On July 28 2010 18:47 Roxen000 wrote: How much moneys do you guys spend on a bud each month?
Lately I've felt a tad guilty about buying more weed then I normally do. I can afford it and everything though, so feeling guilty is pretty silly :o
LOL dude.. as long as you got herbs coming in and its not hurting your pockets economically... There is NO need to feel guilty hahaha. Why do I say this? because I wish I can spend on all the herbs I want and not have to worry about the wallet.
I used to spend basically every extra cent I had on weed. With that said I now feel like telling a story. I'll start by saying what a shottie/popper/yeti is.
Cut a 3-7mm cylinder off the end of a cigarette and put it in the stem (after unscrewing the bowl) so the tobacco is exposed. Take the stem out and press it on a pile of ground weed until you have a nice little cap of weed stuck all over the tobacco. Rip it until everything pulls through into the chamber and get your socks knocked off (especially if its so big you can't do it in one.) Its kinda like putting tobacco in the bottom of a bong and pulling it through, but when you get it in the stem like a 'true' shottie its just way stronger, in my opinion the strongest high you can get from smoking weed.
I guess its kinda funny recommending them, because they kinda ruined weed for me. I wish weed did what it used to for me and if I did I'd be smoking shotties every time.
I quit after 5 years of smoking with 2 years of smoking shotties from wake up to bedtime. I started pretty casual due to living at home during high school, but always took every chance I could get to smoke up.
After one year of university and building up a solid bedtime joint habit (combined with all those random sessions) I got switched on to shotties after my closest thing to quitting, which was a streak of traveling the country and working various jobs. And, of course, smoking up with all the stoners I could find. Being on the road made it harder to get high but I could usually meet the right people, and was overall pretty bold in asking strangers about weed (good thing I live in Canada!) Coming home I found my friends (80% of my main core were chronic shottie smokers) and when I had to bum weed they'd offer me shotties (which I at first hated, they ripped my throat apart [which wasn't weak, as I used to mainly smoke lungs/parachute/balloons] and I wasn't a tabacco smoker, but a free hit is the best hit.) After a few seshs with the ol' shottie bong my iron throat become chromium plated and I got completely hooked to the head rush and massive weed high of the shottie.
If I took a break in those two years it was not more than a 2 week and even then I'd have enough seshs with my friends for it not to be considered a break to any casual smoker. I Didn't save any money, had a credit card bill and I gotta say quitting was way harder than I imagined it could be. Weed became a part of my life; I could smoke pretty well endlessly (and did) without getting past that minor enhancing buzz you have when you're a true chronic.I can certainly say it made it easier to cope with a difficult times, but it also delayed me from moving on in many ways.
When I finally had the break down I needed to make a change (crazy mushrooms) I set about to quitting and then realized how I had begun using weed not only everyday all day, but also as a response to anxiety. As I was smoking less and less I found myself having anxiety when I wouldn't smoke, and when I did cave to the bong I would have panic attacks (the kinda newbie shit first time smokers get.) Going back to summer job in tree planting camps, where funnily enough, most my friend coworkers are chronic shottie smokers and weed flows freely, I found it easier to quit with the constant 12 hour work day and the drive for money piecework inspires.
I have noticed some new cognitive errors I make frequently now after quitting (of course its just a correlation, but I think they're things most chronics notice.) Not severe but I can imagine the effects being much worse if I kept it up for half a decade.
The worst part though is that I no longer enjoy weed the same way which used to. Smoking weed was my favorite thing, but I don't get high when I smoke now! It sucks but I still smoke when someone really wants me too (IE on a canoe trip when some of my casual smoking friends want to smoke a joint and everyone doing it is a part of the atmosphere,) but like I said, I don't get high like I used to. Its just like being a little dumber, more paranoid and overall feels like a waste of weed. I don't get extra joy from humour, music doesn't inspire deep euphoria and I certainly don't fill up with wonder.
Certainly chronic smoking drained my cash and slowed my getting back into to school. I personally feel I can't concentrate as well as I used to, I tend to mix up words more and my skill at improvising and humor feels overall decreased. I've only been off chronic smoking for 3 months, so this will hopefully improve as school forces me to concentrate for long periods of time.
No regrets of course, but no recommendations either. Some people smoke all the weed they want for their whole life and live fantastically. But If you're a smoker and want something to make a change in your life, maybe consider kicking the bong. Put the money you save into debt, or if you're not in debt like most stoners, into savings. Most of all, remember weed isn't necessarily an endless well, the magical well can run dry.
Here's to waiting for mine to fill up again. I know I'll keep looking down it.
I always forget to post in this thread when I'm high ><
My glass pipe is soaking in some polident so hopefully I can smoke some bowls tomorrow and report back
On July 16 2010 08:12 LeperKahn wrote:Show nested quote +On July 16 2010 05:51 travis wrote:On July 16 2010 00:06 SixSongs wrote: Damn, I can't control eating after I smoke some weed. I quit weed for many months because I couldn't stop eating, I would eat to the point that my stomach would hurt. Lately I decided I wanted to smoke again but it's the same deal. After I have some good time I go eating. HOW CAN I STOP OR DECREASE EATING.
