Many players seem to think that they are either unwanted to simply too bad to join any clans. That it's too late to really give BW a go, since people are so far ahead and it's pointless to try to catch up. This is in stark contrast to what many of the clans and clan leaders actually think.
Therefore, some of us clan leaders have come together to send a united signal that noobs are very welcome to StarCraft, and that there are plenty of us wanting to take you in and help you both improve, and enjoy the game. Some don't care if you started playing yesterday, while some may have a bit higher standards of what a noob is. Some may want you to be very active, whereas some don't mind if you can only play an evening here or there.
What's most important is that we make it clear that you are welcome to our community! We're not an elitist group of assholes only having room for top gosu players. We're in general a player base who've lived long lives already, and as such are mature enough to see past your lack of skill. What we want most dearly is more people to share our passion with!
If this is something that's new to you and might make you interested in joining a clan, please take a look through the list and see if there's any clans that sounds more interesting than others. Be very free to contact one or many or all - but make sure you take contact! And if you have any insecurities at all, don't just assume the worst. Take that step and ask instead! Talk it over - you might be pleasently surprised.
The clans partaking in the initative (PS. If other clans wants to join in, please contact me and I'll have you added. However, please note that this thread is about the RAN-Initative, and is not inteded to replace the Looking for Clan-thread found here:
Clans are listed alphabetically based on tags:
- Disturbed Minds / dM-
About our team, dM has been arround since 2009, (yeah we're getting 10 years on 2019) with highs and low activity moments, our base players are from Chile, but we used to have players from all arround the world back in iccup time, now we're all from American continent (SA+NA), our team leader is dM-White, as coleaders we have: dM-Tech; dM-PrI and dM-XenOsky, we're a small number of active players, but we try to get new people all the time, we're playing in both team leagues (STPL and BWCL).
About the new players project, we're accepting players from 1700 MMR, currently we have 3 spots for zerg, 3 for terran and 1 for protoss (yeah we're looking for 7 players), in order to join us, you have to be very active and comminment to the team, practicing build orders, watching replays and play a lot of ladder and custom games with the team members, being good manner its mandatory. If you arent 1700 MMR but wanna get better and you're very VERY active, we might accept you...
As i said, we're accepting people all arround the world but the timezones might be a problem for europeans, since we're all from America.
In order to join us, you need to contact dM-White who is our team leader, we're playing on West server, channel Op dM- and we have a discord server ->
Have a nice day and WE WANT YOU!
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- Inaequalis / inae.
We are the Starcraft: Remastered section of Inaequalis the biggest Czech and Slovakian multi-clan with more than 150 members in all sections.
[This clan only accepts members from Czech and Slovakia]
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- intre Riktigt kloka / iRk-
Clanleader: iRk-AgGe
Co leader: iRk-Tim
Discords: iRk-AgGe#4571 / tim#2361 ID: iRk-AgGe
We will add lower level players to form a iRk-C team.
Players will have to accept the regular iRk rules wich will given to them when they get the invite.
The players will be doing try outs with iRk-AgGe and iRk-Tim mostly, but also with some other players in iRk-A and B-teams, we will not be looking that much at current skill level, but mostly into potential, personality and also how active the players have been, are atm and will be in the future.
The first season the team will be captained by AgGe and Tim themselves, but for future seasons we will be looking for a captain within the newly formed C-team. Lineups are picked by the captains, and we will also have weekly gatherings to go through maps and also training sessions. Taking responsibility of your membership in iRk is very important and representing the team in good fashion and manner is a must.
<3 AgGe
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- Team / pSi.
Team pSi is one of the oldest teams in Eastern Europe established and fighting since 2004. The Bulgarian powerhouse has been home to some of the most prominent Bulgarian RTS players in the past 15 years.
Throughout the years the team changed it's name several times till 2011 when the Bulgarian StarCraft community webpage ( merged with the team in effort to unite the Bulgarian community around our love for StarCraft!
Aug 2004 - team darkHole][ppl is established
Feb 2005 - dH][p merged with team dTn] and changed team name to resurrected Fenix (rF~)
Mar 2006 - rF~ merged with the gaming organization iMpulsive Gaming (iMp-)
2009 - team iMp became part of the Bulgarian progaming organization iNNERFiRE (iF.SC)
2010 - team iF.SC moved to StarCraft2
2011 - team iF.SC2 becomes Team pSi - uniting the Bulgarian team with the Bulgarian StarCraft community home
2017 - with the release of SC:Remastered the organization moved back to SC:R where we play ever since
In the 15 years history of team pSi we've achieved balance between experienced StarCraft players and young talent eager to develop and will to improve their StarCraft abilities in friendly (almost family like) environment.
