On May 23 2015 05:13 The Shining wrote:You just avoided a lynch. This is a really strange reaction, considering. Why fuck this game? Don't you see how inconsistent he is being...
He acts like he cares about making the right reads. He acts like he cares about the lynch.
He goes afk and only jumps in once in a while to respond to people scumreading him.
He makes a case to survive, then is upset when his target flips town.
It's pretty straight forward.
On May 23 2015 05:19 Damdred wrote: I honestly wouldn't be surprised if ahockey is town and the scum team is oats, obi and qwerty I'd be pretty darn surprised if that was the scum team.
I'm playing Hearthstone too.
Are you good at it? Can you teach me?
On May 23 2015 16:03 ObiWanShinobi wrote: I'm learning from someone else atm lmao. Just built a Dragon Deck. It's hilarious. What's your tag? Trfel #1580
Been playing for like a year, on and off... but I'm f2p (not a good collection) and I'm not very good. It's fun, though! Very relaxing compared to SC2 (I'm really bad at that, too, haha).
On May 23 2015 16:29 GlowingBear wrote: Hey I want to play hearthstone too! I suck at it by I have fun with it Join the club
On May 23 2015 16:32 GlowingBear wrote: I've just got home from a party. I'll add you there once I finish eating Was referring to the club of people who suck at Hearthstone, I won't pretend to be any good, haha.
My info is a few posts above.
You also give the impression of a party animal
On May 23 2015 17:24 Onegu wrote: DRUNK ONEGU IS HERE ANY QUESTIONS Will you kindly agree never to lynch me, ever?
On May 24 2015 12:51 ObiWanShinobi wrote: So I just saw Trfel in Hearthstone.
Discuss. lol
On May 24 2015 13:10 ObiWanShinobi wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2015 13:01 Qwerty! wrote:On May 24 2015 12:51 ObiWanShinobi wrote: So I just saw Trfel in Hearthstone.
Discuss. lol Look at him. Lying around. Content with his own scumminess. Mocking us. lol
We are NOT lynching Shockey today.
Blue claims this game:
GlowingBear (Innocent Child) Onegu (vigilante) Stutters695 (?) Damdred (Mason) [presumably The Shining] (Mason)
Most games have two blue roles. To be fair, innocent child and masons aren't that strong, but on top of having two other blues, that's definitely excessive.
We have too many blues. I'm inclined to suspect Damdred and The Shining as being mafia, though Onegu is a possibility.
I'll hopefully get a better chance to look at it tonight. But I think that Damdred is likely the best lynch.
##vote Damdred
If it wasn't clear enough: Damdred and The Shining are both scum! Lynch them!
On May 25 2015 11:39 Damdred wrote: Stop being obtuse obi, should be pretty obvious mafia?
On May 25 2015 12:00 ObiWanShinobi wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2015 11:59 Oatsmaster wrote:On May 25 2015 10:01 Damdred wrote: I'm honestly spent with this game. From GB tunnel to my ultimate town read being an idiot and calling me scum when I'm making a play so nobody looks at either of us and the game is poed down to obi, shockey and oats.
I really don't care if I get lynched tbh scum can get this win I could care more.
However just so people know trfel is wrong in most games have two power roles, most of the time its three with a possibility of four depending on the wrakness/strength of the roles involved.
Just lynch me get this game over, the most active player got tunneled by confirmed town and now we are probably going to lynch me or who knows. Ok probably voting for qwerty or whatever and hope shockey is scum Idc HOW MANY BLUES DO YOU THINK THERE ARE MAN. WHAT THE FUCK. ##vote damdred He hardclaimed blue on like night 1 lol. Hard claim?
I really wouldn't say so.
Did anyone bother to actually click the link I sent to Linux Mini Mafia? It wasn't a link to the game... or even Damdred's filter... but to a specific post, a post that is rather relevant to this game.
Lynch Damdred.
ShoCkeyy is a mislynch.
