On November 29 2012 11:03 Clarity_nl wrote: I think before I go to bed it is fairly safe for me to say this, and this ability benefits from information so:
I have a 1-shot instant ability that returns someone to the state they were in a full cycle ago. This includes health, any status effect and any abilities they had at the time. So if I were to use it on CaveJohnson he would be able to use his 1-shot again, although seeing as toad didn't die that's probably not the best idea.
So I'm crowd sourcing. I don't expect to die this cycle, so what do you guys think would be the best use of my ability? =] I look forward to hearing some responses. For example: Djo is your protection ability 1shot?
Night all see you tomorrow.
couldn't you have used that to bring marv back to life?
CaveJohnsons ability has a lot of damage potential. It might be useless on Toad, but there is other scum (GK?) that he can hit with it.
It goes only back one cycle, right? Else theChronicler would also be a good candidate (give him back is gold).
@Prom I haven't read your case completely yet, but there are good points in it. However, I might have confirmation bias as I was already leaning scum on GK beforehand.
Regarding Syllo, stay paranoid. I have the possibility of him being scum in the back of my head too, however small it may be (the possibility, not my head). However, it is not important right now, we have other scum to hunt, I don't really want to discuss this topic further now.
@Djo, why are you so eager to get on a party?
On November 29 2012 15:59 risk.nuke wrote: And the reason your [tags] mess up your post is most likely because when you're doing double tags (red)(b)Example(/b)(/red) make sure the inner and outer tags on both sides is the same. Example do not do (b)(red)Example(/b)(/red). It messes up tags under some conditions.
I'm glad you cleared that up because it was definately the most pressing issue in the thread.
Have you breadcrumbed your role anywhere?
Regarding Time: So far the party event was first, then came the time travel. If it is going to be that way, then the event will be in 65.000.000 BC. However, the countdown will probably end before this cycle, so let's see what happens there.
Regarding Lynch: Someone mentioned this earlier already: Should we put 3-4 votes on a second person we believe to be scum (I'd propose Goodkarma)? Reason is if Toad gets pardoned or something similar, the second in the vote is also a scum read of town. If noone else has any votes, Toad can mess with us with last minute votes, or it might be randomized. Both is not in our interest.
Regarding Party: We have no idea if we are in a good position or not, so let's not take any risk: The party should be from the five of Clarity, Oats, Keir, Syllo and Dieno.
##Lynch: Toadesstern ##Party Leader: Clarity_nl
On November 29 2012 22:10 strongandbig wrote: Also phagga, I'm still interested in your read on Kita. I think he's a tough player to read this game and your reasoning about him would help make me more certain about my read on you. If you just don't have time to go through his filter in depth because he's not a scum read and therefore not a priority, then I'm in no position to criticize you, but in that case I would still like a few words on what makes him a non-scumread.
Looking through his filter right now, will post in the next 40 minutes.
About Kita
I'll try to point out how I felt about Kita at various points, and what I took note of in his filter.
So, I did like Kita in the beginning, which is obviously why I voted him. I had some misstrust on Syllo/Sandro, and kita looked like a good alternative. I was not worried that he was not very present on d1, as I remembered that he played very similarly in Aperture Mafia where he was town. So this was not alignement-indicative.
I noted that he was the first to bring up name-claims, with the idea that certain characters would make better party leaders than others.
+ Show Spoiler +On November 21 2012 11:53 kitaman27 wrote: Something that I just thought of that we may be able to take advantage of later on are name claims. It seems unlikely that there are multiple versions of certain characters running around. For example, if we were to have a likely town character such as Lucca name claim, we could elect her as leader. This however is based on the assumption that the alignment in this game is tied to the alignment of the video game. Until this becomes clear, I wouldn't be confident in trying to abuse the setup like this. Also, we would have to worry about the mafia being given certain fake claims, but this is something that is less of a threat, considering the potential reward.