PS. This not a joke. I have a serious problem. eat much less when you aren't high sure it's really unhealthy but it'll balance out your overall calorie intake (note that while this would work im not seriously recommending it. follow valentine's advice instead lol) meth helped me lose 50 pounds! Yay Meth!
Meth is amazing I don't know why so many people hate on it.
dude, everything is everything no one lives right, but it's so fucking fun and easy why don't I live right all the time I just learned to jump right, I'm 18 years old holy shit my family is so new england
Questions: - is there a different view on pot in South Korea compared to that of Canada and the US? -do you think any progamers blaze from time to time? -if you had to pick one progamer to get stoned with, who would it be?
I would probably pick......violet? He always looks super chill and he always has funny shit to say in interviews
I'd pick Stork because he seems like a really nice guy in his interviews or Hiya because he seems like a funny guy and looks funny.
Get ripped with FBH obv. n.n
On July 29 2010 14:43 maneatingshoe wrote: Questions: - is there a different view on pot in South Korea compared to that of Canada and the US? -do you think any progamers blaze from time to time? -if you had to pick one progamer to get stoned with, who would it be?
I would probably pick......violet? He always looks super chill and he always has funny shit to say in interviews
It's very difficult to get weed in Korea and if you get caught with it it's serious jail time.
On July 21 2010 03:13 TheAntZ wrote:Show nested quote +On July 20 2010 23:40 TheAntZ wrote:On July 20 2010 06:56 Amnesia wrote:On July 20 2010 05:01 TheAntZ wrote: I got a fuckin pipe PICS! pics incoming in a few hours, as soon as I can get some privacy :p + Show Spoiler +I got it pretty cheap, taka equivalent of 3$
Dude, nice. I would post my piece, but it's a shitty broken metal pipe. Not worth it - when i get one after Vegas, I'll post.
Man I went to a cannabis festival the other day, first time I smoked in public (and coincidently in front of the police, though - it's Canada - so they were actually pretty cool). I smoked two joints, and 3 bowls. Then went to someone's (I can't remember) and smoked bong bowls and another blunt - then walked across the city, went home and ate all my food.
On July 29 2010 15:29 tru_power22 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2010 03:13 TheAntZ wrote:On July 20 2010 23:40 TheAntZ wrote:On July 20 2010 06:56 Amnesia wrote:On July 20 2010 05:01 TheAntZ wrote: I got a fuckin pipe PICS! pics incoming in a few hours, as soon as I can get some privacy :p ![[image loading]](http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3823/snapshot20100721.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/8022/snapshot201007211.jpg) I got it pretty cheap, taka equivalent of 3$ Dude, nice. I would post my piece, but it's a shitty broken metal pipe. Not worth it - when i get one after Vegas, I'll post. oo Vegas?
On July 27 2010 09:29 FuDDx wrote: anyone from vegas that smokes?
On July 29 2010 15:31 Valentine wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2010 15:29 tru_power22 wrote:On July 21 2010 03:13 TheAntZ wrote:On July 20 2010 23:40 TheAntZ wrote:On July 20 2010 06:56 Amnesia wrote:On July 20 2010 05:01 TheAntZ wrote: I got a fuckin pipe PICS! pics incoming in a few hours, as soon as I can get some privacy :p ![[image loading]](http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3823/snapshot20100721.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/8022/snapshot201007211.jpg) I got it pretty cheap, taka equivalent of 3$ Dude, nice. I would post my piece, but it's a shitty broken metal pipe. Not worth it - when i get one after Vegas, I'll post. oo Vegas? Meet:
Yeah yeah - man leaving mid august for a few days, going to see Rush (among other things), and drink beer. Gonna be good. I wish it was easier to get weed across the border (on a plane - driving a gram or two through is pretty easy).
plane is so much easier, the ground border is sketchy as hell. Sealing it up in plastic and putting it inside a full ketchup bottle is one way, but people have even got caught doing that shit. Make sure you have a picnic packed if you're gonna try that.
As for the plane, just make sure you won't set off the metal detector. I've only flown domestic but as long as you keep it on your body where they won't feel a strange bump or anything you're fine.
This shit DESTROYED me last night. I had like 3-4 hits. And then drove home. It took 6 minutes and i didnt think i would ever get home thank god for cruise control. By the time i got home, my thoughts had thoughs, and i was scared that i was scared. I felt about as mentally solid as if i was dreaming.
Do you know what's in that shit? Is there a list of components?
On July 29 2010 13:25 Wysp wrote: I used to spend basically every extra cent I had on weed. With that said I now feel like telling a story. I'll start by saying what a shottie/popper/yeti is.