Why? I'm not sure. But town feels so hopeless in this game, and with the thread activity so low, it just feels like there is no way that ShoCkeyy can be scum.
Damdred is very likely scum. If not him, than one of Onegu/Stutters695 is scum (leaning Stutters?), but far, far more likely Damdred. Though I am somewhat worried by how little claimed blue Stutters695 seems to be caring today.
I still think that The Shining has a fair shot at being scum. I don't really suspect ObiWanShinobi, though I don't have a good reason for that.
I'll go with Damdred/The Shining/Oatsmaster so you guys can laugh at me post-game.
On May 25 2015 14:50 Qwerty! wrote: ShoCkeyy is a mislynch.
Why? I'm not sure. But town feels so hopeless in this game, and with the thread activity so low, it just feels like there is no way that ShoCkeyy can be scum. Actually, to make this 100% clear (it's rather important):
No matter who is mafia this game, town is doing very poorly (simply in terms of activity and thread content). It's undeniable. Thus, scum is capable of mostly doing whatever they want. The best strategy for scum right now is to throw their influence wherever, if they work together they secure an easy mislynch and the game is over. It doesn't matter if they make it too obvious, because no one will be able to catch them with the thread activity like this. I'd be very surprised if scum was willing to bus at MYLO with the thread this inactive and lacking leadership.
The ease that the lynch went to ShoCkeyy, the little amount that people have said about other targets... ShoCkeyy is screaming mislynch.
As an example, imagine for a moment that you know for certain I am town. Basically everyone is willing to lynch me, or actively scumreading me, no one is townreading me. It would be so easy to get people to lynch me instead. But no one is really pushing for this at all. This suggests that ShoCkeyy is town.
Damdred needs to be lynched. ShoCkeyy is town.
On May 24 2015 03:08 Stutters695 wrote: Sorry guys, I know my play so far has been terrible outside of yesterday really. Odds are I'm dead today as I doubt Damdred is a medic. I can live with that (pun intended) since I haven't really done much, but here's my last thoughts if that's the case.
I'll be at Sunset Music Festival today and tomorrow so I won't be on a lot before late night if I'm not too exhausted to play.
I'll try to get out more definitive stuff, but in case I die:
Damdred - I still think he's scum. If you're town, please read my case and evaluate it on your own. If he doesn't die and continues paying like he is lynch him. This is not up to his level of town play. I didn't mention this in the case, but he keeps saying Assassination doesn't count because of the post restrictions, but if you look at the posting amounts, he's averaging a similar number yet nowhere near the analysis or effort towards solving the game. I'm trying to not use meta when there is enough to actually read someone, but food for thought.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to type up what I wanted on the others before I have to go, but I've got Trfel as scum and the third is one of Shining or OWS. Maybe VCA and a reread would change my mind on Shockeyy but personally I want to lynch Damdred or Trfel. Trfel is probably the safer lynch, but Damdred as scum cracks the game open. Since it'll be mylo though, Trfel would be better I think.
Sorry again I wasn't more of a help, it's been a hell of a week and I didn't see all this coming when I ined. I'm a bit behind....
Rereading this post, it makes me very confident that Stutters695 is town, despite his low activity recently. I'll accept Onegu's vigilante claim as well.
ObiWanShinobi just feels really towny.
I'm actually like 80+% confident that Damdred/The Shining/Oatsmaster is the scum team.
+ Show Spoiler [Stutters' Hearthstone Question] +Lately, more aggressive midrange decks are the strongest decks in Hearthstone (midrange zoolock and hybrid hunter, which is just old midrange hunter with charging minions and more face damage), though face hunter is still very powerful.
The night kill.
You say that night kills are WIFOM? This is false. Artanis[Xp], among the best active town players on the site, uses night kills heavily for information. Anyway, mafia was willing to kill a named VT and active player (GlowingBear) over the claimed blues (Stutters695 and Damdred), and Damdred was a fairly active player as well.