We also have the option as town to enforce an additional party member selection vote. This limits the power of a single player, but it makes it easier for the mafia to sneak in one of their own in the 3rd of 4th slot. I think I'd rather put faith in the elected leader, to avoid the manipulation, assuming myself or my candidate of choice is elected.
That could be scum motivated, but not necessarily. Acro replied against it, which made Kita clarify that he does not mean a mass claim. He never brought it up again, so he was not very dedicated to the idea.
Pre-Edit: I just saw he did bring the idea back on d2 when he was explaining why he thought that the frog claim was so important and why he would have taken frog on the party.
He then brought up two thoughts about Sandro and Marv that I shared. I felt similar about those topics, which made me trust him more.
+ Show Spoiler +On November 21 2012 21:42 kitaman27 wrote: There are quite a few people who claim to be voting for sandroba on the basis that they claim to be able to easily differentiate his scum play from his town play. The only reason I see this as the case is that he commonly gets lazy and stops caring or posting as mafia. However, that's simply due to personal choice. How many people here other than maybe syllo are confidant they can identify a scum sandro when he remains active? Having played with him in pypi (an election game), I know he is quite capable of fooling most people when there is something he wants.
I'm quite puzzled by the fact that marv hasn't run for election. As being one of the most active players recently, I think he would be fairly confident at being able to gain support for himself. As town, I know I want to be the leader because that is the only way to directly increase our chances of success. marv however appears to want to avoid the spotlight and participate in an advising role or at least gauge the support he has. Could you explain this decision?
Work time. I'll try to start identifying some town players when I get back if I'm confident enough.
His Turkey-joke post was just that to me, a joke post. Specially with the following-up post I did not see any reason to take anything serious he wrote in there.
The fact that he posted people who he did NOT want on his team (instead of the other way round as most others) obliged me. I had voiced my concerns about town read, and he actually took the reverse approach first. However, the party he proposed later was not really filled with people I wanted to see there, so I became unsure. However, I lack self confidence with my D1 reads, so I thought he might just know better.
At some point later I switched my vote to Syllo, mainly because Kita seemed to have given up (he never answered my question regarding his team and was barely around in the thread, although he claimed that he had time now). From beginning D2 I had him als null read and wasn't following him closely anymore.
What I felt strange (and what was mentioned by several people) was his behaviour around the guessing game. I would have expected him to push a target harder that he wants to have lynched so he could more reliably guess. But that did not happen, instead he was quite passive in that situation.
His case on CaveJohnson was ok, the one on risk too. His case on Hopeless was a bit weak. What i realized when reading this part of his filter is that he picks only easy targets, so to say. However, again, that is not necessariliy alignement-indicative.
After Nov. 25th, his activity has gone down considerably.
I have the feeling that he is always taking the easy path in this game. But that's not necessarily scum. I don't see anything damning in his filter. There are situations where I get the feeling that he is really invested in the game (like most of D1), but other times it seems as if he does not care. I don't mind that he is not taking everything serious, although I do feel that if he would take the game a tiny bit more serious, people would not think he is scum.
I currently doubt he is scum, but would I want him to be on the party? No, so no town read either, meaning he isNull to me.
On November 30 2012 01:35 Promethelax wrote:EBWOP: lol Show nested quote +On November 30 2012 01:33 Toadesstern wrote: ##lynch: Syllo Party Leader: Toadesstern
You guys are aware that if there is a pardoner, syllo will be lynched instead of Toad.
Can I interest at least 2 more people for voting Goodkarma? Then I will switch my vote to him.
On November 30 2012 02:18 risk.nuke wrote: Acro wants to kill me over confirmed scum. I see, you claimed to be pro-town third party right? Since when is GK confirmed scum?
