Poll: How is your handwriting, legibility and neatness-wise?Below average. (1139) 65% Better than average. (325) 19% Average, (287) 16% 1751 total votes Your vote: How is your handwriting, legibility and neatness-wise? (Vote): Better than average. (Vote): Average, (Vote): Below average.
I've always been curious about this, especially considering we are all starcraft players, meaning we would have good hand-eye coordination. Hand control however, is a different story. I have good hand eye coordination, but when it comes to writing I sometimes struggle to read some phrases I've written a few months before. One of my limiting factors in improvement is the fact that I can't click as precise as I often would, even if I know what to do.
What is it like with you guys? I'm sure you've had comments about your handwriting before, so you would know if it's good/average/bad.
mine sucks, only legible to myself. then again, most people in the office are the same. lol lol. i wasted my 6000th post on criticising my own handwriting. fail. ==
My handwriting is atrocious. Sometimes I can't even read something I've just written.
mine is just awful.
in elementary schools teachers would freak out marking my stuff because of how messy it was. it's still messy though, but for most things in the world you don't even need to handwrite anymore and even if you do it's not like my writing is completely illegible.
I've been complimented several times on it, but I very rarely write stuff by hand. Like 2-3 times a year I guess.
Pity, my one talent is going to waste.
United States5162 Posts
I need a way below average option.
If I try really hard I can right decently, but if you would have looked at my notepad when I was a waiter you would have thought it was a different language not using the english alphabet.
I swear my handwriting hasn't changed since 3rd grade.
My handwriting is bad, but I can read it and I can write pretty fast so it's all I need.
Voted average. Mine's definitely readable, but I never get comments about how great it is.
Terrible. My dad just made fun of my handwriting a week ago. It's probably on par with 4th grader most of the time, and it gets worse when I'm jotting down fast notes in class.
Really tiny, crammed together, and borderline illegible handwriting. Eh, whatever.
Beside my autograph I handwrite like twice a year... so its a common problem, if you use your PC so much.
Mine's so bad you literally need to decode it, thankfully everything's on computers these days.
Dip a spider in ink, let it walk over a page, *VOILA* my handwriting
My hand-writing is pretty bad. Nothing is consistent, but at the very least its readable. Though, if I do try to put in effort in my writing, it can come out a little nicer than usual.
Not really sure why that is.
I am pretty much the only person that can decipher it.
I cannot hand write. I actually can barely even print. I've never really had a need for either, though.
I do math pretty much all day and I find if I don't write neatly, I make mistakes. As such, my writing is pretty decent.
When I write only for myself : barely legible, only readable if you're me honestly.
When I put in effort : pretty bad
Most of the time I can figure out what I wrote.