Update: RISING CUP #2 is organized and ready to go! It will be held at the same time on September 11th. Visit the thread, and register!
Update: Please visit the new thread in the Tourneys section! http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=147407
Please vote in the polls in one of the posts below if you are interested in participating. Thank you!
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone would be interested with a "Gold and below" tournament. I know there are a lot of lower-leagued SC2 players here, but you hear from them much less because they don't give an "I am a 500 Diamond Protoss" intro before their posts as appeals to authority.
Anyways, the reasons I wanted to make this tournament are two-fold. One, I started from the bottom too, and want to support those who are still learning the game. There are so many tournaments these days, but unless you are at least high-platinum, you have pretty much no chance of getting anywhere. I think tournaments will encourage players to improve, and provide excitement as well. Two, I feel like these lower-leagued players are all hidden somewhere O_O, because surely there must be a lot of them on TeamLiquid, but I never see them! While I am glad that they stay out of balance threads (the ones that do, anyways), I want them to have a bigger part in this community. There are definitely people out there who aren't that good, but are eager to learn and improve. I solute you.
I put an introduction to myself near the end, because it is truly less relevant. I have been playing BW since 2002, but have never gotten too good at it, or taken it seriously. After playing through the SC2 beta, I have shifted my goal into entering the Diamond League and playing consistently with sound, smart strategies. I started in bronze (back when a copper league existed), moved to silver, and now I am in platinum.
For this first possible tournament, I would like to hold it on a Sunday, and have perhaps 32/64 people? It really depends on interest. It will be held on the NA server, with one Bo1, then Bo3s, and then a Bo5 for the finals. A map-pool and veto system will be detailed later on.
Because this is my first time possibly hosting a tournament, there will be no prize money, or stream. I will, however, congratulate you in the forums - It will work as a "you play, then PM the result" sort of tournament, with me perhaps observing a few games here and there. - Replays of the semi-finals and finals will be sent to my e-mail, so that I can cast and upload them onto youtube for all to enjoy! - Blatant cheese is highly discouraged, but not at all banned.
In the long run, I have about $200 to spend on tournament prizes, but I want to split this up in numerous tournaments so that many people have a chance to play. Perhaps $10 a tournament? I think this is really good for low-league players, considering how some Diamond league tournaments don't have prizes as all. As the tournaments gain popularity (lol, dreaming here), I'm hoping to be able to get people to actually cast these tournaments.
For the future!
--- Oh dear, I hope these people read blog posts too. If I don't get much of a response (yes or no), I will move this to the tournament section.
- Blatant cheese is highly discouraged, but not at all banned.
On August 25 2010 14:57 Pika Chu wrote:
- Blatant cheese is highly discouraged, but not at all banned.
Which part? It is highly discouraged because you don't learn from it, and this tournament is to encourage players to grow. As for it not being banned, how can you ban cheese? Some forms of cheese are pure genius, like the new "evo time bomb" build. Besides, it gets hard to judge what is actually cheese.
I would hope that their is some minimum amount of games players need to have on their accounts. It could be any amount, you just don't want some obvious diamond player ruining some of the games.
Good luck with the tourney, really good to see people starting things like this.
On August 25 2010 15:23 0mgVitaminE wrote: I would hope that their is some minimum amount of games players need to have on their accounts. It could be any amount, you just don't want some obvious diamond player ruining some of the games.
Good luck with the tourney, really good to see people starting things like this.
Oh right, I forgot to add that to the post. Thanks for the suggestion, it will definitely be added, with the number of matches decided later. In addition, I don't want Platinum league players, however unlikely, massing losses to come down to Gold.
Silver leaguer here, I'd be interested, whether there are prizes or not.
On August 25 2010 15:23 0mgVitaminE wrote: I would hope that their is some minimum amount of games players need to have on their accounts. It could be any amount, you just don't want some obvious diamond player ruining some of the games.
That seems unlikely since you can't make a new account or reset without buying a new game... One of the few benefits of that system, heh.
Im 500 silver, id gladly play, just pm me whenever it is and ill see if i can make it.
Gold after placement matches
I'm down
Wow, I find this very interesting.
I've been working in eSports for the majority of my professional career (broadcast/production/hosting), and I believe these are the types of things that make me love this scene so much. It's a pretty raw idea man, I truly hope this pans out. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.
Let me know if you need help man, I can definitely stream this shit for you.
Silver here, I'd love to do it. More low level tournaments would be great so hats off to you for being proactive :D
Just a thought, you could probably move this to the tournaments page or sc2 general forums. It would get more coverage there.
Feel I may have to purchase a NA key ... 
Nice idea. I think ESL do a Bronze/Silver weekly tournament for their Premium users also.
This is great, my roommate is in gold league and I would love to see him be able to participate in this aspect of Starcraft.
