- You won two consecutive matches. ▲ Not only did we win two consecutive matches, but my condition tonight was better than in the last match, so I'm very happy. It's important to go on win streaks, but it's even more important to maintain good playing condition.
- Woongjin always begins the season strong, but starts falling apart during the second half of the season. ▲ From these two matches, I don't think we've played at our full potential yet, so I eagerly await the matches coming up later. We've fallen short at the end of the season for 2 consecutive seasons, so I think we're already making up for that this season.
- How was today's match? ▲ My results on Central Plains in practice haven't been so strong, but I'm really happy that I managed two win two straight games on the map. When I saw my opponent was Mind, I predicted we'd play a good match. But I wasn't really satisfied with my performance today; there are many spots I'll need to improve.
- As your team's ace Protoss player, do you feel a lot of pressure? ▲ There were no other Protoss players on our team, so I was very bored. When I wanted to discuss the game, there was no one to talk to. Later, Really and Flying joined the team, I realized this was my best chance to improve. I'd say I'm feeling like I have a huge responsibility, rather than being pressured.
- Predict what will happen this season. ▲ I think Protoss will experience a resurgence this season. Looking at the previous matches, Protoss won a lot of matches in strong fashion, so I'm pretty sure Protoss will rebound this season. During the off-season, I also improved many of my weak points, and I will work hard to let the fans see me improve even more.
- Your mentality seems to have changed. ▲ My win rate in practice has been pretty good. Both my skill and my condition have improved. I wasn't too shaken when I lost to Flash, but instead I was incited to practice even harder. I've worked so hard, so I look forward to earning even better results this season.
- What's your goal for this season? ▲ I'd like to get at least 50 wins. Last season I didn't play that much, so I couldn't get that many wins. This season is a great opportunity for me. I'll be sure to seize every opportunity to reach my goal and to help me team reach the playoffs. I'll help our team reach new heights.
- Last words? ▲ Though college entrance exams are in one month, many students are still cheering for me. I'd like to thank them very much, and I hope that they'll do well on their exams!
- What are your thoughts on winning? ▲ Crazy-Hydra: I've almost forgotten the last time I've won (laughs). It's like I've forgotten how it feels to win. When I arrived at the match today, I didn't even think about doing a winner's interview, so I'm really happy that I could be interviewed here. Even though my play is still lacking a lot, I'm still improving. And if my results improve in the future, I'll do more ceremonies, so I hope the fans will root for me. ▲ ZerO: Since we opened with two straight wins, I have a good feeling about this season; our team will be better this year. ▲ Neo.G_Soulkey: Such great opening results make me think that our team will achieve something this year, but my play today was still a bit disappointing.
- You've already won 2 ZvZs in a row. ▲ Zero: I think I've already overcome the obstacle of ZvZ. The audience should've seen it today. I think my ZvZ has improved a lot.
- You played 2 ZvZs in a row. ▲ Zero: Today, the coach told me before the match that he would like it if I played a Terran, but my confidence is currently best in ZvZ, so it didn't really matter.
- Your condition was very good today. ▲ Zero: Other than being a bit nervous while defending the opponent's early zerglings, I thought the match went as planned. I didn't make as many mistakes as last time [T/N: not exactly sure what he's referring to], so I'm satisfied with how I played today.
- The Woongjin Zergs got 3 wins today. ▲ Zero: Our team members are all really good, so I'm really proud of them. Even though I'm disappointed that Kwanro left, I've been practicing hard the whole time, and the two dongsengs (T/N: younger players; yay for pretending to know Korean!) have been training very hard as well. It's because of our hard work that we've been able to do very well (laughs). Now, I feel like I didn't teach these two for nothing. (T/N: lollll) ▲ Crazy-Hydra: He's lying. Every time we ask him something, he just responds with a few random sentences. He did help a tiny bit though (laughs).
- It's been a long time since you've won a televised match. ▲ Crazy-Hydra: I thought I'd play a Zerg or Terran, but it was a Protoss. Regardless, I've been practicing very hard, so I wasn't really scared.
- How'd you overcome your slump (T/N: literally, period when your condition was bad?) ▲ Crazy-Hydra: When I was slumping, Soulkey definitely played very well. Seeing his results made me very proud, and pushed me ("gave me momentum") to practice harder. This season, all the Zergs practice near each other, so we'll improve even more.
- You still seem quite disappointed with your match. ▲ Crazy-Hydra: I still have much to improve in a few specific aspects. I even still make mistakes from nervousness, so I'll definitely change that.
