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New fiddles looks hellaciously weak early game in the jungle. His W lasts 2s instead of 5s like on live, and does around 45% of the damage per tick it does currently. And they lowered the percentage he heals of the damage he does from 60% to 30%+5%/lvl.
Old fiddles couldn't really get anything done in the jungle before, but atleast he didn't insta-die to stuff like LeeSin. I mean, he certainly never killed a Lee Sin before, but Lee Sin also couldn't kill him either, lol.
He also farms kind of slow, even if you cheese level 1 and do raptors and red at that same time, your full clear is like 3:25ish. Mad quick to level 3 though on blue side with leashless Wolves>blue+gromp.
If anything, he looks like a solo laner, tbh. Mid in particular, not much the in vogue melee assassin types can do to a fiddlesticks draining them and the entire wave for 2s. With AP from Dark Seal / runes and Ws last tick of damage having the execute you one shot the wave level 1, and assassins can't retaliate because you're draining 7 things, and if they do, their targeted abilities / autos will draw wave aggro while fiddlesticks doesn't. I don't think any melee champion can out trade that. He feels to me like old Mordekaiser or even proxy singed. Your jungler needs to deal with that or most Champions will just get pooped all over, especially since fiddles has new school fake mana costs. And it's not like your lane opponent can just leave or something, you'll hard shove the wave instantly.
Inside a minion wave this new fiddles seems unkillable even considering the small healing rate vs minions, unless you have reliable CC, but even then, he's got E silence. And in lane you have the budget to afford the big money tanky AP items you want that are maybe unaffordable from the jungle. Then you have perma side brush control mid with free sweepers on a green ward CD once you hit 6 to constantly fish for Crowstorm all ins? Or to fake a Crowstorm all in and go kill bottom lane, lol. On paper it looks pretty good. I think he's much safer inside an event wave than he is in a 1v1 in the jungle.
On March 19 2020 03:14 iCanada wrote: New fiddles looks hellaciously weak early game in the jungle. His W lasts 2s instead of 5s like on live, and does around 45% of the damage per tick it does currently. And they lowered the percentage he heals of the damage he does from 60% to 30%+5%/lvl.
Old fiddles couldn't really get anything done in the jungle before, but atleast he didn't insta-die to stuff like LeeSin. I mean, he certainly never killed a Lee Sin before, but Lee Sin also couldn't kill him either, lol.
He also farms kind of slow, even if you cheese level 1 and do raptors and red at that same time, your full clear is like 3:25ish. Mad quick to level 3 though on blue side with leashless Wolves>blue+gromp.
If anything, he looks like a solo laner, tbh. Mid in particular, not much the in vogue melee assassin types can do to a fiddlesticks draining them and the entire wave for 2s. With AP from Dark Seal / runes and Ws last tick of damage having the execute you one shot the wave level 1, and assassins can't retaliate because you're draining 7 things, and if they do, their targeted abilities / autos will draw wave aggro while fiddlesticks doesn't. I don't think any melee champion can out trade that. He feels to me like old Mordekaiser or even proxy singed. Your jungler needs to deal with that or most Champions will just get pooped all over, especially since fiddles has new school fake mana costs. And it's not like your lane opponent can just leave or something, you'll hard shove the wave instantly.
Inside a minion wave this new fiddles seems unkillable even considering the small healing rate vs minions, unless you have reliable CC, but even then, he's got E silence. And in lane you have the budget to afford the big money tanky AP items you want that are maybe unaffordable from the jungle. Then you have perma side brush control mid with free sweepers on a green ward CD once you hit 6 to constantly fish for Crowstorm all ins? Or to fake a Crowstorm all in and go kill bottom lane, lol. On paper it looks pretty good. I think he's much safer inside an event wave than he is in a 1v1 in the jungle.
