What do you think about his case on debears and about what i just said about it?
Golden Sun: The Broken Seal Mini Mafia - Page 18
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Finland43266 Posts
What do you think about his case on debears and about what i just said about it? | ||
Finland43266 Posts
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Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 00:41 Pandain wrote: Both of you guys are town. This is what I got out of this You mean me and Oats? Could you answer the kush -- debears thing? I don't see a reason why you wouldn't as town effectively shut down a bad case on you. In case kushmasta is town he is looking into a wrong place in debears' mind. Why not make him look into other places? If kush is scum it would strengthen the case on him (as some people think kush is scum). Bad cases don't necessarily mean the maker of them is scum, but it certainly doesn't help the town that there are bad cases around. Right now it seems like debears can't shut down the case. I don't see a reason why a townie would not want to shut down a bad case on them in the first place. It just doesn't make sense to me. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
Okay i go read Mario mini and kush's filter again. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 01:04 kushm4sta wrote: My case was amazing and right. Completely different attitude as scum. Show me debears insulting someone as town. My reads right now are panda grack debears. It's just I have not written a case on the other two. kush, i just read the games you quoted. I don't see your point tbh. Can you tell us how exactly his attitude is different? He actually "insults" (i would not call that as an insult) Hapahauli in his town game a same manner he "insults" other people in his scum game. Both are different from this game imo. Both are similar to Desert and Aperture. You can't just take one quote where he shouts and look at it. When i read the posts in context and read the thread +/- 1 page from that it doesn't look like your case holds water. If you think debears is scum based on that you need to explain better what you mean. Based on your case and what i just read i don't think you are right. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 00:54 Oatsmaster wrote: You know, this is the first time Rayn is concerned with someone making a bad case. Ive never seen it before. This is not true. I always shoot down bad cases on my townreads. Even on my scumreads, but if someone makes a case on my scumread that i think is bad i usually let them answer first. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 01:21 Oatsmaster wrote: You call this shooting down a case?? You have been 'musing' over it for like 2 pages already. It's because i have been trying to figure out wtf is with that case from both sides of the argument.. On September 17 2013 01:06 Papa_Smurf wrote: he might be actually learning how to play. That's my theory, anyhow My D1 play somehow always ends up being a clusterfuck whether or not i am right on my top scumread. It always happens, people (scum or town) find some reason to not lynch someone i want to and some fucking lurker is gonna get lynched and they always turn up town. I dunno, i just can't help it.. :/ | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 01:24 Old Partner wrote: OK guys I was lying about being Survivor I'm actually the cop with a red check on Pandain huehuehuehue You are teasing me.... Don't do this.. :D | ||
Finland43266 Posts
When you play with me you will always find my play the same like it was here in D1. I nitpick on something i find important because there is nothing else to go with. At some point i usually am unable to see what's important and what's not. That's the point where i need some level headed guy totell me where i am going wrong and what should i look for. Usually it's someone like marv/Hapa/Palmar. In this game i think it would be you or Pandain. Look at the difference how you/Pandain called my case on SnB off. Pandain remained calm when i was trying to sell the case to him (i always do that because i am usually tunneled :/ ). You however didn't, you called me retarded and bad and refused to talk to me. I mean, in some level you are right, because i am an arrogant asshole on D1, i always am and i dunno how i can help it. However, i am not bad at this shit. After D1 (and especially after N1) i take a complete re-look on the whole game. I look at who did what on D1. Who voted where and why. Who didn't give a fuck about things. When did certain things happen and why. I am far better player D2 -> than D1. For example in Desert i was pretty sure on D2 end that marv is scum because he should have been the one who would keep me "calm" on D1 when i tunneled Thrawn. When Thrawn proved his towniness on N2 i was 100% sure marv is scum. I am capable of finding mafia. So please, if you are town, in this game (and future games), don't try to shut me down in case i go into stupid tunnel mode. I can be convinced with reasonable arguments. It might take time but it's possible. It's also beneficial because i am town and i am perfectly capable of finding mafia if someone (or me myself) push me into right direction or/and shuts down my bad arguments. I also ask very weird questions sometime. Please people (if you are town), even if you think my questions are stupid, answer them, because i know what i am doing and it helps me figure out your alignment. I do very strange stuff. For example, in Bluelightz game i asked geript what he does think about his hydra partner's posts and if he thinks his hydra partner is scum. The answer he gave me was 100% town. That's how i roll. If you don't understand my questions, you can ask me afterwards about them. I am willingto explain what i was/am after. Thanks for listening. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 01:34 Papa_Smurf wrote: This is scum kush right here. "My case is so right". Then picking 2 of the towniest players in the thread, and one that is considered town by about half the thread as the scumteam. Yeah right. Kush, there's a reason why no one has ever made a meta case on me. Because I play the same as either alignment. The fact that are building your case around your read and not your read around your case is scummy. + Show Spoiler + On September 15 2013 22:59 kushm4sta wrote: 1) also his cases this game have been overly simplistic and directed towards very easy targets. His scumread list atm is OP - claimed survivor Me - afker everyone wants to kill with fire Zealos - classic lynch bait It's like he's going for the most obvious shit and not even trying to find scum. 2) In terms of meta, town debears is levelheaded and logical. Scum debears is much louder and more emotional. Recall his bitchfit with rayne for no reason. Another thing that scum debears loves to do is yell at people about how to play the game. This is scumdebears from NMXXIX: Here is this game (just one of the many times he has done something like this): already have disproved 1) and 2a) On September 16 2013 02:11 kushm4sta wrote: 3) As scum you tell people how to play like with general newbie tips for how to play mafia. In your example, you were explaining why someone's case was bad / your thought process. It was not a superficial tip like you do in your scumgames. Here is another example: This is completely different than the type of lecturing you did in that town game. ~~~~ 4) Regarding your emotionality, in your town examples of you being emotional, it's not really that emotional. You are simple explaining yourself and using capitalization for emphasis. 5) You have a completely different attitude as town. You are calm, methodical, logical. As scum you are aggressive, blunt, and mean. You look for superficial scumtells and latch onto them without analyzing deeper. ~~~~ You try to discount me because I've provided only two examples. I only did two in my original thread because I am lazy and tired and shit (awake all night). I have provided two more in this post. There are more still! ~~~~ 6) Add to that the fact that you are literally freaking out right now. Your posting rate has jumped like crazy, like your heart rate if you had a gun to your head. You put crap tons of effort into this defense. Quoting past games and shit. If only you put a fraction of that effort into scum hunting, maybe I might believe you are town. On September 16 2013 02:30 kushm4sta wrote: 7) @ps also please show me where you were a dick to someone in a town game. I think acting like a dick is a huge scumtell for you. 1) Already show how I have simplistic reads that are very successful (especially lately) 2) Funny thing is, if you look at desert postgame. I was bitching at raynp there after I stopped here. It's non alignment indicative. I even said don't consider it as part of my filter I'm pretty sure. 3) is definitely misconstrusing my contributions this game. 1st, there is/was no reason to wifom about the WoS nk. It should be pretty clear that scum would not shoot him. Scum's goal is to get rid of the towniest players. WoS was not a "towniest" player. Also, if things like these were my only contributions, then you'd have something. You are cherrypicking 1 quote and ignoring the cases in my filter. 5) Repeating the points in 2 4 and 6) These points are both bullshit, and totally misrepresent my meta, because you should have read Mario mini's day 1 if you want to know my meta when I'm like this. I freak out over stupidity and bad cases on me. Yours is that. I did in in MM, and I'm doing it here, because I think you aren't that fucking bad as town to come up with such a horrible misrepresentative case. 7) Now he comes up with "oh debears is a dick as scum" after I purge his "emotional" tell. And you know what? He hasn't shown any quotes from my scum game of me being a pure dick. I'd love to see that. Kush claimed to have read my games, yet his failure to recognize the similar circumstances between this game and mario mini (day 1) are amazingly unacceptable. That means he didn't read my games. He skimmed and cherrypicked. You know, the bolded part is the reason why i found out SnB's post so scummy in the first place. Because that applies to me too. But SnB didn't even have a conclusion and he has for some reason gone with the same mindset after that the whole game. I still can't see what he was trying to add to the discussion with that post. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 01:49 Old Partner wrote: You know Rayn after this game I officially cede title of "most full of self" to you beagh i can't even insult or spam well my heart isn't in it any more haha. <3 | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 01:51 VayneAuthority wrote: I don't think rayn's ego will ever recover after this game. I hope all the scum are the lurkers so we can laugh at him again like desert Can you elaborate on this because in that game i was the only one who could succesfully push a lynch on mafia? | ||
Finland43266 Posts
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Finland43266 Posts
Also what do you make of Grack's claim? Why would he have done it as scum? | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 02:11 VayneAuthority wrote: I think it's wrong and this game reminds me a lot more of him in sicilian than persona. You need to go back and read that. He used vivax as a puppet the whole game and got "fake angry" multiple times that game. it's so similar to this. Except in this game, he's using you as his puppet. I have thought grack was scum for a while now, between what he did day 1 with the subtly asking for people's opinions and stuff before the game was really fleshed out. He wanted to know who he could push as mafia. Then you add in all this fake claiming stuff and it's stupid. doesn't help town at all. As I said earlier that fake fight between him and koshi looked extremely fake so that's the nail in the coffin for me. don't know who's the 3rd if it's not you but I assume kush/umasi/zealos or something But he was not scum in Sicilian. He scumhunted with Vivax first, when Vivax died he scumhunted with me. Every scum we found Koshi shot. I could have totally figured out he was the SK but layabout's check fucked that all up. Could you compare to GoT if you got something to compare because comparing this game to his SK game is not a good comparison, SK needs to find scum too. In my opinion it points more towards him being town here than scum. I agree that the fake claim was stupid. But as scum, why do it? To save debears (who is not scum according to you)? To save BH? I can't find any other reason for him doing so as scum. | ||
Finland43266 Posts
On September 17 2013 02:15 VayneAuthority wrote: actually pandain is kinda suspicious too if he's a good player. He had me as a solid townread then once a lot of people start suspecting me he does a complete 180 on me and says he is a "bit suspicious of me" with no reasoning. what do you think of that rayn? Pandain is null for me. As i said he has said some pretty townie shit, but some of his reads change in odd manner from D1 to N1. | ||
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