Cut a 3-7mm cylinder off the end of a cigarette and put it in the stem so the tobacco is exposed. Take the stem out and press it on a pile of ground weed until you have a nice little cap of weed stuck all over the tobacco. Rip it until everything pulls through into the chamber and get your socks knocked off (especially if its so big you can't do it in one.) Its kinda like putting tobacco in the bottom of a bong and pulling it through, but when you get it in the stem like a 'true' shottie its just way stronger, in my opinion the strongest high you can get from smoking weed.
I guess its kinda funny recommending them, because they kinda ruined weed for me. I wish weed did what it used to for me and if I did I'd be smoking shotties every time.
I quit after 5 years of smoking with 2 years of smoking shotties from wake up to bedtime. I started pretty casual due to living at home during high school, but always took every chance I could get to smoke up.
After one year of university and building up a solid bedtime joint habit (combined with all those random sessions) I got switched on to shotties after my closest thing to quitting, which was a streak of traveling the country and working various jobs. And, of course, smoking up with all the stoners I could find. Being on the road made it harder to get high but I could usually meet the right people, and was overall pretty bold in asking strangers about weed (good thing I live in Canada!) Coming home I found my friends (80% of my main core were chronic shottie smokers) and when I had to bum weed they'd offer me shotties (which I at first hated, they ripped my throat apart [which wasn't weak, as I used to mainly smoke lungs/parachute/balloons] and I wasn't a tabacco smoker, but a free hit is the best hit.) After a few seshs with the ol' shottie bong my iron throat become chromium plated and I got completely hooked to the head rush and massive weed high of the shottie.
If I took a break in those two years it was not more than a 2 week and even then I'd have enough seshs with my friends for it not to be considered a break to any casual smoker. I Didn't save any money, had a credit card bill and I gotta say quitting was way harder than I imagined it could be. Weed became a part of my life; I could smoke pretty well endlessly (and did) without getting past that minor enhancing buzz you have when you're a true chronic.I can certainly say it made it easier to cope with a difficult times, but it also delayed me from moving on in many ways.
When I finally had the break down I needed to make a change (crazy mushrooms) I set about to quitting and then realized how I had begun using weed not only everyday all day, but also as a response to anxiety. As I was smoking less and less I found myself having anxiety when I wouldn't smoke, and when I did cave to the bong I would have panic attacks (the kinda newbie shit first time smokers get.) Going back to summer job in tree planting camps, where funnily enough, most my friend coworkers are chronic shottie smokers and weed flows freely, I found it easier to quit with the constant 12 hour work day and the drive for money piecework inspires.
I have noticed some new cognitive errors I make frequently now after quitting (of course its just a correlation, but I think they're things most chronics notice.) Not severe but I can imagine the effects being much worse if I kept it up for half a decade.
The worst part though is that I no longer enjoy weed the same way which used to. Smoking weed was my favorite thing, but I don't get high when I smoke now! It sucks but I still smoke when someone really wants me too (IE on a canoe trip when some of my casual smoking friends want to smoke a joint and everyone doing it is a part of the atmosphere,) but like I said, I don't get high like I used to. Its just like being a little dumber, more paranoid and overall feels like a waste of weed. I don't get extra joy from humour, music doesn't inspire deep euphoria and I certainly don't fill up with wonder.
Certainly chronic smoking drained my cash and slowed my getting back into to school. I personally feel I can't concentrate as well as I used to, I tend to mix up words more and my skill at improvising and humor feels overall decreased. I've only been off chronic smoking for 3 months, so this will hopefully improve as school forces me to concentrate for long periods of time.
No regrets of course, but no recommendations either. Some people smoke all the weed they want for their whole life and live fantastically. But If you're a smoker and want something to make a change in your life, maybe consider kicking the bong. Put the money you save into debt, or if you're not in debt like most stoners, into savings. Most of all, remember weed isn't necessarily an endless well, the magical well can run dry.
Here's to waiting for mine to fill up again. I know I'll keep looking down it.
i use to do yaghties, but then i found out its pretty much the most damaging way to smoke weed. Extreme amounts of unfiltered tobacco and weed shooting in the lungs in a second cant be good lol
I think the biggest problem is that the tobacco really makes it easy to get hooked. Associating weed with that type of craving makes you smoke a shittonne more.
But still, nothing is as good as a shottie. The tobacco smoke comes in after the weed smoke and drives it so deep into your lungs, so damn good.
here is a funny story: I just woke up after hell of a night which i remember only half of and i was supposed to be at workfucking 4 hours ago, what the fuck am i gonnado now. All i can is laugh at this shiit
Smoked some purple afghan kush straight from the club, and I just got a really big urge to play some fools on scbw. Hamachi stylee.=] Anyone down? scoobydoom//1
ps: just bought a new skyglass pipe, + Show Spoiler +
Anyone know if it is addicting it is to smoke blunt wraps?
I get dizzy every time I smoke them. Blunt is by far my favorite form of smoking but I don't want to get hooked on nicotine.