I got ninjaed so hard
Switching to keirathi and Gk for safety reasons
##Unvote ##Lynch: Goodkarma ##Party leader: Keirathi
On November 30 2012 02:29 Hopeless1der wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2012 02:26 phagga wrote: Switching to keirathi and Gk for safety reasons
##Unvote ##Lynch: Goodkarma ##Party leader: Keirathi What about having oats keir syllo dieno clarity perform our split votes (And only those 5)? At least can we set a fixed number for number of votes to switch in case of hidden vote shenanigans? As i indicated, I hope that more than 3 or 4 votes shouldbe enough to be on the safe side. Keir and GK have both 2 votes currently, so 1 or 2 more players should be enough IMO.
EBWOP: 3 to 4 votes should be enough I meant. Typing from phone...
I was on my way to bed when I read the newest 35 posts, and now I'm all riled up and pissed off.
On November 30 2012 05:40 Z-BosoN wrote: Phagga - I really don't like his participation this game. His whole "oohhh you made me think whether mafia actually bussed sandroba or not!!" reads to me as: "look at me, I'm not scum and am making you think that I didn't think scum could actually bus!!", when it's pretty obvious that Sand was bussed. (Toad had what, like 6 votes? Scum are gonna ALL bus ANOTHER scum member? please...". I feel pretty strongly about him too.
As I explained earlier, with the behaviour GK showed I just did not expect him to be bussing. We discussed it, I started to doubt my decision, that's it.
Toad was set as the next lynch-target. I had a case out there that I would happily discuss with anyone, but I saw no reason to push more at that point.
I wanted to see your reaction. I felt that the stuff I found were probably just errors that creeped in because you were not reading properly/in a hurry, but I wanted to see how you reacted to this.
Yeah, well, first thanks for cutting out half of the talk I had with marv there. Second, there was not much to push. I read a post of him, felt that it was strange and started interacting with marv without thinking much about why I thought it was strange. So in the end, marv asked some questions back and I arrived at a point where it would not make sense to push him. The last question was just a follow up, again, just see how he reacts / what he says. Sometimes people just start contradicting themself, then you follow up some more and see if you get something out.
And passiveness? Seriously? I went to the people and asked them questions that interested me and that I thought were worth discussing. What is wrong with that?
On November 30 2012 05:40 Z-BosoN wrote:So, basically, he's displaying some mafia tendencies, and what does it for me is his "oh wow, I didn't think scum would bus sand!" posture he's taking.
Anyways, I feel kinda bad making a case on him and dipping out without letting him reply to me, but read this carefully and look at how not-so-townie his play is.
Yeah, right, fuck you. Seriously, I made my post 2 days ago, waited for your reaction, and know you come in, disregard it, call me scum and then let yourself get replaced out without me having the possibility to discuss it out with you? Fuck you, I'm not gonna play with you again, ever.
@Hapa I'm pissed because he builds a case on me, does not answer my questions and then leaves the game off before I have a chance to discuss both things with him. That's just not sportsmanlike.
On November 30 2012 06:52 Hapahauli wrote:
I think this is a very typical scum-player who never sticks his neck out and tries to appear agreeable. There's nothing in his filter that makes me think that he's town. He never takes a controversial stance, he's never confrontational unless the odds are stacked on his side (i.e. tunneling GK recently)... I strongly feel that he's trying to blend in with the crowd.
Please, please explain me how the odds were on my side there, because I certainly did not feel that way.
Phagga's Super-Scummy Day 1:Show nested quote +I like Sandroba's plan, his logic is sound. However, I find it dangerous to derive a town read from it, nothing is stopping scum to put up this plan to get themselfes elected. So first he agrees with Sandro's initial candidacy, but is hesitant. This is seemingly normal, but then things start to get strange. Show nested quote +On November 22 2012 18:52 phagga wrote: @Goodkarma
If you trust Sandro so much, why do you not vote him? If GK thinks Sandro is so townie that you includes him in your team, why should I vote you instead of Sandro?
