On August 01 2012 02:35 Charger wrote: Any updates on the status of 382 tofu?
ACP keeps telling me JavaScript is disabled (it's not), so I can't login, and I'm at work so I can't contact support. bK- or Shootemup. should be able to if they are around.
PM me the link to the login and I will check from work.
On August 01 2012 04:46 MaestroSC wrote: STORY TIME!
Soo..this has been an extremely interesting week in my dayz life. We have been at war along the west coast of the map. We have found 4-5 other major camps all withing 3-4000 meters of our own. We have stolen all of the vehicles, only to have them stolen back, only to steal them back, to have half of them stolen again. We have had 4-5 major shootouts along the west edge. We have pretty much an open war going on, to the point of when we are all at loadin screen, we have a lot of trash talkin haters lol. but its super fun tbh.
Also, killerz wrote it earlier, but Carmon and Myself, were the victors/escapees of the Thunder Dome!
We got teleported in along with KTy, ogxKillerz. Our plan was simple : play dead til the shooting slows down.
As soon as we teleport in, I do a lap of it screaming "CARMON!!" over direct chat, til i find killerz laying down in a tent in one of the corners. Carmon hears me screaming, and we figure out he is 2 tents over, also prone. KTy, meanwhile is running around in the middle of things, he grabs an AK and starts mowing down people. Me and Killerz get shot at, but being prone saves us. We wait for things to slow down and we decide to crawl around and look for carmon/a gun. We crawl over to where carmon is, under one of the towers. some dude near carmon climbs up the tower and gets absolutely blasted.
Me and Killerz crawl over besides Carmon, KTy still killin noobs. KTy works his way towards us, the hacker teleports to KTy. The hacker kills Killerz, KTy unloads a clip into the hacker, then the hacker kills KTy and teleports away. I crawl out and grab KTy's gun. Carmon crawls out the other way. We start makin our way around the camp, when Carmon sees a helicopter and i see a player. I chase the player, shooting him along the way. Carmon hops in the M240 on the Helicopter and finishes off the guy i was chasing. I hop into the pilot seat, as people are shooting at me.
After a 20 second delay i finally figure out Q = lift. I get the blades moving, Carmon is still firing the M240. We finally get in the air and fly off, with me at the stick. We begin flying around, quite drastically imo lol. Doing these super sharp turns, while trying not to fall out of the sky. Im starting to get the hang of it... but then i adjust my mouspad which throws the helicopter into a nose dive.
I start to pull back as hard as i can, Carmon and I are both screaming, (after just having been yelling/celebrating our survival/escape of the thunderdome). I manage to crash into trees and we both die near balota =(.
Skip ahead a couple hours, we find the helicopter on the island. We fix it up, start filling it with gas. I am chosen to fly it, since im the ONLY one int he group who has flown one..even tho i crashed/never landed it.
We drive it to the mainland, nearly running out of gas as I try to land, i end up like 1000 meters from kamyshovo. after 3 gas can trips, I try to move it forward, and get it 150 meters outside of kamyshovo and successfully land it again.
We then spend an hour filling it up with our 10 gas cans... then fearman logs over and volunteers to fly the helicopter for us to hide it. We agree. just hope its still there when i log in.
After dying from the helicrash I met an unsuspecting traveler that goes by the alias Ghostbyte which later I learned of his name, John. John and I was strolling through the coast and learning about each other for roughly 5 minutes before my inner demons told me to grab the gun in his backpack and blast him in the head. I never saw John again so if he ever reads this post I am sorry John I hope we can hang out again
sad morning.... our helicopter on 124 either was reset or stolen... im thinkin reset as NO1 was on when we hid it and i know we saved it 10-15 times. sad morning is sad =(
On August 01 2012 07:10 MaestroSC wrote: sad morning.... our helicopter on 124 either was reset or stolen... im thinkin reset as NO1 was on when we hid it and i know we saved it 10-15 times. sad morning is sad =(
If you found it at the thunderdome, it was probably removed when the thunderdome was
On August 01 2012 07:10 MaestroSC wrote: sad morning.... our helicopter on 124 either was reset or stolen... im thinkin reset as NO1 was on when we hid it and i know we saved it 10-15 times. sad morning is sad =(
If you found it at the thunderdome, it was probably removed when the thunderdome was
no we had the legit one from the island. we repaired it, fueled it, and flew it away.
On August 01 2012 02:35 Charger wrote: Any updates on the status of 382 tofu?
