Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: EscapingJail.860 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Master Other: I'm a pretty mannered and friendly. I like to grind out practice games, I'm a huge fan of Kpop!!! My Skype ID is "EscapingJail". Feel free to add me there, pm me on TL, or in game.
Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: COSePHirOtH.876 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: "cant display at the time." Sc2RanksURL: "cant display at the time." Interest: Practicing with a mid diamond/High plat player, preferably Terran or Zerg. League: Plat Other: Skype- bravo_97_e509
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: WolfBro.209 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Casual League: Platinum Other: Currently platinum but so far in hots I get placed platinum, get promoted to diamond, then demoted when the season rolls, rinse and repeat. Just need cool folks to practice builds against when I'm fed up with laddering. I block non-friends chat, so PM on TL and we can add.
Server: NA B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Ginseng.962 Race: Terran ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Casual, TvZ practice League: Master Other: Hello, I'm looking for Zergs to help practice my nonexistent TvZ for SC2. I'm struggling a lot in the midgame/lategame phases (Yes, I fail with bio/mine lol) and would like assistance in remedying this. I'm on almost every night, but there are times when I am pre-occupied with other people.
Server: EU B.Net FrappeMG.125 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Casual League: Platinum Other: hi i like this game , i want to play and also practice with others and have fun , i am looking for all kind of races to play i am friendly and have free time ! we can practice and be better add me
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Misery.940 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Diamond Other: Looking to hit masters this season and am looking to practice all protoss matchups plat - masters. I have skype and I enjoy watching replays and analyzing games to see where I can improve.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Azagy.125 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Diamond Other: Having trouble with lategame ZvP and transitioning from mid to lategame in ZvT. If you want to practice with me, feel free to add me or send me a message. I'm hoping to reach masters this season.
Server:AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:heavyarms.445 Race:Terran ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest:Competitive League: Masters really really need help in tvz and tvp late game cant deal with ultra infestor or storm colossus if anyone is good at this plz msg me even diamonds too the turtler the better cannons and spores, spines everywhere is fine i really need this getting shit on every which way thank you
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Myrtle.509 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Gold Other: Looking for a practice partner for each matchup.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:VnRǂvortex.315 Race: Zerg ProfileURL:ǂvortex/ Sc2RanksURL:ǂvortex Interest: Competitive League: Masters Other: I am online often so will be a rather dedicated practice partners. Strongest Matchup is ZvP, weakest is ZvT. Looking to play all Matchups. I have Skype and Teamspeak and obviously a microphone. Primary language is english. I hope to get some good practice and we can play often!
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:Earz.151 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Master Other: I am a low master Protoss, especially looking for PvZ, which is my weakest matchup. I want to practice with mannered and fun players ! I speak french, and a little english.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Kenny.478 Race: Terran ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Causal League: Gold Other: Looking for people to play games with and get better at basics/mechanics. I'm up for playing with anyone from Bronze up to Diamond. I'm a solid Gold league player.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: GoatSwarm.480 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Master Other: I'm a high Master Zerg looking for equally skilled practice partners of any race. I'd love to grind out games and analyzing them afterwards while being on Skype. I don't mind losing 20 games in a row to learn, and I look for honest, yet nice people with a similar mindset, focus on long-term improvement. I am available every day from 9am in the morning to 1am (Both CET).
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Sleeper.400 Race: Terran ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest: Competitive League: Masters Other: Heya I'm a Terran looking for a Protoss practice partner with 1350+ points masters last season. I find tvp to be a very fun and challenging matchup.
Server: US B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:Roscoe.964 Race: zerg ProfileURL: Sc2RanksURL: Interest:Looking to put in 40+ games/day with practice partners. I'm looking for Z/P/T partners. League: Masters Other: Be respectful and do not bring your emotions into the games. I'm looking for people who are motivated to become very good at what they do.