What do you say to the following: You are scum, you include a town sandro to make his team more townie, hoping to catch more votes like that. Show nested quote +Goodkarmas candidature comes surprising, and I first liked his approach for the candidature. However, I voiced my suspicion of him yesterday, and his choice of Sandro for the team looks like a joke, as you can see in my questions to him. First he questions GoodKarma for some really really strange reasons. He insinuates that Sandro is townie, and therefore... GK is scummy... what? Nothing about this is coherent and it all reads as extremely forced.
Wrong. I wanted to get GKs reaction. I did not have a scum read on him yet. I also did not have a town read on Sandro. It was hypothetical. That's the very reason why I worded it exactly this way: "What do you say to the following". If I thought that he was scum I would have written that completely different.
And yes, I still find it strange that he likes Sandros approach to the game, that he thinks Sandro is town, but that he wants to be leader himself with sandro on his team and a different appraoch? Why should I vote him then when he said himself that Sandros approach was good? That was the confusion behind it.
But perhaps more damning is that he never talks about a read on Sandroba outside of the three above quotes. Never reads him as town, scum, or anything. He's seemingly null on him, but then conjectures into association cases assuming that he's town. But then despite assuming that Sandroba is town in his analysis about "scum" GK, he votes kita: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=382922¤tpage=58#1155Show nested quote +... Kita was always in the back of my head because I liked his opening post. I was aware that he went MIA for a while, but I still thought that his candidature was serious. So when I realized that barely anyone talked about him, I thought I'd use Acros post to see if I could get some info on what people thought about him. Also, as I wrote earlier, I do think more competition is needed, and since Toad is out of the race, that leaves Kita as the most promising competitor to Sandro/Syllo. Regarding his proposed team: Dieno has claimed after I talked about the possibility to be 3rd party, and the way is behaving I think I could meanwhile accept him in the party, although there are other players that I would prefer. Prom is the one I feel really unsure about. I hope Kita thinks that one over. Nevertheless, for the time being, he gets my vote. ##Vote Kitaman ... I cannot make out a coherent or sane rationale here for voting Kita. He's not voting because he thinks Kita is town - he's voting because he wants "competition" and that he likes Kita's first post. He doesn't mention that kita is townie (strange... right?), and supports him despite having some serious misgivings about Promethelax. This is all pretty funny, given that he mentions he has a town read on Syllo in the same post.
Why do I HAVE to mention that? It's obvious that he is at least a slight town read for me when I vote him over Syllo who I also lean town. At least I thought it would be obvious....
Also, I wrote clearly why I do not vote Syllo: I was leaning town on him, but I have no idea how he plays, so I feared in the back of my head that he might be mafia and I'm too blind to see it. Hence Kita.
But finally, after all is said and done, he votes Syllo at the very end of the day to cover his tracks (when it's really clear that Syllo is going to win the election): Show nested quote +On November 23 2012 07:57 phagga wrote: Kita has not answered my question regarding his team. I would have very much liked to know if he still sticks with his old team and why.
Alas, I am leaning slightly town on Kita, but feel better with Syllo. I have a stronger townread on him. I trust him to make good townreads for picking people. Therefore, my vote goes to Syllo.
##Unvote ##Vote Syllogism
Kita was not answering, he had seemingly given up. syllo had started to question Sandros behaviour, which increased my town read on him. Hence the switch.
Phagga's "Bussing" of SandrobaPhagga's D2 filter reads as scum trying to push suspicion on easy candidates. When his cases ultimately go nowhere, he falls back and votes Sandro when it's clear that Sandro is going to get lynched. He first opens up with a completely unexplained vote on Cave Johnson: Show nested quote +On November 23 2012 18:05 phagga wrote: My list with reads on everyone has one person painted in bright red: CaveJohnson. That's were my vote goes for now.
However, my list is not up to date. I will try to go through several filters and update it, so I might make a more definite vote before Kita has to make his prediction.