That is slow though. Keep in mind Olaf and Karthus can full clear (read; a full extra camp on that fiddles clear) leashlessly in about 3:05 consistently at the same level of risk Fiddles is taking. And then you have champs like Nidalee, Shyv and Graves that can leashlessly full clear (again; an extra camp on that fiddle clear) in around 3:15 consistently without risk who are showing up at crab with a level lead. Alternatively you have halfside or race-to-volatile-lane junglers hitting level 3 and ganking prior to you finishing your level 3; this would straight up make blueside crab uncontestable, and the other guy is in the same position you are to go contest for the redside crab too.
Most junglers can do a similiar 5 camp clear in around 3 minutes, or they have level 2 or 3 ganking pressure that fiddle can't keep up with. It's just kind of a shitty route.
It's also a cheesey dangerous route that's very punishable. Any good jungler that sees Fiddle is starting redside and knows his capabilities will know that if he's very vulnerable to a blueside invade from a jungler starting redside because if he's going this route, then he will be level 2 on his 4th camp (in this case, two camps), notably lacking his only CC ability. I'll get to his blue/gromp first, at level 3, have vision control, and either have a huge HP advantage or have the smite advantage. Nidalee in particular would be walking into that blueside brush at around 235, Graves probably 240. LeeSin or Xin could meet him at wolves with level 2 and full HP. Or he full cleared redside and with the extra walking you have time to in the very least split the map.
His wolves->blue+gromp for a quick level 3 clear is far more reliable, safer, and let's you make the decision whether you want to farm or impact the map na solid 10s earlier. Then you can pull cheesy redside shenanigans like red+raptors when you have CC to be less vulnerable to invades. If you were married to the red+raptors self leash, then if anything I think you skip wolves and do red+raptors>blue+gromp. You'd hit level 3 far earlier, have the liberty of pulling off a level 3 priority gank, then you can use your judgement to take whichever crab is uncontested and back into a juicy Krug>early raptors respawn>wolves>gromp pathing setting you up for the quick level 6 after another full clear. This guys pathing gets him out of the jungle too late for a crab priority gank (as at this point the other guy just takes the crab while you're in lane if you show, lol), or you waste time waiting on crab spawn. You don't have time to adjust and go to the uncontested crab out of vision. You also don't get to hit level 4 for the crab contest, and you don't get anywhere particularly expediently.
Just seems overall kind of risky and without a solid goal. I think most games would have a better option be just straight up full clearing (say red+raptors>Krugs, then wolves>blue+gromp, or reversing the order), as the single side clear is safer and gives you more opportunity to adapt while getting a quicker level 3, and it also guarantees you a crab because you have around 20 to 30s to run around however you need be; getting the crab then guarantees you a faster 6. I think that's a much better option unless you're trying to punish a like a Kayn, Karthus, or Eve... In which case doing the wolves in that guys clear just slows you getting to your designation by around 15s.
Senna passive makes Kindred passive feel so lacklustre, tbh. It's basically the same passive; you have a hypercarry in a non traditional role given incremental power to compensate for their lack of farming. But Senna passive is so consistent and attainable compared to Kindred.
Like Senna gets to stand safely in lane and Kindred has to walk to the most dangerous part of the map where your opponent is also drawn to. Leads to this unsustainable balance knives edge where Kindred is either a disgusting Monster that can't be stopped if she can win duels and Skirmishes for marks or she's this underwhelming caster minion that has no range or damage if she can't. Idk. Senna still has gross snowball potential, but it's no where near as endemic as Kindred's. They should give Kindred passive a makeover in suit.
Maybe every current mark with 10 and scale all the rewards as such, then also give 1 mark per camp, increased to 2 if in enemy jungle or for Drake / Herald / Baron, and maybe 2 per for any takedowns. Essentially you'd be giving her a free mark every 3 minutes game time or so from just standard farming.
Let's you give her more of a proper and fair power curve because worst case she's still reliably going to get say auto attack range at like minute 12 or something, but it also let's you have it so she loses early game fights without her being useless. Makes her much easier to balance, and let's you still maintain the fun mark game while also letting her have a chance to be a champion if the other team has like XinZhao or some shit.