Grape, “I beat Sea using a build that I had prepared for 3 months”
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Samsung KHAN defeated MBC Game Hero at the LOOX Hero Center on the 21st in Round 4 of the 2010-11 Shinhan Bank Winner’s League.
After KHAN’s ace Stork lost his game, Grape defeated both Sea and Jaehoon, becoming a huge contributor to his team’s victory.
Next is his interview.
Your feelings on making a 2-kill and being an important part of your team’s victory.
I was sent out to snipe Sea. I practiced a ton on the map Benzene so I should have won more cleanly so I’m kind of disappointed but I’m still happy that I won.
Your usage of carriers was impressive.
It was a build that I had been practicing for 3 months but I want to thank Reality for helping me a lot with making the build order. Usually I worry a lot because of a lot of things on my mind but today I knew exactly what I was going to do so I felt pretty comfortable. It wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be but the game went along the way I wanted to.
You had a clean victory over Jaehoon.
It’s funny how I keep meeting Jaehoon hyung every round and today the score between us became 2:2. I think I shook off my anxiety from the first game so I think that’s why this game turned out nice. But then when I played Saint my hands began to become stiff from anxiety again. I got over in the second half of the game but I ended up losing.
Are you happy with a 2-kill?
Getting 2 wins is definitely a major accomplishment but I feel that I am still lacking a lot. I got those feelings after I lost the third game. Maybe I would have felt a little more differently if I had won the last two games for our team (laughs).
You beat both Sea and Jaehoon but the MVP of the day went to Brave.
I don’t care about that kind of stuff and I’m happy because we were able to win because of Brave hyung. When we were sent out together for the first time, our team lost but when we were sent out together today, we won so I think it is significant day for us both.
Do you think you can become as good as Samsung KHAN’s biggest protoss players?
Stork hyung and Jangbi hyung have always been really good so I don’t have too much confidence but I definitely do want to become like them and to become like them I think I’m going to have to practice really hard.
Do you have any goals for Round 4?
I didn’t have any particular goals in Round 3 but this time I want to be a little more ambitious and score more 2-kills or 3-kills.
Any last words.
I want to thank Reality, Always hyung, Sharp hyung, and Kop hyung for helping me practice. And to my parents who are always worrying and caring about my health, I want to tell them that I’m doing fine so please don’t be so anxious anymore.
Brave, “I’ve always wanted to be sent out as an ace”
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Samsung KHAN defeated MBC Hero at the LOOX Hero Center in Round 4 of the 2010-11 Shinhan Bank Winner’s League.
Today, Brave took on the role of an ace, defeating both Saint and Hyun, bringing his team to victory.
Next is his interview.
Your feelings on clinching the victory for your team.
They make the ace appearance here at the Hero Center really cool and I’m happy that I won but being sent out as an ace was something that I really liked. Before we left to go to the match location, I even told my mom that I would be sent out as the last person and that I would come out looking awesome. I might have not been sent out because of Stork hyung but I ended up playing.
Did you feel any pressure being sent out in such a role?
No, I played my games just as I did in my regular games. But when we started the first game, I didn’t make my game setting right and I panicked. I almost requested a game pause but then I decided to just play this game the way it is and then for the next game fix the settings.
How was your game with Saint?
In practice, I was better at climbing tech rather than going regular speedlots. But then in the real game when my first zealot rush failed, I was at a disadvantage. But then I thought I was back in the game when I did a dark templar drop in his base and destroyed his lair. And then I made a lot of high templars and then figured that if I don’t get cocky I would be able to win the game.
You also played a Zerg in your second game. Your build was very unique.
I actually predicted that there would be a 70% chance Tyson would come out and 30% chance for Hyun but it didn’t matter to me who they sent out. But Hyun burrowed his hydras, which was something I wasn’t anticipating. The 2-stargate build is a second build that I use in the 6th set map to counter the build that Zerg uses to counter my previous build. When I saw that he had a late hatchery in his starting base I thought that I could win if we played with the same number of expansions so I played pretty confortably.
Weren’t you in a dangerous position when he made that last drop in your base?
I had a much greater number of units than he did so I figured that even if we destroyed each others’ bases, I could still win.
It’s been a while since you’ve done a 2-kill; any goals for Round 4?
There is a separate finals for Winner’s League so I really want to go to the finals. It might be difficult to win because of KT but my goal is to stand on a big stage with my teammates so I really want to play in the finals.
Any last words.
Before the game, I was anxious about whether I should prepare a build to counter mutalisks or hydras for the 7th set but oDin hyung told me that I should prepare to counter mutalisks. oDin really wanted me to say that his advice helped me a lot (laughs). Also, even though there isn’t a lot going along in the team house these days, I feel kind of gloomy. I hope from now on only good things happen.