People who are also red in my list:
- Goodkarma, although I REALLY have to go through his filter now. Have not done that yet. - BioSC, lurking hardcore although he was very excited pregame, as someone mentioned
Other people I want to look into/know more about:
- Sandroba, I read his filter yesterday. I want to hear more from him and what he says about the current accusations - Hopeless1der, I have "looks shady, check filter" note on him, but I don't know why anymore. Will clear this up.
##Vote CaveJohnson There is no analysis here. None. He votes Cave Johnson, and lists off four other names that he finds "scummy."
Ok, I was about to bring all my anger at you for not reading my filter properly, because I was sure that I had a post somewhere were I wrote that I think he is scum because he said he wanted to kill the new players, regardless if they were town or not. But I can't find that post of me, which means I have obviously never written it. So, yeah, you are right, there is no explanation for that in the thread. Reason he was bright red on my side:
On November 22 2012 02:37 CaveJohnson wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2012 02:33 marvellosity wrote:On November 22 2012 02:32 CaveJohnson wrote:On November 22 2012 02:27 marvellosity wrote:On November 22 2012 02:16 Hopeless1der wrote:On November 22 2012 02:09 marvellosity wrote: *colours Cave in orange* Can I have a legend for your color scheme? orange is a scumread. Z-bo/Hapa were this colour end of day 1 in mario. Crossfire was in red when I died, for "i'm certain". Cave comes in calling some fluffly nublet scum without actually calling him scum and for nebulous reasons. Supremely easy target. "his mafia team could have told him to do that" is nonsense too. Easy target != wrong Kill the easy targets before end game or you lose its simple game logic. Trying to go around that on day 1 is idiotic and foolish and you should know better. obviously you misunderstand what I say, but do carry on. Easy target as in he's new and fluffy. Technically you're an easy target too, but I still think you're scum. The new and fluffy will have to die as well. We don't need complications in the end game.
I also wrote that he only posted fluff for the sake of contribution, but that his posts did not help town at all. Thanks for leaving that out.
Then FINALLY, after it's clear that Sandro is going to get lynched: Show nested quote +On November 25 2012 07:53 phagga wrote: Not finished with reading everything. Not feeling sure enough with Toad yet. I can agree to a Sandro lynch. His reluctance to defend himself, the way he talked about his scumreads (only mentioning names, barely any reasoning) and his lurking when under pressure are enough reasons for me to justify a vote.
##Unvote ##Vote Sandroba He's completely OK with lynching sandro. This is despite never following up with his reads on Cave Johnson or GoodKarma at all. No analysis. Nothing.
I had no time at following up to that point. When I was finally back in the thread, GK or CaveJohnson would not get lynched. It was about Sandro or Toad at that point, and I was not convinced Toad was scum, while I could agree with a lynch on Sandro for the above mentioned points.
On November 30 2012 08:08 Hapahauli wrote:I mean really, just look at his D2 play: Show nested quote +My list with reads on everyone has one person painted in bright red: CaveJohnson. That's were my vote goes for now. Show nested quote +Not finished with reading everything. Not feeling sure enough with Toad yet. I can agree to a Sandro lynch. His reluctance to defend himself, the way he talked about his scumreads (only mentioning names, barely any reasoning) and his lurking when under pressure are enough reasons for me to justify a vote. And even then this could be excusable... but he never mentions CaveJohnson as a scumread ever again in his filter. He's scum that forgot about one of his suspicions. In fact, the next time he metnions him, he's cooperative towards him: Show nested quote +On November 29 2012 07:38 phagga wrote: CaveJohnson, I have 600 max HP, if you use me as Target A, I will be able to use this skill next night as well. Your action goes through normally, I get the same skill to use next night. If you trust me to be town, make me Target A instead of Acro.
He improved. There was no need push him anymore on D3. Also, i was absent of the thread for most of D2 (which I announced beforehand).
Regarding the last post, yes, I was pretty sure at that point that he is at least not scum. However, i was overeager when I wrote that post, I should have gone into this more cautiously, not revealing that much about me.
