught scum before because they waste their votes like you did.
On October 02 2015 10:47 Damdred wrote: How about use real reasons to scum read me instead of wifom to the first part and actual reasons for the second.
Lol that lurk tho
On October 02 2015 09:15 MoosyDoosy wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 09:13 The Shining wrote:On October 02 2015 09:03 MoosyDoosy wrote:On October 02 2015 09:01 The Shining wrote:On October 02 2015 08:54 MoosyDoosy wrote:Oh yea Shining you might wanna check this out. We did kinda start a big wagon lol. On October 01 2015 06:50 KelsierSC wrote:Day 1 Recall List rsoultin (2): Trfel, raynpelikoneet, Rels, GlowingBear (2): Damdred, coolTLname, rsoultin Trfel (1): GlowingBear, Rels, LightningStrike, sicklucker coolTLname (7): Rels, GlowingBear, MoosyDoosy, scott31337, TheShining, LightningStrike, marvellosity raynpelikoneet (0): coolTLname, MoosyDoosyscott31337 (1): Damdred, marvellosity, rsoultin, raynpelikoneet, sickluckerLightningStrike (0): raynpelikoneet, scott31337 Not listing (0): Tonight, I will be banning coolTLname permanently for providing us with atrocious whiskey. Day 1 ends in at 22:00 GMT (+00:00).
The spirits recall list is here. Only votes on this list will be counted.
Please mind the deadline as failure to vote will result in a modkill. Lol. I guess. You and I just have different opinions on what started means. I thought you meant started as in the hardest pushes from the beginning of D1 but it looks like you meant we were the votes that put the wagon into the lead and got people to switch. Am I right? yes. i feel like i've been saying this for the longest time. -.- This is why I need to take a break. I've been mobile/tablet posting the last 2 days and its a strain on my eyes and my brain. There's something here I'm missing if you're not scum and I'm afraid I know what it is. I'm srsly out for a bit. Later. I'll wait for your post. This piqued my interest.
Lol I see what you did there. I think one of my townread could be wrong.
But I'm holding my reads. Just in case. XD
On October 02 2015 11:41 rsoultin wrote: if it's me you haven't really been hiding it so well, tbf -stretches-
i'm kind of disappointed that no one cares :/ though i guess it's not terribly important if this is an auto-lynch cool day
Well that's what I don't get. Yes, he should've been lynched D1. Yes, I think he's scum. But the auto lynch attitude is going to lead us into complacency and I'm not okay with that. Especially when people are hiding reads. Cough cough.
On October 02 2015 11:46 coolTLname wrote: so there was someone who said i was role hunting 101 with my Can medics heal themselves question do u guys remember who that was? look into him. I wasn't role hunting btw, i was actually trying to look like a medic , probably shouldn't have done that but o well. I swore it was the shining but i cant find it lol
and rayn and GB i have decent arguments in my filter on these two.
GL !
OK srsly please stop this. This is your 2nd give up post, and we still have 40+ hours left in this day phase. Instead of asking if anyone remembers who asked about you too hunting, why not use your time to find it yourself? How many times are you going to declare your innocence but then do jack shit about it? This reads like a scum post just trying to get people to waste time on shit we dont need to waste time on.
And it wasn't me that said you were role hunting but thanks for trying to pin that on me. -1
I just got into work a little while ago. Catching up.
On October 02 2015 11:54 coolTLname wrote: Anyways im kind of really stressed and theres no other candidate aside from me. I guess i could try to solve the game, ill compile some stuff i have but its true in a huge 147 page filter like this , ppl do forget stuff and i doubt anyone has that good memory playing a drinking mafia game lol. After today rayn seemed legit angry at me, so i think hes town. before it seemed he was faking the anger for misdirection.
I noticed the shining and LS have the lowest page filters. this could make sense as mafia is probably very delighted , if i flip town it paints rayn and GB etc moreso, so perhaps they are just sitting back, relaxing lurking in the shadows.
And the whole 7=3 thing is dumb anyways because i already stated i was busy , so i skimmed over it. I still think i wasnt lying or anything but i might have been.
and i didnt really think damdred was mafia but he must be
Go look at any of my town games like you did for RSo and tell me if I've ever had a long filter. I'm a low volume poster, always have been, so scumming me for that is bullshit. And rayn has been legit angry with you for some time, I find it interesting that you now all of a sudden are backing off on what you've been saying all game.
On October 02 2015 11:59 MoosyDoosy wrote: did anyone notice he literally revokes everything he said and did in that post of his...
Actually yeah wow this. Bah Moosy can be town, there's no way we keep having mind melds like this.
