Ahoy /r/Starcraft!
As many of you know, I am over the moon happy that StarCraft: Remastered has released. I grew up playing StarCraft as basically the only thing I did, and now I’m once again BGHing and 1v1ing away! Loads of people are revisiting StarCraft (or even trying for the first time) and, as many reddit posts have noted, the gameplay of the original StarCraft can be a bit daunting.
So, for the next several months, I’m going to be doing a twice weekly show called Let’s Learn Starcraft! The purpose is to help bring someone from “zero to hero,” from someone who knows little to nothing about StarCraft to someone who can enjoy the game as a regular player and watcher of competitive SC:R.
StarCraft is a true challenge, but once you’ve learned enough, the simple act of playing StarCraft feels so good whether you win or lose. I sincerely hope this series can help showcase the joy and beauty of StarCraft

How to Watch
Topics and format
There are three categories of topics that will be covered and shows may be broken into smaller chunks. For example: Zerg Micro Tuesday with four 20-25 minute videos that each focus on a different core zerg unit micro - Mutalisk, Ling/Lurker, Hydralisk, and Defiler
How to think about strategy in StarCraft, common builds / compositions in each matchup etc.
- What is strategy and how does it tie into execution / mechanics
- How to practice
- A thorough review of each matchup - common units, strategies, openings, cheeses, and counter cheeses
- How to construct a strategy and adjust it over time
- How to identify weaknesses and strengths in an opening build order
- How to change plans during crisis management
- How to scout and what signals to look for
- A review of tactics
- How tactical considerations can affect game-wide strategies
How to properly macro / micro / manage your base / manage different unit compositions etc.
- Small scale unit control (micro)
- Mid and large scale unit control
- Worker scouting and management
- Base management
- Hotkey setups and tricks
- Mouse and keyboard control
- Macro
- Building placement tricks
Awesome Matches
Let’s watch amazing games of StarCraft (some old, some new!) to see the glory of competitive Brood War! Huge thanks to OGN for providing these replays.
- Stork vs Fantasy PvT Incruit OSL 2008 Finals
- Jaedong vs Yellow[ArnC] ZvZ Bacchus OSL 2009 Finals
- Iloveoov vs Reach PvT Ever OSL 2004 Semifinals
- Movie vs Shine Ever PvZ OSL 2009 Semifinals
- Flash vs Fantasy TvT Tving Semifinals
- Flash vs Shine TvZ Tving Quarterfinals
- Jangbi vs Mini PvP Tving Quarterfinals
- And moar!
Any Questions?
Are there any topics you want me to cover? Any question you’d like to ask? Feel free to dump it in this thread. I’ll be back in an hour because I need to drop a friend off at the airport woo!