Boardwalk Empire Mafia: Pick Your Power - Page 10
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Tebellong44238 Posts
Tebellong44238 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
I asked a similar question about how the godfather's "cover" works and haven't got a response but it should be quite informative if this one gets an answer. The reason I wonder is because sinani's role choice and play make me think he *could be* scum. Invention had no clause about going through framing/godfather etc. I really want to know who is in the PM network now guys. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
Alive: 1: Sn0_man - inventor 4: Sinani206 - Vote Rigger - Depending on godfather answers I still harbour some suspicion here 6: Geript - Claimed VT going for NRA 7: strongandbig - Claimed DT, green check on Meapak_Ziph. 9: Restraining Oder - Claimed Framer 10: Meapak_ziphh - AMERICA Green check reliant on strongandbig, also godfather questions 15: Keirathi - Claimed NKVD 17: Mocsta - Claimed Capitalist 18: Shelvocke - Claimed VT going for Showtime 20: Vivax - Claimed Parity Cop 21: Oatmaster - Recruiting Mason (near confirmed pending today's addition) 22: Bill Murray - Claimed JV, Claimed caller shot. 23: Yamato77 - Claimed VT going for JV Dead: 2: obviousone - CPR doc 3: Raynpelikoneet - Alignment unknown assumed TOWN, Assumed VT going for inventor 5: Visceraeyes - NRA member 8: Caller - Showtime Likely red depending on Bill Murray resolution 11: artanis[xp] - GF Assassin 12: sharrant - VT tried for DT 13: gonzaw - Jack of all Trades 14: Austinmcc - Copycat (got Jack of all Trades) 16: Palmar - Assumed Town Emperor 19: Deconduo - Claimed Janitor Discussion in another post | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
23: Yamato77 - Claimed VT going for JV We knew bill had claimed JV. Ultra-safe claim. Not much backup. 20: Vivax - Claimed Parity Cop Everybody knows why this is weak. If Vivax is scum he can pretend to aim this at *any* townie and then say "oh hey hes town". Admittedly a role that is likely to make it through, also makes it a safe fake-claim. However, a role-check on this claim would basically confirm vivax as town. 18: Shelvocke - Claimed VT going for Showtime Showtime was already claimed so safe claim, SHOWTIME ISN'T A TOWNIE ROLE ANYWAY With honorable mentions for scummy role-picks going to to: Oats (could be fishing for roles for Assassin, although extractor makes sense so unliekly), Mocsta (KP role, shot what looks like town right now, although claiming shot early seems pretty townie. Capitalist may be more scum-motivated (due to assassin) than Vig though), Restraining Order: Scum role ("denial pick" sure, but still a scum role. Didn't actually block anybody's pick afaik. Early claim is a point in his favour though. He may still have used it.) strongandbig (role check for assassin hits, blocks town detective picks, easy to use for town cred) | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
Bill Murray, as we have known forever, will be resolved come morning. The other people that I'm suspicious of are geript and sinani, but sinani has a green check so I'm still waiting on host info re-godfather stuff and if I wan't to make a case on geript I'm going to have to spend a lot of time re-reading day 1. For now, I think we focus on the three claims I called "sketchy". | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On April 13 2013 00:57 Restraining Order wrote: Mason is a pretty townie role to pick. For sneaky rolefishing, there are better roles (rolecop, extractor, DT would be expected to be picked before him tbh) Plus, if that was the intention, oats failed pretty bad at it, I had my role publicly claimed already and M_Z never warned us about this nuking business beforehand. So that didn't work out so well then, lol. Who is new to your PM circle? @Oats does the host inform you who is added or do they just show up? | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
Host seems busy. I'm a bit worried about the invention getting validated today. I'm less interested in a "gravedigger's shovel" thing now that all day 1 KP are accounted for AND we know how many scum are left (3 dead, either Caller or BM have to be afaik, leaving 1 left). If there is a traitor then he will OBVIOUSLY be found among those who can't prove their role claims. I wonder if a "submit 3 names, get 3 roles in random order" kind of invention might work. Have to play with the numbers. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On April 13 2013 01:24 strongandbig wrote: so are we still trying to coordinate cop checks? Dunno, you/mocsta/kei/bill should do some sort of coordination. We have 4 chances to identify the last Non-Bill-Murray scum. Key here is that mocsta's check only works fully on basically vivax (since everybody else claimed VT which could be true). So IMO vivax should only be targeted by mocsta (since unless vivax's parity check comes back "scum" we honestly don't learn anything about his alignment). Then you/kei/bill can decide who you want to aim for (bill will be bill but you and kei could aim Shelvocke/yamato). That covers what I would call the most likely options. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On April 13 2013 01:35 geript wrote: Best plan here: S&B check Yamato Vivax check Mocsta Keirathi check S&B Mocsta check... RO or Vivax if you want. BM Shoot Vivax or S&B (pref for Vivax) Sn0 make a KP invention and hand it out to obvious town. We want a stack of KP in case we get to the endgame. Wat about shelvocke? Also mocsta's check is only guaranteed to be alignment indicative on vivax. So he gets to target vivax. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
PS: M_Z is hard confirmed green unless godfather because SnB/M_Z is too many scum (assuming one is BM/Caller) and they both have roles that aren't traitor. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On April 13 2013 02:00 Keirathi wrote: Maybe I'll check Shelvocke instead. Also, it should be noted that any red check should be lynched tomorrow, no questions asked. If that person ends up not flipping scum, that means that RO is using framing and therefor is scum. Lynch him the next day. Well, red checks can also mean the checker is scum but that is fine because we know who he is as well. This game is so nigh-unloseable that I want to invent KP just to speed it up. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
On April 13 2013 02:10 Keirathi wrote: KP is the "faster" option. But really, its almost always better to play it safe. Right now its either 12-1, or 11-2. Assuming scum still has an active KP role to use (which might not be the case), at most 3 people should die tonight. Which gives us 2 more lynches and nights (at least) before LYLO. No need to get hasty, especially when we apparently have so many investigation roles. Every extra KP used at this point just makes us that much more likely to lose because people are impatient. There is actually a disaster situation where BM is scum "injustice vigi" who shoots town, Sinani is scum vote rigger covered by godfather, and yamato/shelvocke are BOTH traitors. Then we lose to 2x NK, then Vote rig, then 2x NK. Buuuuut thats not likely. Still, inventing KP does prevent it ![]() TBH inventing KP seems fine to me, so long as BC lets me and I can give it to somebody who won't go crazy with it (*cough* geript *cough). I'd say there is absolutely no chance you die tonight Kei given that you can't recieve inventions and you have the weakest cop check around atm (except maybe mocsta). | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
You dying to green check me again doesn't further our cause at all. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
Not really expecting an answer for a while tho. | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
What do you guys think of double-lynch tomorrow? I'm pretty sure its a good idea plus it precludes the chance of us getting vote rigged since sinani can't use both. Thoughts? Only problem is I don't think we KNOW about double lynch until the night-post (unlike the emperor version). | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
I'm assuming with Kurumi around you know now? | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
Its not an invite kinda thing. Read the role (where it specifies "random") | ||
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