On November 30 2012 08:14 phagga wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2012 08:08 Hapahauli wrote:I mean really, just look at his D2 play: My list with reads on everyone has one person painted in bright red: CaveJohnson. That's were my vote goes for now. My vote is currently on CaveJohnson. Not finished with reading everything. Not feeling sure enough with Toad yet. I can agree to a Sandro lynch. His reluctance to defend himself, the way he talked about his scumreads (only mentioning names, barely any reasoning) and his lurking when under pressure are enough reasons for me to justify a vote. And even then this could be excusable... but he never mentions CaveJohnson as a scumread ever again in his filter. He's scum that forgot about one of his suspicions. In fact, the next time he metnions him, he's cooperative towards him: On November 29 2012 07:38 phagga wrote: CaveJohnson, I have 600 max HP, if you use me as Target A, I will be able to use this skill next night as well. Your action goes through normally, I get the same skill to use next night. If you trust me to be town, make me Target A instead of Acro. He improved. There was no need push him anymore on D3. Also, i was absent of the thread for most of D2 (which I announced beforehand). Regarding the last post, yes, I was pretty sure at that point that he is at least not scum. However, i was overeager when I wrote that post, I should have gone into this more cautiously, not revealing that much about me.
Regarding the bolded, it was specifically the conversation about acro that made me rethink my stance on it. In his filter from here on: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=17025482
Also, several players stated that drazerk often plays irritating as town and scum. Many called him a coinflip. I took this into consideration. So my read changed from scum to null.
Hapa, will you follow up to my answers? Else I'm off to bed now.
On November 30 2012 08:32 Hapahauli wrote:@ Phagga Regarding "Odds on your side"Your suspicions on GoodKarma ebb and flow with the general attitude on the thread. You initially find GK scummy, then when that doesn't gain any traction, you read him as null and soft defend him: Show nested quote +On November 26 2012 07:27 phagga wrote: Ok, I've updated my read on GK and I would no longer lynch him. When the D2 lynch came to a close, he asked people to consolidate on either sandroba or Toad. He tried to shut down any discussion that would bring in new candidates. considering that Sandro is confirmed scum and Toad is very very likely scum, I don't see the mafia motivation behind is behaviour.
also, the way he acts D3 seems more pro-town than on the first day. All in all, I put GK on null for the moment. Show nested quote +On November 26 2012 07:31 phagga wrote:On November 26 2012 07:29 Promethelax wrote:On November 26 2012 07:27 phagga wrote: Ok, I've updated my read on GK and I would no longer lynch him. When the D2 lynch came to a close, he asked people to consolidate on either sandroba or Toad. He tried to shut down any discussion that would bring in new candidates. considering that Sandro is confirmed scum and Toad is very very likely scum, I don't see the mafia motivation behind is behaviour.
also, the way he acts D3 seems more pro-town than on the first day. All in all, I put GK on null for the moment. he tried to get us to consolidate on one of two scum players and you are null on him? I'm confused. Why? Scum would benefit in this situation when the thread derails/new candidates are brought forths, so I don't see the scum motivation in doing what GK did. Show nested quote +tl;dr, i said I doubt GK is scum partially because of his behaviiour before the D2 lynch, z-boson says it could have been a buss, we disagree a bit. Then when suspicion starts to shift on GK again, you up your rhetoric and start railing him. http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=382922¤tpage=222#4436http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=382922¤tpage=225#4481 Oh, you imply that I hit on GK only because other people now wrote about him too? Wrong. Can I prove it? no. But in similar way I can say that you just started building a case on my after z-boson came at me.