On October 02 2015 12:15 coolTLname wrote:i still think GB is maf , same reasons as before. i honestly havent had the energy or time (defending myself) to read other people. i believe trfels story i dont agree with this guy Show nested quote +On September 30 2015 12:05 sicklucker wrote: shining is so town it hurts. never seen him post before let alone a post that big when he bizzy i suspect shining. shouldnt u think the opposite? or at least 50-50 Im gnona find whoever posted the role hunting 101 thing and anaylze him, And the voting thread, i suppose it was odd the votes were tied 4-4 and that makes my hard claim of rsoultin look bad but i had many reasons , like rsoultin not voting trfel , being very actively reading , and even looked up her past 2 games where she was just flirty and not useful as mafia. and the ppl i suspected, GB and rayn were voting AND they were just very silent, like they felt very relaxed and didn't care. Anyway like i said i eliminated rayn so that leaves GB. I read that GB usually posts like a crack addict, but he doesnt done anything, YET hes clearly been .. here the whole time. the way he voted and his poor conclusions and reads make me suspect him. And shortly after he received 3 votes a HUGE train came upon me of like 7 ppl.
Again suspecting/scumming me but have you given any sort of evidence or reason for me being scum? Other than my filter length, which I've already explained? This softing me as scum is bullshit.
You say you eliminate rayn as a scumread but that doesn't explain the fact that you just lied. Rayn was definitely not relaxed at EoD, he was yelling and was the one that clarified Damdreds CC. That's not relaxed and uncaring so idk why you'd say that.
On October 02 2015 14:04 raynpelikoneet wrote: Trfel which one of us do you believe is right?
Did Trfel ever answer this? All I saw was him saying he thought cool was town and that their talk was getting nowhere. After saying he'd lynch cool because even if he's town because he's not helpful to town. That's a weird progression and considering I think rayn is town and cool is scum, it seems pretty weird to not take a side here or even analyze what the arguments they had against each other were.
On October 02 2015 17:50 Rels wrote: well since no one is here here is a question for the next guy passing by: what do you think of Moosy's idea that mafia wouldn't switch to scott if enough people were already voting him ? So they could say "haha you killed a blue and I didn't"; or even don't say anything, but the fact they didn't vote for a blue would remain in people's mind I agree with this idea, even if I disagree it applies to GB as GB was actively going against people, which is a town indicative thing
It happened really close to deadline, there has to be at least one scum who jumped onto that lynch.
On October 02 2015 19:21 GlowingBear wrote: Cool TL flip will be very informative also There is no better lynch other than him
OK what do you think about the fact that cool thinks I'm lynching him just for information? He thinks its a bad move on my part but you're his top scumread. But he doesn't even mention that you think he'd be a good information flip. Shouldn't he be looking into this from his top scumread since he thinks that's why I'm lynching him?
On October 02 2015 21:50 sicklucker wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 21:38 raynpelikoneet wrote: why exactly would you suspect shining, sl? his vote on scott. like i said mafia was probably pushing that and I dont think your mafia. There has to be mafia in there
I was the second to last vote, only you voted after. I thought it was probably a bad idea but everyone else switched, including most of my townreada. I also had Damdred as town most of D1 and Scott was null/suspicious so its obvious I would trust Damdred cc over Scott's claim. I was also mobile posting and had no time to get anyone back onto cool.
I do agree there is at least 1 scum on the Scott train but it isn't me.
On October 02 2015 22:06 sicklucker wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 21:52 raynpelikoneet wrote:On October 02 2015 21:50 sicklucker wrote:On October 02 2015 21:38 raynpelikoneet wrote: why exactly would you suspect shining, sl? his vote on scott. like i said mafia was probably pushing that and I dont think your mafia. There has to be mafia in there I don't understand, can you elaborate further? Show nested quote +On October 02 2015 09:37 sicklucker wrote:On October 01 2015 07:11 Half the Sky wrote:Day 1 Recall List scott31337 (7): Damdred, marvellosity, rsoultin, raynpelikoneet, sicklucker, raynpelikoneet, marvellosity, rsoultin, marvellosity, Rels, The Shining, sicklucker coolTLname (4): Rels, GlowingBear, MoosyDoosy, scott31337, TheShining, LightningStrike, marvellosityrsoultin (1): Trfel, raynpelikoneet, Rels, GlowingBear (1): Damdred, coolTLname, rsoultinTrfel (0): GlowingBear, Rels, LightningStrike, sickluckerraynpelikoneet (0): coolTLname, MoosyDoosy, marvellosityLightningStrike (0): raynpelikoneet, scott31337 Tonight, I am banning scott31337 permanently for providing us with atrocious whiskey. Day 1 has ended. its interesting that the people suspect of being mafia did not vote scott. Mafia knew scott was a power role so they always vote/push him if there competent. I would suspect all 3 mafia to vote scott in this spot. but it was acualy the most town read people in the game that pushed it. / rayn / rstou / rels /shining . Theres always mafia in there. No way scott gets lynched there without some mafia help and they have all the motivation. Some mafia might just have been afk for example if ls is mafia he was with his mom. MAFIA KNOWS SCOTT IS A REAL POWER ROLE. they always vote him. Im acualy laying off of trefel because he didnt. 2 mafia probably voted scott and the third is probably cool who is an idiot so he does not count. FUck i forget all that I wrote it was so good. Basically rsou/rels/shining are way more likely to be mafia because of how they voted scott. While the people who voted coolt are more likely to be town. not just because coolt is mafia but because he is never a town powerole the way he gave up. Like marv gave mafia the perfect reason to lynch a powerole (we have to assume mafia knows scott is really a powerole when he claims since hes not on there team) Marv gave them the perfect excuse to vote scott too. unless the mafia was afk they always snap vote scott here. Also I think its less likely a mafia would be afk at a deadline. I think the mafia team is probably coolt/rsou + one of shining/rels.It can still be trefel but I feel hes not trying at all.
