On July 08 2009 00:06 IdrA wrote:
i thought my hotkeys were pretty generic
what makes the signature unique?
i thought my hotkeys were pretty generic
what makes the signature unique?
I will use this replay as a test replay: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/4422/TL blog/intrepid/IdrA_vs_Dream.t)Zizi_2.rep
By uploading it to INTREPID, I can tell you how your signature in this replay compares to the ones in the database.
One thing you have to remember is that my database does not contain all the replays in the world, so your uniqueness may be only within the database, which is mostly full of foreigner replays. Still, I do have some progamer replays.
Interesting observation: you'll never be confused with advokate. His keys practically miss all of your keys with a total score of over 20.
It seems like your signature is unique in all aspects -- building hotkeys, hotkey actions (whether you 1a2a, 4a5a, 1o2o, 5o, etc.), hotkey spam (1232323), and hotkey assignments. Your signature dominates the top 20 in each category (except possibly hotkey spam). You can see for yourself by uploading the rep.
The building hotkeys and hotkey assignments take into account when and how often you assign each key relative to other keys. You might assign Command Center to 1, 2, 3 just like everyone else, but you might press 1, 2, 3 in the ratio 10%, 10%, and 80% or something or assign them at a unique time. Your spam may be 123 like everyone else, but maybe the sequence 23 occurs more often than 13. The program takes into account not just the fact that you use 123 for spam, but how often you use certain sequences of hotkeys, such as 23 vs 13 vs 21. Your hotkey spam is pretty similar to BRAT_OK's though. You and BRAT_OK dominate the hotkey spam.
Also, your hotkey assignments and spam are very consistent, which also helps here because then the top results are not sporadically filled with other players. In hotkey spam section, the top 6 are you and they're all 0.00xx, which is a very, very small score. I've noticed that TT1 also has a very unique and consistent spam signature.
I must add, the consistency probably also stems from the fact that you don't cheese much, lol. Different build orders often yield different spam and assignment keys. These results may indicate that you play the same way every game, down to the hotkey spam and all.