1-2 marines. (2 if you see opponent instantly lift Barracks with scouting SCV) 1 vulture (keep at home or at the very least on your side of the map, 1 marine can block main ramp scouting) 1 wraith. (Target SCV building armory.) Constant tank production and siege from first Fact after the 1 vulture. Go up to 4 fac before 3rd base. Use the opponent making goliaths to take center map control with your Vultures and start spreading mines. This allows you to safely expand behind. Can siege few tanks on high ground spots behind the mines as well to make them breaking out more difficult. 2 base pushes from the opponent are more common when surprised by wraith since they were up a Fact it is often the strongest response, but also predictable. This makes controlling the center as soon as possible with mines extra crucial. After this point feel free to make a dropship and vulture drop their main since u already have the starport.
This should set up you into a decent position in the mid-late game.
Let me know what you think! Critiques encouraged as I am only an F Rank Terran. Peace