- Your server: NA - Your rank: Diamond rank 32, Season 1 & 2 top 25 diamond - Your race: Terran - How you would like to be reached: PM on TL first - How it would be easiest to communicate during the lesson: chat through b.net - What you can afford to pay: Experience for the coach (no $) - When you are available: Talk to me :D - What do you need help with? Talk to me :D
Masters Terran Coach
- NA - Around 65% percent win rate in masters last season - PM on TL or contact on battlenet Tobzino.954 - Use skype for lessons - Only charge $5/hr via paypal very good value - Most weekday nights plus weekends - With my lessons I like to see you play a game so i can analyze your weaknesses in whatever match ups and help you improve on those and overall game sense.
I would like to be a coach
- Your server: NA - Your credentials: Masters league since it came out, played in several tourneys/MLG. - Your race: Terran - How you would like to be reached: PM on TL - How it would be easiest to communicate during the lesson: Skype - Your rate: Negotiable - When you are available: PM on TL - What you believe your strengths are: Good game sense, be able to point out things for improvement and how to go about achieving them.
If the OP is going to keep the first post updated with the players looking for coaching and the players willing to coach, then this is a good idea. I think there is another thread, but it is most likely old, and I'm not sure if the OP is still updating it. That said, it's still a good idea to make a new one each season.
If the OP isn't willing to update the first post with relevant information, then this should be closed until there's someone willing to put in the effort to maintain a coaching thread.
- Your server -- NA and KR
- Your credentials (including your rank, perhaps your rank from Season 2, how well you've done in tourneys, etc.) Last season was ~1800 Masters protoss on NA, am currently in complexity academy and around 600 points for the new season
- Your race (or whatever races you would be comfortable coaching) I play protoss but would be comfortable coaching any races (protoss preferred)
- How you would like to be reached (a PM on TL, your character name and code, your email, your skype name, etc.) PM on TL works, or Fallen.240 @ bnet, ecahill30@yahoo.com, fade2black926 @ skype
- How it would be easiest to communicate during the lesson (Skype, Teamspeak, Vent, a phone number (be careful with that), etc.) We could use skype, TS or vent, or rumble, anythng works. I don't think phone is the best idea =]
- Your rate or if you are free (and therefore an awesome person ( And if you do charge a fee, say what it is specifically and how you would like to be paid ) I charge 10$/hr or 35$ package for 4 hrs. Rate is negotiable. I'd prefer to be paid via paypal.
- When you are available (this can be worked out privately I suppose) I'm available most evenings for a few hours.
- What you believe your strengths are. How could you help your student? Do you have a great knowledge of timing pushes? Game sense? Ability to read what you scout? Strong mechanics/macro/micro? I have a pretty deep knowledge of all matchups as I used to cast craftcup during the beta and I play random vs a lot of friends, etc. I have a very good ability to read what builds they are doing via scout, and I have pretty solid macro. Definitely could help anybody with macro and mechanics as well as overall game knowledge, etc.
On August 12 2011 06:46 Risk_Player wrote:Risk's Coaching (English/Français) Server : NA / KR High Master (Top 100 Masters NA Season 2, Top 200 Masters NA Season 1) I have won a few tournaments, so here is a link to one of them. 1st Starcraft II 11.05.2011 National ESL #55 --> LinkI offer Terran lessons to players from low bronze to high diamond AND Protoss lessons to players from low bronze to high plat. Email : Je.the.best@live.ca Skype : Risk_Player --> Best way to reach meBattle.net (NA Server) : Risk.895 Skype/Vent is a MUST for lessons. I ask for $10/h (pretty much the cheapest you can find out there ^.^). I work with paypal, for the payments. Available at any time (except at night from like...3 am to 9 am...Will change with college starting soon) I've been coaching for a while now. I would qualify myself as an experienced coach. I can help you with anything. As I said skype is the best way to reach me! LMK  ))))))))
I took a coaching with Risk and it was very good.. Super nice guy, and very informative.. He does what he says he will do and is punctual..Price is great also. In the first coaching I asked him to go over some basic build orders for each matchup. He coached me through them, then he hooked up a game with one of his buddies and coached me through that as well. I'm learning my second race (Terran) and this was a big help.. Saved me time with his tips.. I'll be scheduling a few more coachings with him in the near future.. Maybe I'll even ask for help with my primary race too..
He has replays of him playing some fairly well known "pro's" and players that he was very willing to show me before we scheduled the coaching..
I'm silver Terran and gold Protoss..
Thanks Risk. Talk to ya soon.
Calgary25963 Posts
This thread is well-intentioned, but TL has a policy not to allow anyone to advertise paid coaching here. Unfortunately I'll have to close this.