First, this implicates Damdred, as Damdred was also a blue claim and GlowingBear was scumreading him. But this is a very weak point, because there are reasons to doubt Damdred's blue claim (even if you assume he is town), as I pointed out, and I suppose scum could kill GlowingBear for WIFOM (unlikely) or for other reasons (likely). This doesn't really say anything.
The important part is, in the long run, killing one of the claimed blues (assuming at least one is town) is the percentage play for mafia (their chances are winning are better with that). Imagine if Stutters claims cop and outs two of the mafia and green checks on suspected players, suddenly mafia just loses (sorry, I wasn't keeping track of how often he claimed roleblock, but the point stands). While GlowingBear is a pretty good player, his reputation for read accuracy and ability to solve a game isn't that great (he's mentioned several times that he has a reputation for being terrible this game; while I disagree, I do admit that his reputation isn't amazing). Scum killed him because he's one of the most active and helpful players, and he's confirmed town, so this chokes off maximum information from town in the short term. This suggests that mafia wants to get the mislynch right here, or that Stutters (and possibly Damdred as well) are scum, take your pick.
I really need to get some sleep. I'm not able to prove my whole scum team now, that would take a ton of work, and I don't have the time. But I'm very confident. Hopefully my last few posts (and the upcoming one, assuming I stay awake for it) help show that I am town and that you can trust me, but even if they do not, ignore the voice and focus on what I am saying. If you are town and you ignore what I say because you think I am scummy, how am I supposed to show you that I actually am town? Listen to me, and you'll see why Damdred is scum.
Next post will (hopefully) be a mini-case on Damdred. And no, no silly associative reads yet (though they definitely exist).
Oh, sorry.... One more thing, if you're worried about my alignment:
If you think I am scum, then ShoCkeyy is either my scum buddy or he is not.
1. ShoCkeyy is my scum buddy. Well, first, I wouldn't have acted like I did yesterday, but that aside, I would either bus him here or defend him. Most likely bus. But either way, I wouldn't wait for this long to try and push the lynch off of him (basically committing suicide if I do fail to move the lynch). I would just hop on the wagon and take a little credit from yesterday and do my best tomorrow. Furthermore, if ShoCkeyy and I are both scum, that's probably the two players with the least thread influence. Our ability to move the lynch to town would be next to zero.
2. ShoCkeyy is town. So what the heck am I doing this for at all? I'm making a bunch of noise when the game is all but won? To either move the lynch to a different town (pointless) or move the lynch to a scum buddy (give up a free win?). Maybe for towncredit (and then lynch ShoCkeyy anyway) if the game were to keep going, but if ShoCkeyy is town, this is the final mislynch.
Damdred/The Shining/Oatsmaster
On May 25 2015 15:20 ObiWanShinobi wrote: And why is it that GB hardpushing Shockey doesn't implicate him at all and only implicates Damdred? Good question.
It doesn't really implicate Damdred due to GlowingBear's scumread (that was included only for completeness), it implicates Damdred because of his blue claim combined with Damdred's thread activity and filter length, as well as after Night 1, of all the players in this game, Damdred has the best reputation and the best ability to solve a game. To win this game in the long run, mafia kills Damdred there over GlowingBear every time. GlowingBear's read on ShoCkey doesn't matter for this at all.
As for Damdred pushing Zealos over ShoCkeyy? Possibly to do something (and thus appear productive), possibly to set up a mislynch for the next day (as demonstrated, and this is further incentivized by ShoCkeyy being more widely scumread than Zealos), and and possibly to incriminate ShoCkeyy.
On May 25 2015 15:25 ObiWanShinobi wrote: And why is Oats mafia? Don't know.
But I don't care. Damdred is scum and ShoCkeyy is town. All I care about right now is getting the lynch off of ShoCkeyy and onto Damdred. Oatsmaster can wait for another day.
I don't have the time, energy, skill, or will to prove my 3 man scumteam. I want to make sure we get the chance to play again tomorrow.