On March 17 2013 19:32 Fuchsteufelswild wrote: I'd also like to comment how bizarre it was to see Bregor get away with calling Abigaël the dirty one etc for simply making use of the situation with the jewellery when he was the one that originally suggesting actually PIMPING THE RANDOM NPC, not Abigaël, who only asked her to do some brief nude modelling while wearing the items. Oh and now he'd just been taking his time appreciating ogre genitalia. True Neutral, Bregor? More like Twisted Neutral.
Well Abigael kinda watched him get molested by the wizard. And that girl was willing to get nude so maybe she would of been DTF. Bregor/Abigael did not really force her to sleep with the wizard. It truly did not matter to Bregor if the NPC slept with him because he had the other deal with the teeth to id the sword regardless. As for the half/ogre penis he could of been fascinated of how it would of looked like lol... Either way funny scenes of the game.
Honestly, if there is a naked ogre in front of you, i'd bet you would also look at his dick at least once. And if only because it is naturally at the height of your eyes.
On March 17 2013 19:32 Fuchsteufelswild wrote: Questions:
1 - Don't you think Command is too strong as a 1 minute long, multi-target spell? By comparison, in 3rd Edition (not arguing about editions, just discussing balance/power of spells and abilities), when it is a 6 second, single target spell, it actually feels like a first-level spell, giving you a brief period to change something for the better, to save someone, to make a single (possibly key) enemy prone/surrender/flee etc. Just to clarify, I realise the more recent multi-target hold was actually Hold Person, but he seemed to Command multiple (2 I thought) targets in maybe Week 4? I'd have to check when it was, but it was before level 2 spells.
2 - What is this double-crit rule? You're using a variant house-rule where it's a "double-crit" when the roll is both high enough to trigger a critical hit and is also five higher than their AC, or is it really ten higher? Also, you seem to count rolls as critical hits not just on a natural (ignoring modifiers) 20 (or 19 with some weapons if it's the same in 2nd Edition), but when it simply adds up to that sometimes, or say, I could have sworn there were one or two times when Bregor and/or Abigaël have scored critical hits when their actual rolls were 19, when bows (not crossbows) normally deal crits only on natural 20s. Do they crit on 19s as well in 2nd Edition/your house-ruled bows or was there something else going on here? It actually seems like you have them scoring critical hits just based on clearing AC by a certain amount. If that is correct, is that more or less likely to score critical hits than only natural 20s? (what%? vs 5%)
1) Command is a 1 round (1 minute) spell that only targets one. On top of that, you can't really make them do anything other than sleep, run, drop, drink, fart, etc. The implications are not all that great. In many situations, it'd be better to do something else. The times where JP have had more than 1 target, we were out of combat and he cast them on sequential rounds. JP has been using it fairly cleverly to get around stuff. An ogre told to run might, at the end of the minute, be confused as to why he was running.
2) Crits in 2nd work like this: Roll an natural 18+ and clear the target's AC by 4. I've modified this so if you clear by 8, it's a double, clear by 12, triple, etc. Additionally, I've oped to let you crit on any number if you clear by 8, or double crit if you clear by 16, etc. It's hard to say if it's better or worse, since it depends on your opponent.
The idea behind this is that in 2nd edition, players don't really get any damage bonuses at higher levels. At best, you'll get your strength mod, +3 for damage for specialized fighters, and then whatever you get for magic. However, a 20th level fighter should 1 shot an orc - but with in place rules, if they don't hit on an 18 or higher, they could potentially be doing just d6 damage (non fighter with a non magical club or shortsword or something). Since an orc has d8 life, most of the time they wouldn't kill it. That's dumb. A 20th level cleric should DESTROY an orc in 1 hit. Thus, the modified crit system.
On the other hand, if you're fighting a dragon, you may only hit on a 20, so you'll never critical it.
On March 17 2013 23:07 Fuchsteufelswild wrote:Increased weapon damage versus large opponents being a real thing in 2nd Edition/your version of it: Really? It's not like they have anti-armour explosive payloads on the swords and stuff, was that really how it was in 2nd? The separate weapon damages seem a little familiar (though here is something slightly similar in 3rd I could be remembering instead), but I thought the separate d8/d12 (longsword, say for Geoff) was the same as I was comparing it to in 3rd, where it simply lists the damage for a weapon of that type of THAT SIZE, where a medium (normal for a longsword) weapon of the type deals damage in d8s and a large (such as one that a troll might use) deals damage in d12s. In 3rd Edition they have similar listings for Small/Medium, to compare for people who want to play as Halflings, Gnomes and the like. It doesn't really make much sense for the weapons to deal more damage to things that are more beastly just because they are beastly, as it's like saying marines and zerglings should deal percentile increased damage (+20%/+25%/+50%, something like that) vs Ultras because the Ultras are so big. That's the point, they're meant to be big and have many hit points, so that the enemies don't tear through easily at all. If anything, they're meant to have other weaknesses, right?  It seems a very confusing and illogical bit of game design to me! :Þ
In second edition, for whatever reason, weapon deal different damage to targets of different sizes. Sometimes it's more (long sword) sometimes it's less (dagger). Long swords are the best weapon as far as I'm concerned (d8 vs small/medium and d12 against anything larger, with a speed of 4.). As for why, I've tried to speculate over the ages, but have decided to just roll with it.
Was there a new episode today? This show really makes me want to get into d&d but i dont know anyone around me who plays :/
Oh ok that makes sense. Just fwiw, thumbs up. I really enjoy the show  Like many others here i blazed through the whole thing in 2 days and cant wait to catch it live if i ever get the chance.
