Welcome to Another Great event, presented to you by Team Alchemists
I am happy to present to you the Alchemy League. “What can this be?“ you say. Well let me tell you. Me and a few friends have been working on another event that we wanted to be bigger than the regular 10/20$ tournaments on defiler. so we came up with this idea. It‘s been a lot of work for people like us without that much experience in hosting such events. We also didn’t have all the contacts we needed, and those we knew, unfortunately, are not as interested in helping out as they were before. Kudos to those who actually did help us though. We're still looking for help with coverage and anyone else who might be interested in helping run the tournament. If you feel like helping let us know, there are cookies involved, you don't want to miss out on that!
So far, Madinho, Voddy, Piraya and myself have chipped in for the prizepool. Now we will open for donations. If you want to help us raise the prizepool you can donate to my paypal account: LeifJsandoy@gmail.com Remember that every donation helps, small ones and big ones. The larger the prize pool gets, the more interest and activity the event will get. Your donations will go to the prize pool and only that.
We are still looking for 1-2 newswriter to cover some of the most intresting matches in the ladder stage, aswell as someone to cover the qualifications&finals, Is it you we are looking for ? Please PM me here at TL or add me at skype : Leifsandoy
I advice you to read these rules, a lot of people diddent bother to do so, and broke several rules simply cause they diddent bother reading them.I made a few exceptions since it diddent affect the league or other players, and we all want as many players in the league as possible. But from now on i wont
Create account with your most known name,(smurfing/fake flag is forbidden) with the tag: AL.Name and join this ICCup team: http://iccup.com/en/teams/96962.html
Smurfing is not allowed
Clearstats is not allowed
Transfer is not allowed
Players are not allowed to stream during qualifications or finals
Maps: AL map pack. Which can be DL here: http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/2Pacalypse/maps/ALC_maps.zip
Game mode: One on one
Anti-hack: Mandatory
LAN latency: On
ID: AL.Name ( Join here : http://iccup.com/en/teams/96962.html )
Smurfing: You can only sign up with 1 account. Join this team with your preferred & most known name. Smurfing is forbidden, as well as shared accounts.
Racepicking is allowed, if two racepickers face each other, they will have to whisper their race to admin and the admin make sure they stick to the race they choosed.
Players are not allowed to pick the same map twice during qualification&finals
Players are not allowed to enter iCCup tournaments to gain ladder pts
ID: AL.Name ( Join here : http://iccup.com/en/teams/96962.html )
Playing vs the same player multiple times
D/C rank, 8 games per 24 hours
C/B rank, 8 games per 24 hours
B/A rank, 8 games per 24 hours
Abuse will be regularly checked for and if you are found guilty of abusing it will result in a disqualification and ban from any aLc events in the future.
Currently at $ 200 USD, we will accept donations to the prizepool from now on.
1st Place: 60%
2nd Place: 25%
3rd Place: 15%
Donate for a bigger prizepool trough paypal
I am very excited that so many good players have signed up for this event, nearly every top player in iCCup have singed up for this, and it will be even more exciting games to look forward to for the next few weeks, and then the qualifier starting right after, wich will be evenen better then the ladder stage, i hope everyone are looking forard to this just as much as i do.
Prize pool remains still remains at 200 $, and i dont think thats is a bad prize for playing a game you love.
Players are seeded based on rank from the ladderstage.
Groups : 8x4
Liquipedia article : http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Alchemy_League
In the group stage, every player plays a best of 3 vs all other members of his group.
During this stage, the first map is always Mist. After that, the loser picks.
Two players advance from each group based on the amounts of wins and losses, leaving 16 players.
A win gives +2 points, and a loss gives -1points.
If there is an even number of points between more than two players, there will be tiebreaker games,
in which the players who have the same amount of points all play each other
in best of one games. The same rules for scoring apply: +2 points for a win, -1 for a loss.
Clarification: A win means one individual game. Not a complete best of 3 set.
These players then compete in a single elimination bracket.
They are placed based on how many points they got during the group stage,
as shown in this example:
Points gained from tiebreaker games do not count towards this placement.
If two or more players have the same amount of points,
the player with the higher ladder qualification spot gets the higher numbered spot.
All rounds are best of 3 until the finals, which are best of 5
The rounds have the following starting maps, after which the loser picks:
Round of 16: Mist
Round of 8: Overwatch
Round of 4: Queen's Bridge
Round of 2: Outsider
Groups : 8x4
Liquipedia article : http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Alchemy_League
In the group stage, every player plays a best of 3 vs all other members of his group.
During this stage, the first map is always Mist. After that, the loser picks.
Two players advance from each group based on the amounts of wins and losses, leaving 16 players.
A win gives +2 points, and a loss gives -1points.
If there is an even number of points between more than two players, there will be tiebreaker games,
in which the players who have the same amount of points all play each other
in best of one games. The same rules for scoring apply: +2 points for a win, -1 for a loss.
Clarification: A win means one individual game. Not a complete best of 3 set.
These players then compete in a single elimination bracket.
They are placed based on how many points they got during the group stage,
as shown in this example:
Points gained from tiebreaker games do not count towards this placement.
If two or more players have the same amount of points,
the player with the higher ladder qualification spot gets the higher numbered spot.
All rounds are best of 3 until the finals, which are best of 5
The rounds have the following starting maps, after which the loser picks:
Round of 16: Mist
Round of 8: Overwatch
Round of 4: Queen's Bridge
Round of 2: Outsider
- Sin Peaks of Baekdu
- Sin Gaema Gowon
- Fighting Spirit
- New Heartbreak Ridge
- Outsider SE
- Dante's Peak SE
- Rush Hour 3
- Tau Cross
- Monty Hall
- Katrina
- Sin 815
- Dante's Peak SE
- Mist
- Queensbridge 1.3
- Neo Overwatch 2.0
- Toad Stone 1.3
Mappack :
TerranTv aka Raven will be casting from groupstages ( Polish language only )
Still looking for other caster/s. Anyone who might be intrested, please PM me here at TL.net, iCCup.com or try cath me when im online on server-
Schedule will be updatede regulary here : http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/bw-tournaments/467329-alchemy-league-ladderstage-streams
Stream link :
Ladderstage : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/julyzurg/profile]http://www.twitch.tv/julyzurg/profile[/url]
Default channel : Op AlchemyLeague
Admins : iamcasey, Piraya, Hasske,
Contact information : Skype : Leifsandoy : iCCup : iamcasey & aLc.Casey
Fair play
We are adults, and let’s also act like it. Creating more work for admins will result in a waste of time for us and the event will suffer for this. That‘s in no one‘s interest. It‘s more than enough work already, and my patience with handling brats is very limited.
Leaving before the 2 minute mark due to any disadvantage will be heavily punished.
Disconnecting because of a loss/disadvantage will be heavily punished.
Floating buildings around the map only to waste time will be punished.
Some bad manners we can all live with, but racism and/or hardcore bm will be heavily punished and might result in a disqualification.
Same rules as in iCCup.
Maps, replays, spoiling
To prevent everyone from only playing Fighting Spirit, we made a rule that only allows you to play Fighting Spirit for a maximum 60% of your ladder games.
All participants are forbidden to spoil results from the groupstage or Ro16, ( Unless its agreed with the admins ) streaming/sharing replays is forbidden and will be punbished with disqualification.
Qualification & finals replays shall be given to Casey right after the matches are done. You can send them by mail, or upload them to some filesharing site http://www.speedyshare.com
Huge thanks to the following people for helping us so far: DiMiaN, 2Pacalypse-, Voddy,Piraya, Madinho,SynC[gm],Hellscream,Hasske