All I can say about that is that I really saw things I did not like and tried to point them out. I also think I do have some points that others did not mention. Others have written about GK too? Well, bad luck, there is a case about almost everyone in the game floating around by now, if it is about that I cannot go after anyone. ... which is also kinda comical because you seemingly forgot that you 180'd your read on GK: Show nested quote +@Prom I haven't read your case completely yet, but there are good points in it. However, I might have confirmation bias as I was already leaning scum on GK beforehand. But that quote was posted after http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=382922¤tpage=225#4481, where I said I lean scum on GK. So what's comical about that? Regarding your Stance on SandroShow nested quote +Wrong. I wanted to get GKs reaction. I did not have a scum read on him yet. I also did not have a town read on Sandro. It was hypothetical. That's the very reason why I worded it exactly this way: "What do you say to the following". If I thought that he was scum I would have written that completely different.
And yes, I still find it strange that he likes Sandros approach to the game, that he thinks Sandro is town, but that he wants to be leader himself with sandro on his team and a different appraoch? Why should I vote him then when he said himself that Sandros approach was good? That was the confusion behind it. I beg to differ. Your entire line of questioning against GK was under the assumption that Sandro was town.
GK saw Sandro as town. If GK were scum, he would at least know that Sandro is not scum. GK wants to have sandro in his team. I don't like the reasoning of GK, I think its contradicting. I therefore make the hypothesis that if GK is scum, he takes Sandro (whom he knows not to be scum) on his team to look more townie. That's the whole story. I did not say anywhere in that post that I think that Sandro is town.
Hell, i even write one paragraph earlier: " If GK thinks Sandro is so townie that you includes him in your team" (it should actually say "you" instead of "GK", but whatever).
Show nested quote +Why do I HAVE to mention that? It's obvious that he is at least a slight town read for me when I vote him over Syllo who I also lean town. At least I thought it would be obvious....
Also, I wrote clearly why I do not vote Syllo: I was leaning town on him, but I have no idea how he plays, so I feared in the back of my head that he might be mafia and I'm too blind to see it. Hence Kita. The thing is you never attempted to make a read on Sandro at all. In addition, you seemingly liked his ideas, thought he was slightly town, yet you were comfortable voting Kita despite having huge reservations about one of his party members (Promethelax).
Eh, contradiction? I never attempted to make a read on Sandroba but wrote that he was slightly town?
Also, I wrote why I voted kita. Because I don't know how Sandro and Syllo play, I therefore did not trust them.
However, I only have a very rough idea on how these guys play scum, and I don't trust them enough yet.
And yes, I wrote I liked his ideas, and I wrote in the very same paragraph that this is no reason to trust him, cause scum can come up with such good ideas as well. So what's the problem with that?
Regarding your stance on Cave JohnsonShow nested quote +On November 30 2012 08:14 phagga wrote:On November 30 2012 08:08 Hapahauli wrote:I mean really, just look at his D2 play: My list with reads on everyone has one person painted in bright red: CaveJohnson. That's were my vote goes for now. My vote is currently on CaveJohnson. Not finished with reading everything. Not feeling sure enough with Toad yet. I can agree to a Sandro lynch. His reluctance to defend himself, the way he talked about his scumreads (only mentioning names, barely any reasoning) and his lurking when under pressure are enough reasons for me to justify a vote. And even then this could be excusable... but he never mentions CaveJohnson as a scumread ever again in his filter. He's scum that forgot about one of his suspicions. In fact, the next time he metnions him, he's cooperative towards him: On November 29 2012 07:38 phagga wrote: CaveJohnson, I have 600 max HP, if you use me as Target A, I will be able to use this skill next night as well. Your action goes through normally, I get the same skill to use next night. If you trust me to be town, make me Target A instead of Acro. He improved. There was no need push him anymore on D3. Also, i was absent of the thread for most of D2 (which I announced beforehand). Regarding the last post, yes, I was pretty sure at that point that he is at least not scum. However, i was overeager when I wrote that post, I should have gone into this more cautiously, not revealing that much about me. I find it inconceivable that you thought CaveJohnson improved so much that