Thanks for your explanations, Neal.  Longswords are a pretty good choice for anyone wanting a one-hander in 3rd edition too, for various reasons, although it sounds like it might be hard not to choose it in 2nd if your character is proficient with it (and doesn't have an aversion to bloodshed as Clerics normally do). I thought 2nd Edition used a "weapon speed" system in some form (maybe in conjunction with initiative?), where single-handed weapons seem even better because they can hit sooner as well (even though the longer range of bigger weapons might balance that in reality anyway). It doesn't seem to me like you're using a weapon speed system though.
Actually, it is a shame JP didn't think to use Command: Betray, seeing as that doesn't ask for much and it's not like Ogres are known for being the most loyal creatures (so it's not as unreasonable as commanding someone to actually "die" or commit "suicide", nor is it as unreasonable as asking a Paladin to "betray" an innocent village or something like that). Ah, the power of one's choice of words. :D
Paschl: At least your country has masses of people and ridiculous population density though! ;D Gutes Gelingen! + Show Spoiler +(Does anyone say that anymore or is it all "Viel Glück" only now? I only see people type the latter) EDIT: Thanks, amatoer!
paschl, they start monday night at 2am and play at least untill 6am. So it's pretty hard to see them live if you got a normal social life and arent on holidays or anything.
@Foxdevilswild: + Show Spoiler +even though the latter one is more popular, you can and do still say both. Personally I prefer 'Gutes Gelingen' because 'Viel Glück' bases on an extrinsic force (luck) to help you with achieving your objective. But I guess this is kinda offtopic.
So I have really enjoyed watching RollPlay and so me and some friends had decided to try and play some DnD. Well I started organizing it and such but this past weekend me and 3 friends went on a trip (3 hour drive there and 3 hours back) and one of my friends asked if we could play in the car.
I (having never played DnD before) was like sure lets give it a try. I downloaded a dice rolling app, looked at their character sheets and then just went with it. I made a lot of stuff up and we had a lot of fun. I stole the initial story from the beginning of RollPlay (sorry Neal) and we had a lot of fun. It was verrrrrrry lose rules but they really enjoyed it and it made the drive go by fast.
Has anyone else done DnD while driving?
On March 18 2013 23:27 YourGoodFriend wrote: So I have really enjoyed watching RollPlay and so me and some friends had decided to try and play some DnD. Well I started organizing it and such but this past weekend me and 3 friends went on a trip (3 hour drive there and 3 hours back) and one of my friends asked if we could play in the car.
I (having never played DnD before) was like sure lets give it a try. I downloaded a dice rolling app, looked at their character sheets and then just went with it. I made a lot of stuff up and we had a lot of fun. I stole the initial story from the beginning of RollPlay (sorry Neal) and we had a lot of fun. It was verrrrrrry lose rules but they really enjoyed it and it made the drive go by fast.
Has anyone else done DnD while driving?
hahahaha totally kidding, actually sounds like it could be fun, as generally my drives are just me zoning out and thinking about something anyways.
I would say it depends on the ability of the driver to multitask. For the rest of the people in the car it should be no problem, but i know that i couldn't drive and play at the same time.
On March 18 2013 23:41 Simberto wrote: I would say it depends on the ability of the driver to multitask. For the rest of the people in the car it should be no problem, but i know that i couldn't drive and play at the same time.
I would say you can't DM and drive but playing wasn't to hard for my friend.
Just wanted to say thanks for putting this out there. Very fun to listen to while at work. I have also been inspired to try to play dungeon and dragons with some friends for the first time. Been wanting to try it out as a child but never had anyone to play with. I'll be playing and Dungeon Mastering for the first time so it will be chaos but this series should prep me for it!
On March 18 2013 19:38 amatoer wrote:paschl, they start monday night at 2am and play at least untill 6am. So it's pretty hard to see them live if you got a normal social life and arent on holidays or anything. @Foxdevilswild: + Show Spoiler +even though the latter one is more popular, you can and do still say both. Personally I prefer 'Gutes Gelingen' because 'Viel Glück' bases on an extrinsic force (luck) to help you with achieving your objective. But I guess this is kinda offtopic.
On March 18 2013 19:12 Fuchsteufelswild wrote: I thought 2nd Edition used a "weapon speed" system in some form (maybe in conjunction with initiative?), where single-handed weapons seem even better because they can hit sooner as well (even though the longer range of bigger weapons might balance that in reality anyway). It doesn't seem to me like you're using a weapon speed system though.
Yes! This is one of the many rules we scrapped to keep dice rolls to a minimum (since we're no playing in person) and to speed things along. My other groups use weapon speed. At one point, I had even created a new weapon speed system that really rewarded smaller faster weapons. As it stands, there's little reason not to have the highest damage output weapon you can find.
So Rollplay tonight? I hope so but maybe some of the gang are still recovering from MLG.
On March 19 2013 03:30 Koibu0 wrote: Yes! This is one of the many rules we scrapped to keep dice rolls to a minimum (since we're no playing in person) and to speed things along. My other groups use weapon speed. At one point, I had even created a new weapon speed system that really rewarded smaller faster weapons. As it stands, there's little reason not to have the highest damage output weapon you can find. I've seen DMs use a system that uses a combination of dexterity and weapon speed to determine if a player gets an extra attack. Like a level 1 fighter with 16+ dexterity gets 2 attacks with a dagger but only 1 with a long sword. That is the sort of thing i enjoyed. though it made 2 weapon fighters very strong since if you had high dexterity and 2 daggers you would be attacking very often.
Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I just watched the chat-synced vids (awesome btw!) for the first time, and I can't help but notice that everyone in the chat is saying Kappa all the time? What on earth does that mean? Is it a rollplay reference that I missed or am I just ignorant?