ACP keeps telling me JavaScript is disabled (it's not), so I can't login, and I'm at work so I can't contact support. bK- or Shootemup. should be able to if they are around.
has any1 managed to save a helicopter anywhere? Cause i KNOW we saved ours 15+ times at 3 diff locations. and 2 resets later it is back at the spawn point.
someone is either abusing their admin powers, or helicopters are not saveable atm and just reset with the server
and to be clear i am not talking about tofu's server lol i dont want any1 to think im bashing talkin bout dif server i play on
admins abuse the shit out of their servers all the time. ont he dayz website there are server hosts admitting to abusing to get the helicopters for themselves
On August 01 2012 07:35 MaestroSC wrote: has any1 managed to save a helicopter anywhere? Cause i KNOW we saved ours 15+ times at 3 diff locations. and 2 resets later it is back at the spawn point.
someone is either abusing their admin powers, or helicopters are not saveable atm and just reset with the server
and to be clear i am not talking about tofu's server lol i dont want any1 to think im bashing talkin bout dif server i play on
Saving vehicles is just really buggy in general. I've never had a vehicle save for me after a restart, ever, out of like ~15 vehicles I've found so far. And I know for a fact most of them weren't stolen. It's nobody's fault, just a buggy Save feature.
On August 01 2012 08:58 MaestroSC wrote: i also said that they might not even be saving.
because we found it completely reset after reset.
your always being a dick. stop it.
admins abuse the shit out of their servers all the time. ont he dayz website there are server hosts admitting to abusing to get the helicopters for themselves
The fact that you bring up admins doing something they can't actually do as a possible reason for why you don't have a helicopter is dumb. Also the dayzmod forums are full of scum. There's a Server Report forum there when bad servers are reported. Hundreds of them.
But there are what, 8000 servers? The amount of good admins who don't abuse is far larger than the bad ones, but you don't hear about the good ones because there's no reason to talk about them.
I will defend good admins from specious claims such as yours because they are specious (specious means bullshit that sounds like it's not bullshit, btw) and they embitter players and admins get treated like shit and then they don't feel like hosting anymore, so a server full of admins goes down. That's one less good server. It's like you want only servers full of shitty abusey admins.
RIP Risen the fifth, you shall be missed. Killed in the middle of nowhere by a randomly spawning zombie who broke your leg. Though you crawled for half an hour to a town, you knew not what it was, and since you could not ask for help without knowing your location, you bravely fired your enfeld into the air. Like a dinner bell the zombies came running. One down, two down, more than you could count down!... but they did not stop coming. Godspeed, friend.
On August 01 2012 09:32 Risen wrote: RIP Risen the fifth, you shall be missed. Killed in the middle of nowhere by a randomly spawning zombie who broke your leg. Though you crawled for half an hour to a town, you knew not what it was, and since you could not ask for help without knowing your location, you bravely fired your enfeld into the air. Like a dinner bell the zombies came running. One down, two down, more than you could count down!... but they did not stop coming. Godspeed, friend.
Rofl, disconnect and reconnect back in tell you your location ^_^.
Best tip I can give is hit up Cherno, Electro or Berizino. Grab some morphine, then hit up the supermarket and get out of there. You can't go anywhere before you got morphine.
I am flattered that you feel the need to write a formal essay just to respond to my claims. But in all seriousness...
go fuk urself. evun f i rite liq dis u no wut i am saiyan. People who give a shit about my grammar/spelling on the internet are fucking no-lifers that need to take up editing if they have such a hard-on for it.
u r rite i clearly cant spell "the" lol it wasnt a typo... but then again if your counting my typos, again i am flattered. if some1's biggest complaint about me is tht i use shit grammar/spelling on the TL forums... thats awsome.
also i didnt say the admin was a bad admin or that he is abusing. just said admins have abused before. and can abuse.
i also said that it might have been just a shit vehicle thing where it didnt save correctly... but you chose to not be able to read that part i guess.
btw here is sum moar kode 4 u to currect/spelcheq/intrprut.. see if you can figure it out jackass.
i m gradimatin n desembre wif a digree in ingrish... teh #'s of fuq's i giv abot ur spel chekin/grammer chekin is inoomeruble.
if you can figure it out... then i proved my point trolling grammar and english is a fucking waste of time. if you can read it/understand it fills its purpose.
i wonder why ur server never gets more than 20 players and why half of the TL'ers would rather play on a random server than yours.
maybe cause everyone agrees your an asshole.
wait let me re-write it so i can be sure you understand.
In my opinion, your server is not frequented by as many team liquid players because everyone shares the belief that you are an asshole.