you all of a sudden trusted him here. You went from convinced he was scum, to not mentioning him for days, to being super-cooperative with him. Cave maintained his "trolliness" throughout. Show nested quote +On November 30 2012 08:27 phagga wrote:On November 30 2012 08:14 phagga wrote:On November 30 2012 08:08 Hapahauli wrote:I mean really, just look at his D2 play: My list with reads on everyone has one person painted in bright red: CaveJohnson. That's were my vote goes for now. My vote is currently on CaveJohnson. Not finished with reading everything. Not feeling sure enough with Toad yet. I can agree to a Sandro lynch. His reluctance to defend himself, the way he talked about his scumreads (only mentioning names, barely any reasoning) and his lurking when under pressure are enough reasons for me to justify a vote. And even then this could be excusable... but he never mentions CaveJohnson as a scumread ever again in his filter. He's scum that forgot about one of his suspicions. In fact, the next time he metnions him, he's cooperative towards him: On November 29 2012 07:38 phagga wrote: CaveJohnson, I have 600 max HP, if you use me as Target A, I will be able to use this skill next night as well. Your action goes through normally, I get the same skill to use next night. If you trust me to be town, make me Target A instead of Acro. He improved. There was no need push him anymore on D3. Also, i was absent of the thread for most of D2 (which I announced beforehand). Regarding the last post, yes, I was pretty sure at that point that he is at least not scum. However, i was overeager when I wrote that post, I should have gone into this more cautiously, not revealing that much about me. Regarding the bolded, it was specifically the conversation about acro that made me rethink my stance on it. In his filter from here on: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewpost.php?post_id=17025482 Also, several players stated that drazerk often plays irritating as town and scum. Many called him a coinflip. I took this into consideration. So my read changed from scum to null. Thing is, you didn't go from scum to null - you went from scum to seemingly complete trust in his ability. I can't rationalize that from a town perspective.
I read his post like 30 minutes before deadline. I saw a chance for town to get a cool ability twice instead of only once. I got overexcited, posted to open without thinking.
It's 1 am here, I will answer to your posts in the next 24 hours, hopefully in about 8.
I neither have the time nor nerve right now to deal with those damned Quoting tags. let's try it this way.
About my D2: I wrote in this post that my activity will be low the next 2 days. That was in the middle of D2. From then on, I was barely online. I came back almost 22 hours later with this post, roughly 1 hour before deadline, and had a lot to read. At least two people asked me to consolidate on Toad or Sandro, so I looked if I would feel comfortable lynching one of the two. At the same time I tried to read up on the thread. The result of having too much to read and not enough time was this Post, where I shortly explain why I voted Sandro. That 7 minutes before the deadline. If I would have had more time, I would have explained in more detail what I did not like.
And just to make this absolutely clear:
My activity is always low on weekends You can go and see any game of me, you will almost always find posts where I say that I will be not very active due to weekends. Most prominent example is Wheel of Fortune where I came back into the thread like 10 minutes before deadline on sunday night and had to vote (had not voted yet). And yes, this weekend my activity will also be low.
About CaveJohnson: I haven't forgot about him, he was at that point no longer red in my notes, he was black (means null), which was the result of his discussion with acro as well as the constant reminder from other people that he is a coinflip and an irritating player as either alignement. I actually already mentioned all that stuff, but you seemed to have ignored it for some reason?
About Syllo/Sandro/Kita: I played with Kita in Aperture Mafia, so I have an idea how he plays as town. I haven't played with syllo, and with sandro only in a game where he hydrad with Toad and was killed N1.
About GK: I voiced my first suspiciouns on him on D1. I grew more and more wary of him, which resulted in the case on D2. I was then not very active over the weekend. Somewhere on D3 someone asked me about GK, and I updated my read, which lead to the discussion about bussing Sandro. After that, I felt really unsure about it. When GK came back in the thread with his personal attacks on Dieno, calling snb scum and then coming up with that list, I was pretty sure again that he was scum.
Regarding his contradiction when candidating for party leader:
I'm out of time, will cover that in a few hours.