Gold level Zerg, switched to Random. I like the variety and feel it's a weakness to only constantly play one race.
Anyway, I'd be up for it for sure.
On August 25 2010 14:57 Pika Chu wrote:
- Blatant cheese is highly discouraged, but not at all banned.
Why? Why, not?
Hey guys, thanks a lot for the interest! Apparently we've got ohaicami as a caster too! I'm just trying to iron out some details right now, and I'll probably post this on the tourneys section of the forum tomorrow. I think I will give a $10 prize for this first tournament too (perhaps not for the second, sorry >< ) since I'm so excited.
If you guys know any artists who could create simple banners for this event, that would be fantastic. Also, I want to think of a good name for this tournament before I make the new thread. I would make one, and then just remake it, but I'm afraid of admin fury hehehe.
In any case, if you have any suggestions, please feel free! My b.net account is RiveR.469, btw. And please, answer the polls below. Thank you, and good luck to us all.
What day of the week would you prefer to play? + Show Spoiler +Poll: What day of the week would you prefer to play?Saturday (36) 61% Sunday (16) 27% Wednesday (2) 3% Thursday (2) 3% Monday (1) 2% Tuesday (1) 2% Friday (1) 2% 59 total votes Your vote: What day of the week would you prefer to play? (Vote): Sunday (Vote): Monday (Vote): Tuesday (Vote): Wednesday (Vote): Thursday (Vote): Friday (Vote): Saturday
What time would you prefer to play? (PST) + Show Spoiler +Poll: What time would you prefer to play? (PST)6 pm - 9 pm (21) 49% 12 pm -3 pm (11) 26% 9 pm - 12 am (7) 16% 3 pm - 6 pm (3) 7% 12 am - 3 am (1) 2% Other: Please Specify (0) 0% (0) 0% 43 total votes Your vote: What time would you prefer to play? (PST) (Vote): 12 pm -3 pm (Vote): 3 pm - 6 pm (Vote): 6 pm - 9 pm (Vote): 9 pm - 12 am (Vote): 12 am - 3 am (Vote): Other: Please Specify (Vote):
How would you like the tournament to run? + Show Spoiler +Poll: How would you like the tournament to run?Live: Players must all check in and play at the same time. Finished in one day. Some games casted. (39) 98% Replay System: Paired opponents agree on a time to play. Slow progress, with no live stream. (1) 3% 40 total votes Your vote: How would you like the tournament to run? (Vote): Live: Players must all check in and play at the same time. Finished in one day. Some games casted. (Vote): Replay System: Paired opponents agree on a time to play. Slow progress, with no live stream.
What should this tournament be called? + Show Spoiler +Poll: What should this tournament be called?Rising Cup (4) 57% Stop being so selfish, LOL! OTHER!!! (please specify) (2) 29% Karliath Cup (1) 14% Gold and Below! (0) 0% RiveR Gold Cup (vice versa) (0) 0% RvR Cup (0) 0% RvR Tournament (0) 0% Karli-Cup (0) 0% 7 total votes Your vote: What should this tournament be called? (Vote): Gold and Below! (Vote): RiveR Gold Cup (vice versa) (Vote): RvR Cup (Vote): RvR Tournament (Vote): Karliath Cup (Vote): Karli-Cup (Vote): Rising Cup (Vote): Stop being so selfish, LOL! OTHER!!! (please specify)
On August 25 2010 17:22 CurZed wrote: I think ESL do a Bronze/Silver weekly tournament for their Premium users also.
They do indeed have a tournament, and a league set up. I don't know if it's for premium users only, however. In any case, this tournament should be easier, faster, and more accessible. There's nothing wrong, of course, with more tournaments too. 
I just realized. RvR may be confused with Random v Random.
Wasn't trying to be negative towards this tournament, was just stating random information 
As i'm currently bored at work i'll piece something together in Photoshop just as an option for you
If you need a banner, I can throw something together. Just PM me with whatever you decide the name is gonna be and if you have any other specific desires for imagery/info on it.
On August 25 2010 19:00 CurZed wrote:Wasn't trying to be negative towards this tournament, was just stating random information  As i'm currently bored at work i'll piece something together in Photoshop just as an option for you 
Oh haha, I didn't take it negatively at all. In fact, I recommend you guys to join the ESL tournaments too, assuming they aren't premium.
Do you know if guest passes would allow you to play custom games, etc.? Actually, I just traded my last NA pass for an EU one ><. It shouldn't be that hard to find one though, and then you can join for sure 
On August 25 2010 19:03 hoborg wrote: If you need a banner, I can throw something together. Just PM me with whatever you decide the name is gonna be and if you have any other specific desires for imagery/info on it.
Thanks! The more options the better. I guess we do not to decide on a title first, haha.