Server: AM B.Net ID.INDENTIFIER: Dreamer.586 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4734956/1/Dreamer/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/4734956/Dreamer Interest: Competitive League: Silver Other: 1v1 Practice against any race, but mostly Zerg because my versus Zerg is very bad at the moment. I really want to get better and progress as a player because I want to go past playing ranked ladder and become a pro gamer one day. I'm a good learner and I always listen to my coaches. I used to play Brood War on ICCup frequently, but due to schooling I had to stop for a year. StarCraft 2 comes out and I'm on the sidelines for another year watching KeSPA and MLG matches. Now I can play at least on Wing of Liberty for the time being, but I will acquire HOTS fairly soon.
My bnet comes from the BW Protoss user Nal_ra as it was one of his nicknames and seemed very fitting for me since I want to become a pro-gamer some day and progress my skills as a whole. Whenever I'm not out hunting for jobs, I'm usually playing WoL ranked ladder (and getting cheesed out since I don't know any better...) for a majority of my day (usually 9-10hrs of uninterrupted play) for about 4-5 hours of ranked. I have skype.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: IamDrizzt.870 (i thin its 870, not100% sure, i tried to find out where i could see it, no one knew in chat, then googled it, said it was in my battle net account management, couldnt find it there either lol). Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/423166/IamDrizzt Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/423166/IamDrizzt Interest: Have a bet vs someone in the scene who's been spreading replays of beating me, and saying he'd take me on for money, so we're playing for 200, in a few days. And he's Protoss, I'm zerg, and I think my worst matchup is ZvP, but avcourse I didnt declince, I accepted. League: Masters (Looking for people higher than me, the higher the better yay). Other: My biggest weaknesses are not noticing thing on the minimap, and going into tunnel vision, where scouting and making units on what I scout is forgotten. I also tend to stay on one queen hatch and do bad creep spread. That's the things I think I'm worst at.
Please update as some people are listed under master competitive but are diamond this season: (Are currently in America Master Terran Competitive) TL ID: Fake)Plants B.Net ID: FakeY.215
TL ID: scubiesteve B.Net ID: Scubiesteve.925
Also this player hasn't played a single match in 7 weeks and is not ranked this season TL ID: SCXenocide B.Net ID: Xenocide.432
My entry: Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Names.266 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/295201/1/Names/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/295201/Names Interest: Competitive League: Master Other: Looking for a good master terran to practice TvT for an upcoming Showmatch