So I'm bussing my partner D1? No gtfo. I fucking hate being called scum for stupid fucking reasons.
On October 02 2015 22:32 sicklucker wrote: The only reason to vote scott dandred is if you think dandred is town and you believe hes on to something you dont understand so you sheep him. but no one brought that up
Well fuck. This is why I voted Scott, I said that earlier. I felt like it might've been a bad idea but Damdred was town for me from the beginning and I had more reason to believe his CC than Scott's claim so I sheeped him. I even caught onto his early softing before anyone else did, although I thought it was a scum slip before he claimed.
On October 01 2015 06:44 The Shining wrote:Show nested quote +On October 01 2015 06:36 Damdred wrote: I'm 72% sure shining is town.
I can't know about gb, I guess Scott might be town if not for the claim he would be lynched though Strange wording. So he might be town but without the claim he would've been lynched? So without a claim, you're saying you would've lynched might have town Scott? I'm not understanding this.
On October 02 2015 22:44 sicklucker wrote: qeustion for shining. were you the guy a scum coached in your first game with hts? im bad at remembering names
My first game I was town, HtS was scum GF. I've only rolled scum once on TL and that was Student V with Trfel and DarthPunk.
On October 03 2015 00:50 MoosyDoosy wrote: I am looking at coolTL/LS and Rels/LS. There's a third floating but I'm not too worried as these two should give us a huge start.
I'm pretty much here as well. But the first one is kind of unlikely to me. Rayn was supposed to explain under what circumstances LS would bus cool D1 but I don't remember reading that. That was the post that piqued my curiosity that I was waiting for but I didn't see it.
Meh. I've just spent the last few hours at work dealing with a death threat from a drunk delivery guy and cops. I'm not really in the mood to be here right now but w.e.
I'm done talking about cool. I'm almost as sure as I've ever been on anything that he'll flip scum and the whole "you're a liar" "no, you're a liar" between him and rayn has gotten really old really fast. Scum or not, he's right in that we should really stop focusing on him.
RSo, do you remember how you caught scum Trfel d1 in Student V?
On October 03 2015 11:15 rsoultin wrote:Show nested quote +On October 03 2015 11:04 The Shining wrote: Meh. I've just spent the last few hours at work dealing with a death threat from a drunk delivery guy and cops. I'm not really in the mood to be here right now but w.e.
I'm done talking about cool. I'm almost as sure as I've ever been on anything that he'll flip scum and the whole "you're a liar" "no, you're a liar" between him and rayn has gotten really old really fast. Scum or not, he's right in that we should really stop focusing on him.
RSo, do you remember how you caught scum Trfel d1 in Student V? yeah, his push on ls was horrid and wasn't something he'd ever say as town, essentially
I thought it was him snap voting geript at the start of the game for some bull about a self imposed 10 post limit per phase before weirdly backing off of it.
The reason I'm asking is because although he claims it was a joke, he did go out of his way to put it into the voting thread and was looking for reactions. He's your top suspicion right now so I'm wondering if you see any similarities between that game and this one.
OK thank you. I was just revisiting that because I said I'd filter him a while ago and I'm finally getting around to it.
That second post is a pretty interesting point but I'm not sure it makes him scum if he's the dolt you say he is lol. But the alternating between jokes and srs reads is shifty, I agree, although Rels also called him out for that and he addressed it here so I don't want to look too much into that.
On September 30 2015 11:37 Trfel wrote:Show nested quote +On September 29 2015 17:42 Rels wrote:On September 29 2015 07:28 Trfel wrote:On September 29 2015 07:25 rsoultin wrote: btw truffle nope ^^ i only skimmed it cause yawn lol you can keep your shitty vote Hm, I kind of actually think you are mafia now..... But I can't decide if I should push or wait..... @Trfel is this a serious post if it is I find super weird the fact that most posts before and after this one are funny posts OK after I finish catching up I'll do a Trfel's filter dive to check if my feeling is right. But I definitely have the feeling there is a contradiction in tone progression in Trfel's posts, something like funny => one serious => funny => one serious => funny If you think that me alternating between being serious or funny is a sign that I am mafia, then I have no more words for you. To be honest, depending on how that's applied, it's probably the easiest way to read me. Since apparently I wasn't clear: I started out by voting rsoultin as a joke. Then I started being a bit suspicious of rsoultin, but not enough that I wanted to actually push it (at least until I reread things). Before I was able to reread things, rsoultin made some posts that were contrary to the assumptions I had made for some of my suspicions of her, and then I realized a few flaws in my suspicions. So I wasn't very suspicious of her any more). Clear enough?
He also has posts where he talks himself in and out of points that he'd scum you for but then calls you scum after. There's also a lot of moments where he blatantly admits he wasn't reading the thread. I'm not sure if I think scumTrfel would put these things into the thread to be picked at if he was scum, unless he's just yoloing this game and trying new things.