- You played on a new map. ▲ Soulkey: I mainly practiced ZvT. Empire of the Sun and Grand Line are similar, so I played pretty well. But because this kind of map often goes into a macro late game, it was problematic to practice on. But thanks to my experience on Grand Line, I felt good during the match.
- Your late game management was very good. ▲ Soulkey: Terran usually perform a timing rush after faking pressure, so I thought that making sunkens after my opponent moved out was still ok; this made my early game economy very good. (*)
- You fought off your opponent's mech very well. ▲ Soulkey: I played a management game with a very strong economy today, and played fairly well. I've practiced this a lot, which helped me a lot during today's game.
- You played the closer today; were you nervous? ▲ Soulkey: I never thought about how I was playing the deciding game, but only thought about how I had to win my match.
- What's your goal for this season? ▲ Crazy-Hydra: First I'd like to reach 10 wins, then 20, then 30.
- How many wins do you think the Woongjin Zergs can achieve this season? ▲ Zero: I think we have a good chance of getting 100 wins. There's two rounds of Winner's League, so if we work hard we can definitely get 100 wins.
- Final words? ▲ Zero: I'm glad I could finally play a ZvZ without any mistakes today. ▲ Crazy-Hydra: I really miss my mom and older sister at home, and my dog. I'd also like to thank coach Kim Sang Hoon. ▲ Soulkey: Our team's condition is very good. I'll continue to work hard and maintain my good condition. What happened last season won't happen again, so I hope all the fans can continue to cheer for us!
Thanks a lot for the translations. Odd to see so many people aiming for 50 wins because they saw Flash achieve it, though I guess with the format change it will be easier to do.
On October 19 2010 08:38 moopie wrote: Thanks a lot for the translations. Odd to see so many people aiming for 50 wins because they saw Flash achieve it, though I guess with the format change it will be easier to do.
Here's for Protoss resurgance.
When I compare Free's comments to those of Bisu I have to scratch my head and go wtf. Maybe it's just "youthful exuberance", but I'd expect Bisu to be the one talking up 50 wins given his history. Perhaps last season's slump is still fresh in Bisu's mind, but regardless it's good to see the Toss players starting so strongly.
On October 19 2010 09:11 Harem wrote: I'm going to assume that Soulkey was referring to Grand Line and not Dreamliner as that would make a lot more sense.
ahhh thanks. That makes more sense in Chinese too (I just saw one word related to... line, and thought it meant airline XD). Also I don't even know what Empire of the Sun looks like... D:
On October 19 2010 09:11 Harem wrote: I'm going to assume that Soulkey was referring to Grand Line and not Dreamliner as that would make a lot more sense.
Yeah 伟大航道 means Humongous Big Road so Grand Line fits to that.
Thanks for the translations! that triple interview with the three zergs is a pretty awesome format, but the interviewer still asked some pretty redundant q's :/
I'll mostly confirm your two sentences, although I'm not 100% sure on the meaning of 压制... I checked the LR, and midas' early game strat was proxy rax, not fake contain
Coach Jin Shang Xun is (judging from the Stars TLPD page) probably Kim Sang Hoon
T/N: leaving chinese here for people to confirm, since I'm a n00b at sc. 人族一般都会在一波假装压制之后进行Timing Rush,所以我觉得看到对手出击之后再做地堡也可以,所以初期经济非常好.
压制 doesn't necessarily refer to contain, it usually just refers to Terran moving out of his base to put pressure on Zerg. 压制 basically means pressure. It can be ambiguous in SC terms on what constitutes 压制, but usually it doesn't go as far as a contain.
(**) T/N: leaving chinese here again for first sentence of his response. 今天用的是富有的运营战术,这招打的不错.
Basically macro game.
伟大航路/道 is how Grand Line from One Piece was translated into Chinese.
Chinese name for Dreamliner is usually along the lines of 飞上 (fly/flight) or 鸟图 (<- bird map lmao)
T/N: leaving chinese here for people to confirm, since I'm a n00b at sc. 人族一般都会在一波假装压制之后进行Timing Rush,所以我觉得看到对手出击之后再做地堡也可以,所以初期经济非常好.
压制 doesn't necessarily refer to contain, it usually just refers to Terran moving out of his base to put pressure on Zerg. 压制 basically means pressure. It can be ambiguous in SC terms on what constitutes 压制, but usually it doesn't go as far as a contain.