The team is limited to only Bulgarian members and welcomes everyone with strong desire to play and improve in the StarCraft field.
If you are a Bulgarian StarCraft player and are interested in joining or getting in touch with the team visit the Discord channel:
Whether you are noob or feel gosu you are always free to PM the team leader pSi.Grast - always eager to help newcommers and the community as a whole:
Grast_bg #5415
Some words from Grast, founder of Team pSi and leader of the Bulgarian national StarCraft team
Здравейте приятели,
Това е публикация до всички StarCraft играчи, но реално засяга само нашите сънародници в България.
Всеки който се интересува от StarCraft е добре дошъл в нашият Discord канал, където може да открие други хора със сходни интереси (StarCraft ) -
В продължение на вече близо 15 години редовно участваме във всички възможни StarCraft състезания - както отборни, така и индивидуални. През годините благодарение на таланта и постоянството на нашата организация сме имали възможност да се борим с най-именитите съперници и така да покажем, че все още има играчи с реални претенции от милата ни родина.
Сменял шапката си нееднократно, ядрото на отбора остава почти непроменено, създавайки едно семейство от добри приятели и силни играчи, което винаги е отворено за нови стъпки и идеи.
Очакваме ви!
Борислав "Grast" Христов
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- Rasierte Eier Dödel / ReD.
Back then we were a group of Germans who had known each other for a long time and had played together for years. When the beta season of BWCL was announced, we decided to form a clan and participate in this league. What originally started as a German clan has become international. We have both A-Team and B-Team. The latter is considered more of a fun team to give beginners and not as experienced players a chance to play clan wars regardless of the outcome or their skill.
Most of us are Germans but as explained above, we have several nationalities in our clan. So, your nationality is irrelevant.
For our clan you should have Discord, this is a must as well as being active there. As for your personality simply be a well-mannered person.
So, when you’re interested, feel free to message me:
Discord: RedW4rr10r#5659
Brood War: Europe sever, channel “op red”
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- Clan Revolution / [ReV]
Clan Revolution has a rather long history, dating way back to 1998. However, what started out as a group of Italian friends, has now turned into a clan with members primarily from Europe overall, as well as some members from North-America. We welcome all skills and nationalities, although certain time zones may of course cause more difficulties in terms of being involved. But we'd much rather try than give up, so make sure to contact us if you're keen as well!
We accept absolutely all skills. Whether you're stuck in E-rank and still struggle to hold the first zealot attack the Computer sends, you're still very welcome to our midst. Our two strongest values are manners, and to build. I want ReV to not only build one another up, but also to help build the BW community at large. Be that writing previews for (as our TaardadAiel is doing), donate generously (as our Caspas does), try to organize 3v3-tournaments (as our SkRiK is doing), or showcase your skills in high level tournaments (such as our MadiNho and Avi does) - all these things contribute to the growth of our community.
Also make note that you as a new player are part of building the future of StarCraft. You taking part and giving it a go is just as important as the players winning BSL. Without new players, there is no future. Therefore we very much want to take you in and give you a home where you can be with friends and endure the masochist pain that is StarCraft.
We do require that you take part in the clan, wear our tag during events (you're free to smurf on ladder and such, though), good manners, and that you play at least a couple of days a week. We have a lot of players quite dedicated to giving advice and helping you out. We also have a very wide range in terms of skill level. Some are around E/F, while some can rather easily qualify for the BSL Proleague. You'll find plenty of help, guidance, and a place where you can vent your frustrations.
If you're interested in joining, please contact one of the two;
Clan Leader: Incomplete[ReV]
-> Discord: Incomplete[ReV]#8386
-> B.Net: Incomplete#21439
-> Or simply PM me here on
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Please spread the word! The SC:R Community heartily welcome new players, returning players, low level players - all kinds of players!
May the new dawn of Starcraft be ever brigther!
- dM-White
- inae.m0ses
- iRk-AgGe
- pSi.Grast
- ReD.W4rr10r
- Incomplete[ReV]