On June 25 2011 16:13 Abductedonut wrote: Oh my god I have so much respect for combatex. He's trolling but it's literally 5v1 and he's still holding up, that's awesome.
He is awesome CombatEX multitasking with his mouth its from his BW days cant belive why people hate him haha
On June 25 2011 16:14 Erotheis wrote: I love Deezer so much.... how can people hate this guy? Just because he stream snipes people doesn't mean you should be hated for it. He's kind of like Destiny in a way. A protoss stream sniping version of him.
hacking and stream cheating will also do that too.
omfg this is the best 5 hrs of BM ive ever seen in my entire life.....destiny, deezer, combatex, chill, incontrol, catz all trash talking it out
On June 25 2011 16:14 meep wrote: deezer is fucking awesome
Lol i know. I cannot get enough of that guy.
I'm loving the sincerity of InControl!
United States23455 Posts
I give CombatEx credit for being ganged up like 6 against 1 and still not folding.
"you should fucking die.. no offense" LOL
Combat_ex sounds exactly like the kind of guy who walks into my car repair shop with a black market starter, five hundred dollars in cash, and an obvious meth dependency. I am reflexively saying "NO CUSTOMER PARTS" under my breath as I write this. I fully expect the skype call to end with the sound of a large man named Vinny breaking into Combat_ex's smoke-stained apartment to collect his percentage on the week's smack take.
On June 25 2011 16:15 Fionn wrote: I give CombatEx credit for being ganged up like 6 against 1 and still not folding.
Well he can't possibly look like more of an idiot at this point :p.
"paul, you need to fucking die, NO OFFENSE"
On June 25 2011 16:14 Erotheis wrote: I love Deezer so much.... how can people hate this guy? Just because he stream snipes people doesn't mean you should be hated for it. He's kind of like Destiny in a way. A protoss stream sniping version of him.
Never thought it about that way, makes me open my eyes to stream sniping being an alright thing.
On June 25 2011 16:15 lilky wrote: omfg this is the best 5 hrs of BM ive ever seen in my entire life.....destiny, deezer, combatex, chill, incontrol, catz all trash talking it out
Chill? I don't hear him in the convo who is he in the convo? I didn't see a Blake in the convo.
LOL they found out his adress i got it hahahahahha wtf this is insane.... didnt know he lives in toronto now xd
On June 25 2011 16:15 meep wrote: "you should fucking die.. no offense" LOL
"oh wait...yah take offense to that"
In the process of putting part of the interview up on youtube.
this makes me so sad as a human being
lol this is so pathetic...
I can't tell if Combatex is just trolling or if he's being really serious...
Also, this just goes to show my disgust with Waterloo. That team should have been banned from CSL, especially considering Combatex was stream cheating in their playoff game ACE MATCH.
I suppose Combatex being banned is fine, but lets wait until next season when he probably gets on a new account name. Not hard to use a friends email.
On June 25 2011 16:15 Fionn wrote: I give CombatEx credit for being ganged up like 6 against 1 and still not folding. you've never known a "combatex" in real life? this is the internet. he will talk shit until he passes out if given the chance, like he is now.
i like to imagine they'll all meet up at mlg raleigh and go to the pub and share a few beers and laugh about how much they troll each other online
but i know combatex wont show